vehicle is currently booted, towed, or previously paid with a disputed credit card charge. ⢠Citations enrolled in thi
Payment Plan SFMTA’s Payment Plan provides customers an option to enroll parking citation and transit violations in a monthly payment plan.
Please review the Program Terms and Conditions and fill out Part One of this form. SFMTA staff will complete Part Two of the form.
PART ONE – To be completed by the participant. First and Last Name: Address: City, State, ZIP: Driver License State & Number: Phone: Vehicle License Plate State & Number: PART TWO – To be completed by SFMTA staff.
❏ SP
❏ LI
Citation(s) Enrolled: Total Citation Amount Enrolled: $ Final Payment Due: Total Enrollment Fee Due: Plan Number: Clerk Initials: PART THREE – Participant certification to be signed in front of SFMTA staff. I have read and understood the terms and conditions of the Citation Payment Plan on the back of this contract. Signature: Date: Standard Payment Plan - $25 due at sign up
Low-Income Payment Plan*- $5 due at sign up
6 weeks
Up to $500
Up to 18 months
10 weeks
$501 and above Up to 18 months
12 weeks
• No limit to number of contracts or fine amounts.
14 weeks
• Citations must be enrolled within 60 days of issuance.
18 weeks
• To prove low income status customers must provide Medi-Cal, EBT, or Lifeline card at time of sign-up. If you do not have one of these, please visit Human Services Agency’s office at 170 Otis Street to receive verification.
Maximum number of contracts per year is 2, and a maximum amount of fines and penalties enrolled is $1,000 per year.
• Citation late penalties are removed at time of enrollment. Late penalties are reinstated if plan is not completed. 311 Free language assistance / 免費語言協助 / Ayuda gratis con el idioma / Бесплатная помощь переводчиков / Trợ giúp Thông dịch Miễn phí / Assistance linguistique gratuite / 無料の言語支援 / 무료 언어 지원 / Libreng tulong para sa wikang Filipino / การช่วยเหลือทางด้านภาษาโดยไม่เสีย ค่าใช้จา่ ย / خط املساعدة املجاين عىل الرمق
Payment Plan Terms & Conditions • Participant must present a valid government issued I.D. at the time of enrollment. • Customers must make minimum monthly payments based on total amount enrolled in the plan. Failure to do so will result in plan cancellation. • Citations are not eligible for enrollment if the cited vehicle is currently booted, towed, or previously paid with a disputed credit card charge. • Citations enrolled in this program are not eligible for an Administrative Review or Hearing. • DMV registration hold will not be removed and Residential Parking Permits will not be issued until the Payment Plan has been completed A participant may purchase a short-term parking permit for a period of no more than 8 weeks while completing a payment plan. • A maximum of 2 contracts and a combined total of $1,000 of fines/penalties may be enrolled in a Standard Payment Plan program within a calendar year per person and/or vehicle(s). Participants must complete all outstanding contracts prior to enrolling into a second contract. • Low income participants are not limited to the number of plans/year and can enroll in concurrent plans.
• Failure to complete the payment plan by the completion date may result in penalties being added to past due citations and may be reported to the DMV or the Franchise Tax Board tax refund/ intercept program. • Rental vehicles are not eligible to participate in this program. • No citation re-enrollment, contract extensions, or revisions will be granted. • Non-refundable administrative fee due to the SFMTA upon enrollment. HOW TO ENROLL 1) Sign up at the SFMTA Customer Service Center at 11 South Van Ness Avenue. Note: Enrollment fee is due at time of sign up. SUBMITTING PAYMENTS: Online: In Person: Visit the SFMTA Customer Service Center Monday-Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. at 11 South Van Ness Avenue. Visa, MasterCard, cash, and personal checks accepted. Mail: Send check or money order payable to “SFMTA”. Reference the Payment Plan number and license plate on the check/money order.
Customers enrolling in the low income payment plan must be at or below the following Household Income limits: HOUSEHOLD SIZE
For more information visit
311 Free language assistance / 免費語言協助 / Ayuda gratis con el idioma / Бесплатная помощь переводчиков / Trợ giúp Thông dịch Miễn phí / Assistance linguistique gratuite / 無料の言語支援 / 무료 언어 지원 / Libreng tulong para sa wikang Filipino / การช่วยเหลือทางด้านภาษาโดยไม่เสีย ค่าใช้จา่ ย / خط املساعدة املجاين عىل الرمق