PBIS, CTFL, and YOU! Implications for the Home. Allie Harned, LSW, MS.
Kingsley School Social Worker. November 14, 2012 ...
PBIS, CTFL, and YOU! Implications for the Home Allie Harned, LSW, MS Kingsley School Social Worker November 14, 2012
What is PBIS?? • • • •
Peanut Butter Is Sticky? President Barack’s Itchy Scalp? Pumpkin Bread Is Scrumptious? Polar Bears Ignore Santa?
Positive Behavior Interventions Supports
“Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a proactive systems approach to establishing the behavioral supports and social culture and needed for all students in a school to achieve social, emotional, and academic success. As a Response to Intervention model, PBIS applies a threetiered system of support, and a problem-solving process to enhance the capacity of schools to effectively educate all students. ”
Source: Illinois PBIS Network (www.pbisillinois.org)
Background • Origins: U of Oregon School of Education (Sugai and Horner) • ISBE-sponsored • “Evidence-based practices” • Implemented in over 900 schools (K-12) in IL • 2012-2013: Year #11 in District 65 – See District Improvement Plan – Kingsley is “Fully Implementing!”
“Big Ideas” PBIS Creates a Positive Proactive Culture by organizing:
• How decisions are made (DATA) • How things are done (SYSTEMS), and • How staff interact with students (PRACTICES),
*To ensure the sustained use of best practices school-wide. * Emphasis is on PREVENTION
Summary of PBIS “BIG IDEAS” 1. Systems (How things are done) Team-based problem solving Data-based decision making Long term sustainability
2. Data (How decisions are made) Ongoing data collection & use ODR’s (# per day per month, location, behavior, student) Suspension/expulsion, attendance, tardies
3. Practices (How staff interact with students) Direct teaching of behavioral expectations (Cool Tools) On-going reinforcement of expected behaviors (Gotchas) Functional behavioral assessment (FBA)
Goal: Social Competence & Academic Achievement OUTCOMES Supporting Decision Making
Supporting Staff Behavior
Supporting Student Behavior
What this looks like at Kingsley: RtI/PBIS INTERVENTIONS Academic Support Systems Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions
Behavioral Support Systems 1-5%
Tier 3/Tertiary Interventions
• Resource Program (Sp Ed) • Extended Day, tutoring, etc. • SpEd Instructional Support (Co-Tch, Resource, etc.)
Tier 2/Secondary Interventions • Guided Reading Plus • Reading Recovery • Comprehension Reading Focus Groups • Intervention Teacher • Fluency Program
Tier 1/Universal Interventions80-90% • Core Curriculum • Guided Reading Curriculum • Every Day Math • Differentiated Instruction • ________________________ • ________________________ • ________________________
• Wraparound Plan • Individualized Behavior Plans (Home-School-Community) Tier • 2/Secondary Interventions • Check-in/Check-out • Social/Academic Instruction Groups • Pro-social, Problem-solving, Academic Behavior, Organization • Individualized Check-in/Check-out, mentoring, etc. • Individualized Behavior Plans
Tier 1/Universal Interventions • Behavior Expectations matrix • Cool Tools, “Expectation Stations,” Pep Rally • School-wide reinforcement system (Gotchas, celebrations, etc.) • Office Discipline Referral (ODR)/ Re-Teaching format
Universal System at Kingsley
Individual Incentives
Class Incentives
Schoolwide Celebrations
Secondary Systems (Tier 2) CICO: Check-In Check-Out
SAIGs: Social and Academic Instructional Groups
Tertiary Systems (Tier 3)
Cool Tools For Life (CTFL) is a socialemotional learning (SEL) program that is taught once a week for the first 12 weeks of the school year, with the goal that by the end of 5th grade, students will all have a solid foundation of SEL skills to carry with them into middle school and beyond.
The objectives of Cool Tools for Life include: • Increase students’ abilities in the following areas: Self-control Emotional Awareness Problem-solving Conflict resolution • Enhance the school-wide atmosphere of respect and caring by emphasizing a common vocabulary of socialemotional skills • Incorporate quality literature as a means to promote discussion and offer opportunities to learn social perspective taking from various characters’ experiences, as well as to enhance the literacy program in all grades.
Scope and Sequence Kindergarten=Turtle Time! Grades 1-2 = Feelings Vocabulary, Cool Tools Intro Grades 3-5 = Cool Tools Practice Problem-Solving Anti-Bullying
Cool Tools You Can Use Too!
Problem-Solving Process
Anti-Bullying Lessons • W hat: Definition of Bullying • W hen: Identifying Bullying • W ho: Bullies, Bullied, Bystander • H ow: Recognize, Refuse, and Report
Taking it Home…
The 5 Practices of School-Wide Positive Behavioral Support: DTRCR For The Home
• Define
*3-5 Simple Expectations (I.e. Responsible, Respectful and Safe)
• Teach
*Direct instruction of specific expectations (esp. those that are, potentially, the most problematic)
• Remind
*Clear In-the Moment Reminders (verbal praise, tangibles, tokens, check-list, etc.)
• Celebrate
* Recognition of success (‘Gotcha’s’, tangibles, privileges, etc.)
• Re-teach
*Clearly define and discuss consequences for minor problem behaviors
• Parent (with child input) selects 3-5 home-wide expectations (For Example: Be Safe, Be Caring, Be Respectful and Be Responsible) • Expectations are posted (i.e. chores chart, “House rules” - curfew, homework completion, etc.)
• Directly teach the expected behaviors “Cool Tool” lessons from PBIS are available • Include examples and non-examples (role plays) • Though we wish they knew these things automatically/implicitly…they don’t.
Clear In-The-Moment Reminders “Thank you for walking” “Remember, we use quiet voices in the store” “Hands to ourselves, thank you” “Remember, seatbelts keep you safe in the car”
‘Reinforcers’ (Acknowledgments) *Individual “Gotcha’s” - Verbal praise (especially on targeted behaviors), tangibles, check marks/ smileys/stickers, etc. * Group (multiple kids) “Gotcha’s” - (Same as above) *Special Privileges or “Treats” for demonstrating expected behavior (I.e. video rental, extra t.v. time, pizza party, etc.) over extended period or for targeted behaviors
Home Gotcha Menu Ideas • • • • • • • • • • •
Stay up 10 minutes past bedtime Pick out a movie to watch as a family Play a board game of their choice Cook their favorite dinner Extra screen time Sit at the head of the table Read an extra book at bedtime Build a fort in the living room with cushions & blankets Pajama Dinner Eat dessert before dinner Mustache Day!
• ‘Pre-correct’ behavior • Ignore negative behavior (when appropriate) • Consequences for behavioral problems are clearly stated.
Thank You!!! For more information:
Allie Harned Hannan (847) 859-8424
[email protected] http://kingsley.district65.net/ teachers/harneda/