. W: www.burygrammar.com. The Bury Grammar Schools Trustee Limited (company number 06612259)
Headmaster: Mr D P Cassidy BSc Tenterden Street Bury BL9 0HN T: 0161 696 8600 F: 0161 763 4655 E:
[email protected] W: www.burygrammar.com
Friday, 22 September 2017
Dear Parents I am proposing to take a group of BGSB and BGSG sixth formers from Years 12 and 13 to CERN in Geneva accompanied by members of staff in spring 2018. The dates for the visit are: Monday 12th March 2018 – Wednesday 14th March 2018. Students will be accommodated in the Youth Hostel on a half board basis. We will spend time at CERN, go on a boat trip on Lake Geneva and do a walking tour of the city. The cost of the visit will be £450 and will cover the costs of activities. A non-refundable deposit of £117 will be required by 2nd October 2017. The remainder of the cost will be paid in a further instalment and I will write to you again with further details of this. If you wish your son or daughter to participate in what should be a thoroughly enjoyable trip, please fill in the attached form and return it to me at school with the £117 deposit paid on ParentPay as soon as possible. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Each student will require their own passport and EHIC for the trip. Please make sure that these are valid for the dates we will be travelling. If you require any further information regarding the trip, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours faithfully,
Peter Curry Head of Physics Boys School
[email protected] .......................................................................................................................................................................... Physics Trip to CERN Geneva 12th-14th March 2018 I would like my son/daughter……………………………………………… Form …………… to take part in the CERN trip to Geneva in March 2018. I have paid a non-refundable deposit of £117 via ParentPay as a deposit. I confirm that the above named student has the appropriate valid passport and EHIC card. Signed……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The Bury Grammar Schools Trustee Limited (company number 06612259) as trustee of Bury Grammar Schools Charity (registered charity number 526622). Registered Office: Farraday House, Bridge Road, Bury, Lancashire, BL9 0HG. Registered in England and Wales.