Sep 27, 2013 ... An Application of PLDs in Diode Laser Drivers. Gilewska G. Limitations of
Systems Supporting Measurement Processes of the Morphometric.
PDES 2013 Conference Schedule September 27th, 2013 08:00 – 09:00 Registration 09:00 – 12:00 Industrial table I (in Czech or Englisch Language) Chair: Petr Bocek 09:00 – 12:00 Polednik J.
Moravian-Silesian Energy Cluster
Slanina D., Blazek L.
New norms
Grolig O.
Equipment for Environmental Protection and Energy Utilization
Bocek P.
ifm electronic ecomat mobile control systems for applications in mobile devices
Cizek V.
Energy is with us
Peer V.
Innovation for efficiency and environmental energy
Neuwirt J.
Modern energy-efficient building from company INTOZA
09:00 – 10:00 Poster Session Chair: Zdenek Slanina Augustynek M., Friedmannova D., Cmielova Measuring of Dependency between Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate and the Human M. Movement Bazydlo G., Adamski M., Wegrzyn M., Rosado Munoz A.
From UML State Machine Diagram into FPGA Implementation
Gilewski M.
An Application of PLDs in Diode Laser Drivers
Gilewska G.
Limitations of Systems Supporting Measurement Processes of the Morphometric Parameters on Medical Images
Vaculik L., Penhaker M.
High Efficiency Code Optimization in ARM Cortex-M Series Processor
Vala D., Seligova D.
Photogrammetry in Mining Shaft Inspection Using MCU Controlled LED and Laser Light Source
Kulisz J., Mikucki J.
An IP-Core Generator for Circuits performing Arithmetic Multiplication
Baranek R., Solc F.
Hexacopter Pitch Estimator for a Pitch Stabilizer
Stastny L., Franek L., Fiedler P.
Wireless Communications in Smart Metering
Szabo R., Gontean A.
Human Voice Signal Synthesis and Coding
Havlikova M., Sediva S., Bradac Z., Stibor K. A Driver as the Regulator in Man-Machine System Sir M., Bradac Z., Kaczmarczyk V., Stibor K. The Device and Data Integration Description through Ontology Gryko L., Zajac A., Gilewski M., Szymanska Optoelectronic Set to Objectification Irradiation of Cell Cultures in Low Level Light J., Goralczyk K. Therapy Procedures 11:00 – 12:40 Poster Session Chair: Zdenek Slanina Kulisz J., Chmiel M., Malcher A.
Generating Time Intervals in Programmable Logic Controllers
Kaczmarczyk V., Bradac Z., Stibor K.
Localization techniques and nanoLOC TRX system
Minarik D., Moldrik P.
Control and measurement systems for experimental standalone energetic system with accumulation of electrical energy based on hydrogen technologies
Vavrla T., Koziorek J.
Identification of Track from Image to Autonomous Control of Car Model
Behan M., Krejcar O.
Smart Home Point as Sustainable Intelligent House Concept
Kasik V., Kurecka A., Pospech P.
3D Graphics Processing Unit with VGA Output
Hrbac R., Kolar V., Novak T., Hamacek S.
Testing the Properties of Illuminance Sensors Designed for Controllable Lighting Systems
Rajmanova P., Vala D., Slanina Z.
Detection of Haemolytic Transfusion Bags
Mertes J.G., Marranghello N., Pereira A.S.
Real-time Module for Digital Image Processing Developed on a FPGA
10:00 – 10:20 Coffee break 10:20 – 12:00 Session K – Building and home automation Chair: Jan Vanus Vanus J., Novak T., Koziorek J., Konecny J., Hrbac R.
The Proposal Model of Energy Savings of Lighting Systems in the Smart Home Care
Kucera A., Glos P., Pitner T.
Fault Detection in Building Management System Networks
Vanus J., Koziorek J., Hercik R.
Design of a Smart Building Control with View to the Senior Citizens' Needs
Franek L., Stastny L., Fiedler P.
Prepaid Energy in Time of Smart Metering
Hercik R., Srovnal V., Stankus M., Slaby R., Vanus J.
Autonomous Recognition System for Traffic Signs Detection from Camera Images
10:20 – 12:00 Session L – Industrial applications Chair: Vladimir Dostal Szabo R., Gontean A.
Controlling Power Supplies on Different Communication Interfaces for Test Systems Used in Industry
Friedrischkova K., Horak B.
A Measuring System for Monitoring Error Artefacts in Photovoltaic Solar Cells by the Electroluminescence Method
Marcon P., Roubal Z., Zezulka F., Szabo Z., Sajdl O., Stibor K.
Energy Sources for an Experimental Electrical Network: PV Panel and MicroHydroelectric Power Plants
Bradac Z., Zezulka F., Marcon P., Szabo Z., Stibor K.
Stabilisation of Low Voltage Distribution Networks with Renewable Energy Sources
Jirgl M., Bradac Z., Stibor K., Havlikova M.
Reliability Analysis of Systems with a Complex Structure using Monte Carlo Approach
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 15:00 Industrial table II Chair: Jan Polednik Müller R.
ABB i-bus KNX intelligent bus instalation system
Honis R.
The performance of CEPS
Kubny D.
PROMOTIC SCADA system – introduction and examples of use in practice
Kuban V.
Automation news from Siemens
Nowak S.
Last trends in remote controlling of production in concern Linde
15:00 – 16:00 Conference closing Adam Milik, Zdenek Slanina