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If you obtain the printed book Shaping Our Nation: How Surges Of Migration Transformed America And Its Politics By Michael Barone in on-line book establishment, you may likewise locate the very same trouble. So, you should move store to shop Shaping Our Nation: How Surges Of Migration Transformed America And Its Politics By Michael Barone as well as look for the readily available there. However, it will not happen here. The book Shaping Our Nation: How Surges Of Migration Transformed America And Its Politics By Michael Barone that we will certainly provide here is the soft file principle. This is exactly what make you can quickly find as well as get this Shaping Our Nation: How Surges Of Migration Transformed America And Its Politics By Michael Barone by reading this site. We provide you Shaping Our Nation: How Surges Of Migration Transformed America And Its Politics By Michael Barone the most effective item, constantly as well as constantly.

Review "Lively, entertaining, and informative." -Alvin Felzenberg, The Weekly Standard “Reading Michael Barone on politics and demography is like sampling a tasting menu prepared by a fine chef. His latest offering, Shaping Our Nation, does not disappoint…The book is a delightful read, full of color and stories of people and just enough data to inform and satisfy...It is a treat for the reader, and will trick you into knowing more about modern politics than you might otherwise have wanted to discover.” -Washington Times “An honest, objective exploration of how immigrants changed the identity of the United States.” Washington Independent Review of Books “There is bipartisan Washington agreement about exactly one thing: No one else knows as much about anything as Michael Barone knows about American politics. This is confirmed by his sparkling study of the migrations that have made, and continue to make, our nation what it is.” –George F. Will, columnist, The Washington Post Michael Barone, who created the indispensable Almanac of American Politics and has been updating it since 1972, knows the United States and its political contours from our largest cities to our smallest hamlets in all 3,033 of the nation’s counties. In The Great Surge, he applies that panoramic knowledge to the peopling of the nation, describing not just where our forebears originated, but how the many waves of migration within America have shaped our culture, politics, and destiny. The Great Surge added a new dimension to my understanding of American history. –Charles Murray, bestselling author of Coming Apart and The Bell Curve

"Nobody knows the political map of the United States better than Michael Barone. In this fascinating, fast-paced history he explains who we Americans are, where we came from, when, and why." –Walter A. McDougall, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, University of Pennsylvania “Michael Barone dazzles in this eminently lucid and fair minded account of how a series of great migrations from colonial times to the present day shaped American cultural and political history. Linking today's Asian and Hispanic waves of immigrants to the Irish, Germans and others who came before, Barone reminds us that American identity has always been a work in progress. At a time when many doubt America's resilience and coherence, Barone offers solid ground for hope that America's future will be as rich, as complex and ultimately as fulfilling as anything we've seen in the past.” –Walter Russell Mead, professor, Bard College, editor-at-large, The American Interest “As Michael Barone's The Great Surge demonstrates, America's history is largely one of migrations, a process that continues today. If you want to understand what divides Americans in terms of regions and ethnicity, Barone's book is essential. It also helps to remind us what has united us as a people through all these demographic storms, and can do so in the future.” –Joel Kotkin, author of The Next Hundred Million “Michael Barone paints an illuminating demographic portrait that shows how historical migration surges and pauses, mostly unanticipated, profoundly shaped enduring regional interests in this country. Anyone wanting to understand today’s divisive politics and how we got here needs to read this book.” –William H Frey, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution and Research Professor, Population Studies Center, University of Michigan About the Author MICHAEL BARONE is a foremost expert on American politics and history, a senior political analyst for the Washington Examiner, and author of the New York Times bestseller Our First Revolution and Hard America, Soft America. A resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, he is also a Fox News Channel contributor and coauthor of The Almanac of American Politics. His column is published Wednesdays and Sundays. He blogs regularly for the Examiner's Beltway Confidential site.



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It is often said that America has become culturally diverse only in the past quarter century. But from the country’s beginning, cultural variety and conflict have been a centrifugal force in American politics and a crucial reason for our rise to power. The peopling of the United States is one of the most important stories of the last five hundred years, and in Shaping our Nation, bestselling author and demographics expert Michael Barone illuminates a new angle on America’s rise, using a vast array of political and social data to show America is the product of a series large, unexpected mass movements—both internal and external—which typically lasted only one or two generations but in that time reshaped the nation, and created lasting tensions that were difficult to resolve. Barone highlights the surprising trends and connections between the America of today and its migrant past, such as how the areas of major Scots-Irish settlement in the years leading up to the Revolutionary War are the same areas where John McCain performed better in the 2008 election than George W. Bush did in 2004, and how in the years following the Civil War, migration across the Mason-Dixon line all but ceased until the annealing effect that the shared struggle of World War II produced. Barone also takes us all the way up to present day, showing what the surge of Hispanic migration between 1970 and 2010 means for the elections and political decisions to be made in the coming decades. Barone shows how, from the Scots-Irish influxes of the 18th century, to the Ellis Island migrations of the early 20th and the Hispanic and Asian ones of the last four decades, people have moved to America in part in order to make a better living—but more importantly, to create new communities in which they could thrive and live as they wanted. And the founders’ formula of limited government, civic equality, and tolerance of religious and cultural diversity has provided a ready and useful template for not only to coping with these new cultural influences, but for prospering as a nation with cultural variety. Sweeping, thought-provoking, and ultimately hopeful, Shaping Our Nation is an unprecedented addition to our understanding of America’s cultural past, with deep implications for the immigration, economic, and social policies of the future. ● ● ● ●

Sales Rank: #571248 in eBooks Published on: 2013-10-01 Released on: 2013-10-01 Format: Kindle eBook

Review "Lively, entertaining, and informative." -Alvin Felzenberg, The Weekly Standard

“Reading Michael Barone on politics and demography is like sampling a tasting menu prepared by a fine chef. His latest offering, Shaping Our Nation, does not disappoint…The book is a delightful read, full of color and stories of people and just enough data to inform and satisfy...It is a treat for the reader, and will trick you into knowing more about modern politics than you might otherwise have wanted to discover.” -Washington Times “An honest, objective exploration of how immigrants changed the identity of the United States.” Washington Independent Review of Books “There is bipartisan Washington agreement about exactly one thing: No one else knows as much about anything as Michael Barone knows about American politics. This is confirmed by his sparkling study of the migrations that have made, and continue to make, our nation what it is.” –George F. Will, columnist, The Washington Post Michael Barone, who created the indispensable Almanac of American Politics and has been updating it since 1972, knows the United States and its political contours from our largest cities to our smallest hamlets in all 3,033 of the nation’s counties. In The Great Surge, he applies that panoramic knowledge to the peopling of the nation, describing not just where our forebears originated, but how the many waves of migration within America have shaped our culture, politics, and destiny. The Great Surge added a new dimension to my understanding of American history. –Charles Murray, bestselling author of Coming Apart and The Bell Curve "Nobody knows the political map of the United States better than Michael Barone. In this fascinating, fast-paced history he explains who we Americans are, where we came from, when, and why." –Walter A. McDougall, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, University of Pennsylvania “Michael Barone dazzles in this eminently lucid and fair minded account of how a series of great migrations from colonial times to the present day shaped American cultural and political history. Linking today's Asian and Hispanic waves of immigrants to the Irish, Germans and others who came before, Barone reminds us that American identity has always been a work in progress. At a time when many doubt America's resilience and coherence, Barone offers solid ground for hope that America's future will be as rich, as complex and ultimately as fulfilling as anything we've seen in the past.” –Walter Russell Mead, professor, Bard College, editor-at-large, The American Interest “As Michael Barone's The Great Surge demonstrates, America's history is largely one of migrations, a process that continues today. If you want to understand what divides Americans in terms of regions and ethnicity, Barone's book is essential. It also helps to remind us what has united us as a people through all these demographic storms, and can do so in the future.” –Joel Kotkin, author of The Next Hundred Million “Michael Barone paints an illuminating demographic portrait that shows how historical migration surges and pauses, mostly unanticipated, profoundly shaped enduring regional interests in this country. Anyone wanting to understand today’s divisive politics and how we got here needs to read this book.” –William H Frey, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution and Research Professor, Population Studies Center, University of Michigan About the Author MICHAEL BARONE is a foremost expert on American politics and history, a senior political analyst for the Washington Examiner, and author of the New York Times bestseller Our First

Revolution and Hard America, Soft America. A resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, he is also a Fox News Channel contributor and coauthor of The Almanac of American Politics. His column is published Wednesdays and Sundays. He blogs regularly for the Examiner's Beltway Confidential site. Most helpful customer reviews 18 of 20 people found the following review helpful. Coming to America By Michael P. Lefand Michael Barone's "Shaping Our Nation: How Surges of Migration Transformed America and its Politics" is an examination of the periodic surges of various ethnic groups as they immigrated to the United States and internally migrated between states. He looks at the reasons, such as economic stress, wars, and expansion as the United States looked to the western frontier. A study of how immigration both past and present continues to affect our economy and our culture. Why they came and where they settled, and at times picked up roots and moved to different areas of the country. The transportation revolution with the advent of the steam engine in the 1800's increased travel by railroad and by ships and made it easier for people to move around both between nations and within them. Immigration to the United States increased with Europe's crop failure, especially when the blight wiped out a third of the potato crop in Ireland. Barone describes how this rapid influx resulted in a greater dispersion of immigrants in the north, the entry point for the majority, and its consequential increase of growth in northern cities over southern ones. A new wave of immigrants in urban neighborhoods was also a catalyst for violence as different ethnic and political groups attacked each other because of language and custom barriers. Some of these problems can still be found in cities today with continued legal and illegal immigration taking place. At times conditions could rival that of living on the frontier in the west. Barone looks at how women rights, slavery, and World War II were catalyst for the movement of people. World War II was a major surge as people came from abroad to escape tyranny and internally many migrated north during the war to fill jobs with the mobilization of industry. Immigration is an important topic especially given today's illegal immigration which has almost become an invasion. Barone writes about Mexican immigrants who have been arriving in vast numbers since the 1980's. In his comparison of previous immigrants he writes "On average they come with lower levels of education and lower skill levels than immigrants from any other country, with illegals probably having even lower levels than legal immigrants" (page 251). While "Shaping Our Nation" is a book filled with relevant statistical data it is presented in a very understandable way. I think this book is worthy of 5 stars and recommend it for its fascinating topic that can be kept as a reference for those interested in United States History. 8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. A Terse, Compelling Examination of the Demographic and Political Impact of Various Ethnic Groups on American History By John Kwok Surprisingly terse, but quite expansive in scope, Michael Barone's "Shaping Our Nation: How Surges of Migration Transformed America and Its Politics" is an excellent overview of the ethnic

demographic history of the United States from its initial settlements as the "Thirteen Original Colonies" to the present. In separate chapters devoted to the demographic and political impact of the Scotch-Irish (Chapter One), New England Yankees and Southern "Grandees" (Chapter Two), Irish and Germans (Chapter Three), Southern and Central Europeans (Chapter Four), the great Northward migration of Southern Blacks (Chapter Five) and the ongoing immigration by Latinos and Asians (Chapter Six), Barone tells a compelling saga about American history as seen from the demographic and political impact that each of these ethnic groups had on the United States. Relying on economic and political demographic data, Barone notes repeatedly how these ethnic groups have had a substantial impact on the local, state and even, national, politics in the towns and counties they've resided, whether they are first generation immigrants or those whose ancestors immigrated to the United States centuries ago. To his credit Barone has written a compelling saga of migration to - and within - the United States as compelling as anything written by Thomas Sowell. 7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. Especially illuminating for U.S. history and political/social science buffs By Neal Reynolds To start with, let's say that this is an especially valuable book for college students majoring in the above subjects. These readers are those who can help make a difference in the future of out country. Michael Baroni's perspective is from the conservative side of the aisle, but on the moderate side. His conclusions are academically sound and aren't to be dismssed, even by those more inclined to the liberal viewpoint. The point the author is strongest on is pinpointing the effect of migration surges through the history of our country. While I especally suggest this for our future voters and influential citizens now in college, this is most definitely for all of us older folks too. His expertise is especially in demographics and their analysis. This isn't an easy book to read, but it sure is a rewarding one. If you have even the slightest interest in the history and politics of our country, this book is for you. See all 57 customer reviews...


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and why." –Walter A. McDougall, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian, University of Pennsylvania “Michael Barone dazzles in this eminently lucid and fair minded account of how a series of great migrations from colonial times to the present day shaped American cultural and political history. Linking today's Asian and Hispanic waves of immigrants to the Irish, Germans and others who came before, Barone reminds us that American identity has always been a work in progress. At a time when many doubt America's resilience and coherence, Barone offers solid ground for hope that America's future will be as rich, as complex and ultimately as fulfilling as anything we've seen in the past.” –Walter Russell Mead, professor, Bard College, editor-at-large, The American Interest “As Michael Barone's The Great Surge demonstrates, America's history is largely one of migrations, a process that continues today. If you want to understand what divides Americans in terms of regions and ethnicity, Barone's book is essential. It also helps to remind us what has united us as a people through all these demographic storms, and can do so in the future.” –Joel Kotkin, author of The Next Hundred Million “Michael Barone paints an illuminating demographic portrait that shows how historical migration surges and pauses, mostly unanticipated, profoundly shaped enduring regional interests in this country. Anyone wanting to understand today’s divisive politics and how we got here needs to read this book.” –William H Frey, Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution and Research Professor, Population Studies Center, University of Michigan About the Author MICHAEL BARONE is a foremost expert on American politics and history, a senior political analyst for the Washington Examiner, and author of the New York Times bestseller Our First Revolution and Hard America, Soft America. A resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, he is also a Fox News Channel contributor and coauthor of The Almanac of American Politics. His column is published Wednesdays and Sundays. He blogs regularly for the Examiner's Beltway Confidential site.

If you obtain the printed book Shaping Our Nation: How Surges Of Migration Transformed America And Its Politics By Michael Barone in on-line book establishment, you may likewise locate the very same trouble. So, you should move store to shop Shaping Our Nation: How Surges Of Migration Transformed America And Its Politics By Michael Barone as well as look for the readily available there. However, it will not happen here. The book Shaping Our Nation: How Surges Of Migration Transformed America And Its Politics By Michael Barone that we will certainly provide here is the soft file principle. This is exactly what make you can quickly find as well as get this Shaping Our Nation: How Surges Of Migration Transformed America And Its Politics By Michael Barone by reading this site. We provide you Shaping Our Nation: How Surges Of Migration Transformed America And Its Politics By Michael Barone the most effective item, constantly as well as constantly.