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Due to the fact that e-book The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism By J. Michael Oliver has wonderful benefits to review, many individuals now increase to have reading routine. Supported by the industrialized technology, nowadays, it is uncomplicated to obtain the book The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism By J. Michael Oliver Even guide is not existed yet in the marketplace, you to look for in this web site. As just what you can locate of this The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism By J. Michael Oliver It will actually relieve you to be the initial one reading this publication The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism By J. Michael Oliver and obtain the advantages.

About the Author J. Michael Oliver has been a student of objectivism since 1965. He was very active in the small and emergent libertarian movement in the late 1960’s and 1970’s, a period in which diverse strains of libertarianism were gathering pace and solidifying their ideas. In 1971 he was the founder and editor of "The New Banner," a nationally-circulated, objectivist/libertarian periodical that while fully accepted Rand’s philosophical premises, rejected Ayn Rand’s limited government political concepts, concluding instead that anarcho-capitalism was the logical/practical political position of objectivist philosophy. In 1975 he moved away from a would-be academic career in political philosophy, and became a gold futures market specialist with E.F. Hutton. He continued as a futures specialist with several firms until 1992, when he shifted to market analysis. By means of his own proprietary methodology of technical analysis, “momentum structural analysis,” he has provided timing/ analysis research to mutual funds, hedge funds and financial institutions for over 20 years.



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The Ludwig von Mises Institute says (reviewer David Gordon): "...this remarkable book began as an academic thesis written in 1972, and submitted the next year for a graduate degree...The book is much more than an academic thesis, though; it is a distinguished addition to libertarian thought." The late 1960s and early 1970s marked the first wave of the libertarian movement. Ayn Rand's Objectivism had shaken mainstream philosophy with its core ideas. But Rand was a staunch advocate of limited government, a stance which distanced her from many of her own admirers and students, who saw the State not as the protector but the enemy of human society. At the same time, the political and economic thoughts of Dr. Murray Rothbard clarified the route libertarianism must take. Rand and Rothbard, two forces seemingly at odds, personally and ideologically. J. Michael Oliver, then editor of the nationally circulated objectivist-libertarian journal, "The New Banner," argued that it was a false division. Written in 1972 as an academic work but not published until now. "The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism" inexorably links objectivist principles with anarcho-capitalism, and argues that libertarianism, both then and now, must be founded upon the bedrock of Rand's philosophy if it is to remain vital. ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Sales Rank: #750196 in Books Published on: 2013-08-02 Original language: English Number of items: 1 Dimensions: 9.00" h x .43" w x 6.00" l, .57 pounds Binding: Paperback 188 pages

About the Author J. Michael Oliver has been a student of objectivism since 1965. He was very active in the small and emergent libertarian movement in the late 1960’s and 1970’s, a period in which diverse strains of libertarianism were gathering pace and solidifying their ideas. In 1971 he was the founder and editor of "The New Banner," a nationally-circulated, objectivist/libertarian periodical that while fully accepted Rand’s philosophical premises, rejected Ayn Rand’s limited government political concepts, concluding instead that anarcho-capitalism was the logical/practical political position of objectivist philosophy. In 1975 he moved away from a would-be academic career in political philosophy, and became a gold futures market specialist with E.F. Hutton. He continued as a futures specialist with several firms until 1992, when he shifted to market analysis. By means of his own proprietary methodology of technical analysis, “momentum structural analysis,” he has provided timing/ analysis research to mutual funds, hedge funds and financial institutions for over 20 years.

Most helpful customer reviews 9 of 9 people found the following review helpful. Personal Autonomy By Stephen K Grosscup J M Oliver's ANARCHO-CAPITALISM is an eye and mind opening tour d force of thoughts, ideas and ultimate common sense. He clearly and concisely lays out the problems and often pure evil perpetrated by The State upon a passive, accepting populace. Unchecked, unchallenged we face an ever increasing erosion of anything resembling freedom. Our inherent acceptance of a 'higher power' (god, others, the state) will take us upon a fatal path to a place where such luxuries as independent thought, personal autonomy, liberty and a right to our own lives will be non existent. Mr Oliver offers, with a positive and optimistic clarity, solutions, alternatives and a golden hope for a time and place where we can ultimately seek to achieve our own goals, well being, and dreams. Although heavy on philosophical and historical themes, this book more often than not reads like a flat out Thriller. Immense villains, armed with ill accepted premises, threaten and snarl at us. Will we, the protagonists, prevail? As it turns out, the Heroes are us! 9 of 10 people found the following review helpful. Most exceleent By Samantha Atkins The book gives a good ethical basis for the anarcho-capitalist position and shows why it is the most ethical of all political stances. It does an excellent job of pointing out what is wrong with government in general and why minarchism is both still evil and why it is not possible to keep government ethical. It goes through and deals well with many counter-arguments and responds to many of the common objections. 5 of 5 people found the following review helpful. Anarcho-Capitalism Stuns the reader! By Fred James The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism by J. Michael Oliver A brilliant new book has been written by J. Michael Oliver called The New Libertarianism: AnarchoCapitalism. It's short, clearly written and describes in some detail the intellectual framework of a philosophy that is now popping out into public via events transpiring on the political stage. The work is clever, accurate and incredibly honest. How do I know? I am Mike's peer. I was a young man during the time Murray Rothbard and Ayn Rand's wonderful freedom loving philosophy became a united group of ideas that became our banner. I met Mike and his beautiful wife Janet at the airport in Honolulu when he first came to Hawaii to study at the University of Hawaii. What he writes is the precise truth and he does it in a way a high school kid could understand. Mike's book takes the major intellectual events of the 1960's, that of Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard, describes their philosophies and shows how they were melded into a single, power new group of ideas that welded notions of free-enterprise written about with humor and great power by Murray Rothbard, with Ayn Rand's philosophical defense of individual liberty. Mike takes care to give us a careful account of Rand's philosophy deliberately showing us step by step her core ideas. As he does this he shows how at the very same time Rothbard's books, Man, Economy and State, Power and Market and his regular essays were starting to be seen by many as a unifying whole. I was at the University of Hawaii during the start of this period and witnessed it all. Mike not

only has it clearly down but he gets the facts correct. I have said that Mike's accounts are accurate and clearly written in his book. Here are several examples. On page 47 Mike writes, "But there is a certain naivete` involved when one thinks of government in the voluntarist and contractual terms which are imbedded in Locke's statement. What government, past or present, has approached its potential citizens as a businessman approaches a prospective customer? When have men ever been asked by the State to voluntarily submit to its control?" Mike shows that when you meld the ideas of Rand and Rothbard you have an entirely new ballgame. The need for the State is shown to be ridiculous and Mike has alternatives in place ready for the reader. He gives you David Friedman, Morris and Linda Tannehill, John Hospers, William C. Woldridge, Franz Opppenheimer, Lefever and Spencer names that ring like a symphony of great calls for freedom and liberty for the individual. For another example of Mike's crystal clarity read this passage about the nature of the State from page 90: "The `chaos' of individual human volition and human actions based upon that volition must be filtered and controlled by those who are wiser and better-suited, in a fully Platonist-ruler sense, to suppress "unsuitable" ideas and to permit those ideas and actions that they deem best. That is the nature of the State. It is God on earth. If it did not claim monopoly status via force over a given territory this would not be true. But by its own nature it does claim such." Mike in the course of this book uses the term "statist." To libertarians this is a term of derision, an insult. It means "of the state" or someone who needs a large, powerful gang behind them to accomplish anything on earth or someone who has to argue for his ideas with the implicit threat of force if you don't agree. Oddly, while many of the what Mike calls, "The New Libertarians'" ideas are beginning to come forth onto the public stage, the term "statist" is not even in many dictionaries...yet. Six months ago it was not. Only very recently do we read: stat·ism [stey-tiz-uhm] noun 1. the principle or policy of concentrating extensive economic, political, and related controls in the state at the cost of individual liberty. 2. support of or belief in the sovereignty of a state, usually a republic. Mike's book was formed in the intellectual ferment of the late 1960's and does not deal with current trends, wars or who is president. Instead it deals with the all important ideas that underlie the current Libertarian movement which is spurring anti State sentiment across the nation. After those turbulent days of the late '60's and the Vietnam War, Mike became involved in finance, I became a radio talk show host. After sharing ideas of Rothbard, Rand et. al. developed I tested them as time went by with my audiences and my guests, which included Hospers, Branden, Murray Rothbard and David Friedman. Mike has done the world a stunning favor by summing up an important, nascent period of liberty. I asked each of these guests, the great writers and teachers of liberty what they thought of the State and it's alleged necessity. Mike has echoed their answers even without hearing them. Mike has given us a gem of a history, the start of the current Libertarian Movement. His book The New Libertarians: Anarcho-Capitalism is available at Amazon.com. Fred James Bellingham, WA

9-28-13 See all 14 customer reviews...


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Due to the fact that e-book The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism By J. Michael Oliver has wonderful benefits to review, many individuals now increase to have reading routine. Supported by the industrialized technology, nowadays, it is uncomplicated to obtain the book The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism By J. Michael Oliver Even guide is not existed yet in the marketplace, you to look for in this web site. As just what you can locate of this The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism By J. Michael Oliver It will actually relieve you to be the initial one reading this publication The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism By J. Michael Oliver and obtain the advantages.