control and system theory as well ... visaged as above, Professor Kuo's new
revision of .... B. C. Kuo. Automatic Control Sys- tems. 3rd ed., Englewood Cliffs,
Book Reviews B. C. Kuo, Digital Control Systems, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., York, 1980. 730 pp., $27.85.
Reviewed by Chin-Shung Hsu
Significantprogress made during recentyears in the numerical aspects of controlandsystem theory as well as microcomputer technology prompts a great desire to develop a digital control courseforundergraduateseniors.This will not only introduce students to a new dimension of technical knowledge which undoubtedly is of paramount importance in industrialapplications, but will also offer students an invaluable opportunity to appreciate the significance of control theory via digital implementation. Envisaged as above, ProfessorKuo’s new revisionof his book Digital Control Systems(1977)(hereafter calledKuo’s book) isatimely and welcomeupdated text. Kuo’s book contains fourteen chapters, most of which can be comprehended without much difficulty by readers with some knowledge of matrix algebra, Laplace transforms, andthe basic principles offeedbackcontrolsystems, including state-variableanalysis. Microprocessor programming ability is not essential until the last chapter. The subject matter in Kuo’s book may be divided into four major topics, namely,mathematicalbackground, modeling and analysis, digital designandsimulation,and microprocessor implementaIn what follows,each topic is reviewed: Math Background: The main tools used in the text are Z-transforms, signalflow graphs, and some matrix theory in the context of discrete state equation (set of first-orderdifferenceequation); these topics are covered in detail in Chapters 3 and 4. ModelingandAnalysis: Mathematical treatments of A/D, D/A conversion, sample-and-hold, andsampling process arepresented in Chapter 2, analysis of digital control systems (both sampledataandall digital) is extensively discussed. Topics included are Chapter 5 (Jury’s stability test, Lyapunov’s direct method), Chapter 9 (controllabil-
ity and observability theorems for linear time-invariant/time-variant systems), Chapter 7 (time-domain 8 (freanalysis), and Chapter quency-domain analysis). (111) Digital Design and Simulations: Computer simulations of sampledatacontrolsystems, numerical integrationand Z-formapproximation are dealt with in Chapter 6. Various design techniques are delineated in Chapter10(feedbackcompensator, digital controller and realization, root-locus design, PID controller, state and output feedback pole assignment),Chapter 13 (fulland reduced-order observer design), Chapter 11 (discrete minimum principle), and Chapter 12 (linear regulator design). (IV) Microprocessor Implementation: The last chapter in Kuo’s book is dedicated to the basic components and programmingofmicroprocessors with their control applications. It deserves to be mentioned herethat afew goodexamples as employing microprocessors digital controllers are included in problem set at the end of preceding chapters. It is this reviewer’s opinion that Kuo’s students book is verywellwrittenand using it (if possible, along with computer simulations and pP programming on-line control experiments) will enjoy the overwhelmingly “applicable” control theory. And assuch, Kuo’s book is highly recommended as a senior level text and asa reference book for engineers who are interestedinlearningthebasic principles of digital control systems. Chin Shung Hsureceivedhis Ph.D. degree fromOregon State Univ. in 1978. He is currently an AssistantProfessorof EE, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. His researchinterestsinclude bilinear control systems, digital control, large-scalesystems and theoretic control in immunology.
R. C. Dorf, ModernControlSystems, 3rd ed., Addison-Wesley,Reading, Mass., 1980. 493 pp. Reviewed by Bruce K . Walker
This isthethirdedition of apopular text on classical control theorydirected
primarily at senior levelundergraduate students and practicing engineers with no previous background in control theory. The material presented is along the lines of [ 1-41 and the first 10 chapters of 1.51. Topicsincludethe modelling of linear systems, Laplace transformation, advantages and drawbacks of feedback, classical rootlocus and frequency domainanalysis, Nyquist and Routh-Hurwitz stability analysis, state variable techniques, compensation, and digital control. In general, the depth of coverage is not great, but abriefperusal of the topic list above reveals the considerable breadth of coverage. The newestedition differsfrom its predecessors primarily in three respects. A chapter on discrete-time systems has been added. The treatment ofstate variablesandtimedomain methods has beenexpanded.Finally, the book contains completely revamped problems for all chapters. The first chapter is awell-referenced “tour” of some present day applications ofcontroltheory.The history of theoreticaladvances is described primarily through the specific real-world problems which providedtheimpetus for them. Examples and problems in this and later chaptersspan numerous fields of specialization and usually concern contemporary systems. Chapter 2 deals very briefly with mathematical modellingofcontinuous timesystems by differential equations derivedfrom basicphysicalprinciples. As in previous editions of the text, the treatmentof modellingis so brief that most undergraduate students require supplemental material in order to grasp the concepts. Following a concise section on linearization,thechapter developsthe Laplace transform approach to linear systemanalysisandusesthe results to derive transfer functions fora wide range of thematerial(e.g.,the convolution property of Laplacetransformsis not of the material (e.g. the convolution propertyofLaplacetransforms isnot 2 concludes evenmentioned).Chapter with concise sections on blockdiagram and signal flow graph analysis and a short introduction computer to simulation techniques, both analog and digital. Chapters 3 and 4 concern theperformance of feedbackcontrolsystems.
Chapter 3 demonstrates clearly how feedback can be used to rejectdisturbancesand variations in thesystem parameters and also to improvetransient and steady state performance. Chapter 4 discusses classical the second-order system response function in some detail and defines the specifications related to it. This chapter also defines system type and describes its relationship to the 5 is ashort steadystateerror.Chapter chapter Routh-Hurwitz on stability analysis and the interpretation of s-plane rootlocations in terms of the transient response of a system. These three chapters are well-written and the material is well covered. Chapter 6 develops the root locus approach to system analysis. Theprocedure is motivated conceptually, then each of the properties of the root locus plot are demonstrated for the generalcase. Finally, a number of examplesarepresented to illustrate the use of the method. A rather complicated section on parametersensitivityconcludes this chapter. The problems at the end of this chapter include many of the most illustrative in the book. Chapter 7 coverspolarplots,Bode diagrams, log magnitude-phase plots, and the concept offrequency response. The approach to this material is standard and, in fact, suffers to some degree from 2 numerical a lackofexamples(only examples are used in the entire chapter). Chapter 8 does an excellent job of presentingtheoften difflcultmaterial associated with Nyquiststability analysis.Complex mappingtheoryandthe techniques used in constructing the Nyquistdiagramareclearly explained and illustrated. Also, the use of M and N circles and the Nichols chart for closed loop frequency response is demonstrated concisely.Theuse ofnumerical examples is again minimal. Chapter 9 contains allof the discussion of state variable techniques. It is unfortunatethat thismaterialispostponed until so late in the text. Also, in light of
therecentdevelopments in frequency domain analysis of multivariable systems [6-71, it is unfortunate that this material is developed independently from the preceding chapters. Only token mention is made of the important interpretation of statevariables asdescriptions of the internal behavior of a system. Finally, a heavy emphasis is placed on theuseof signal flow graphs for representation of statevariablemodels whenanalogdiagramsandcanonicalforms might be a betterchoice. Discussions of the state transition matrix, its properties and uses, and how it is calculated are all more then adequate. Several examples are included, and an appendix is included for those of matrix readers requiring review a algebra. The concepts of controllability and observability are not discussed. Chapter 10 discusses compensation design. Phase-lead and phase-lag cascade compensator design procedures are outlinedanddemonstrated by examples in both the Bode domain and the root locus domain. Compensator properties are also discussed. In addition, state variable feedbackfor minimumsquaredoutput error and for pole placement purposes is developed. Chapter 11 is the newly added chapter on discrete-time systems. A rather long introductory sectionisfollowed by several extremely short sectionsthat cover sampling, zero-order holds, z-transforms, stability and performance of discrete-timesystems,anddigitalcompensation. The coverageof these topics is reallytooconcisefor theintroductory role of the book. Each chapter is followed by numerous problems to be solved, some of which are excellent for instructional purposes. Selected solutions appear at the back of the book and a solution manual is available from the publisher. One criticism of the problems is that oftentimes, in an effort to motivate each problem by a real-world setting, the author has embellished some problems with so much descriptivematerialthatthe clarity and intent of the
problem become blurred (e.g., Problem 6.28 which uses two paragraphs on automobile emissions to motivate a simplerootlocusproblem, theresultsof whicharenever interpreted). Also, a small number of solutions in the solution manual are in error. Ingeneral, the book is adequate for introducingstudentsand practicing engineersto thebasics ofcontrol theory provided supplementary material on some topics is made available to them. The book is not suitable as areference text due toits lack of depth. The addition of the new material is a positive development, though thestate variableand discrete-time control chapters coulduse improvement. B . C. Kuo. AutomaticControlSystems. 3rd ed., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.1975. AutomaticControl EnF.H.Raven. gineering, 3rd ed., New York: McGraw-Hill,1978. R. N. Clark. Introduction to Automaric ControlSystems, New York: Wiley, 1962. J . J . D’Azzo and C. H. Houpis, Linear Control System Analysis and Design, New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: PrenticeHall,1970. A. G.J . MacFarlane, B . Kouvaritakis, & J . M. Edmunds, “Complex variable methods for multivariable feedback systemsanalysis and design,” Proceedings on Alternatives for Linear Multivariable Control, National Engineering Consortium, Chicago, 1977; pp. 189-228. A. G. J . MacFarlane (ed.), Frequency Response Methods in Control Systems,
New York: IEEE Press. 1979.
Bruce K. Walker received the Sc.D degree 1980. He is presently an AsfromMITin sistantProfessor ofSystems Engineering at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.His research interests include faulttolerant system analysis and control and adaptive control. He is a member of IEEE and AIAA.
CSM Announcements Ten CSS Members Elected IEEE Fellows Duringthe 1980 Decisionand Controla Conference in Albuquerque, NM and recent IEEE’s Fellow all. Committee toannouncements ten css members were elected as E E E Fellows. Below are their names and Fellow citations, followed by
biography of those available atthe timeSpringValley,CA ofthisissue’s publication.CongratulaFor pioneering concepts and leadership tions Editor in the development of computerized control systems used in.process simLeonard 6. Gardner 11 ConsultingManufacturing Engr. Comulators and in automated production lines. puterized Systems