Whenever you want to go back to the home page of PDO HSE-MS Portal, ... Click
on this link to take an online quiz on PDO's HSE Code of Practice (CP-122).
PDO HSE-MS Portal 1.
How to Navigate
Home Page
Whenever you want to go back to the home page of PDO HSE-MS Portal, just click on the PDO icon (the Shell) on the top banner displayed on your screen all the time. Alternately, you can use the “Navigate Up” icon on the left of the top green ribbon. 2.
How to Navigate
On clicking this link, the current document (How to Navigate) will pop up. Close the pop up page to return to the home page. 3.
Alignment with Best Practices
Click on the link to view the chart that shows how each element of HSE-MS is aligned with best international practices on HSE-MS. You can print it or save it on your local drive as a pdf document. Close the pop up page to return to the home page. 4.
Click on this link to take an online quiz on PDO’s HSE Code of Practice (CP-122). The rules are described on the welcome page of the quiz. 5.
User Query
This link allows any user to send a question, comment or request to the HSE-MS Custodian. Just click the link to open the query page as a pop up. Enter the details, save and return to the home page by closing the pop up page. Subject: Enter one or more keywords that best categorise your question or comment. Examples include: Out Dated; Not Accessible; Need Information/Data; Errors/Inaccuracies; Need Guidance; Operational Safety; Technical Safety; Environment; Health; Introduction; Leadership, HSE Policy, Responsibilities, HEMP, Planning; Procedures; Code of Practice; Specifications; Guidelines; Implementation; Monitoring; Auditing; Review; Glossary etc. Description: In a few lines, clearly describe your question or comment. If you prefer, you can attach a file that provides more details or even a screenshot. If your question or comment is directed at a specific person, then enter the name, title or reference indicator of that person at the end of the description. Status: This shows the status of the query as (a) New, (b) No Action Initiated, (c) In Progress, or (d) Closed . The users cannot change the status, and the HSE-MS Help Desk is responsible for updating the status based on the action progress. By default, all the questions and comments will be forwarded to the HSE-MS Help Desk. In case you specifically want your question or comment to be forwarded to a specific person, the Help Desk will do so if such request is made in your description. After you save your input, you will automatically receive an email confirming your entry, and the HSE-MS Help Desk will receive a similar email. 6.
HSE-MS Logo (Flash Logo)
Each section of this circle represents one of the eight elements of PDO’s HSE-MS. Click on any section to open the document related to the specific element. You can print it or save it on your local drive as a pdf document. Close the pop up page to return to the home page. (Note: If you wish to print or save the complete CP-122 document, use the link on HSE-MS Document Library shown in the bottom half of HSE-MS home page.
PDO Health, Safety and Environment Management System
Click on this link to open the document that provides a detailed introduction to PDO’s HSE Code of Practice (CP-122). Close the pop up page to return to the home page. 8.
Table of Contents
Click on this link to open the document that provides a detailed table of contents of PDO’s HSE Code of Practice (CP-122). Close the pop up page to return to the home page. 9.
Click on this link to open the document that provides a detailed glossary of the various technical terms and phrases used in PDO’s HSE Code of Practice (CP-122). Close the pop up page to return to the home page. 10. Go to CMF Click on this link to enter PDO’s Corporate Management Framework (CMF) Portal. On exiting the CMF Portal, you will return to the HSE-MS Portal. 11. What’s New on HSE-MS This block displays the latest news on HSE-MS in PDO and elsewhere. Click on any news title to learn more about it. 12. External Links Click on any link displayed, and you will be redirected to an external website. On exiting the external website, you will return to the HSE-MS Portal. 13. HSE-MS Document Library The block diagram shown under HSE-MS Document Library allows a user to view/download any and all HSE related documents from PDO’s CMF Portal. For the benefit of the users, the HSE documents are segregated according to the discipline, as shown below: HSE Code of Practice
Click this box to access the fully compiled copy of CP-122 containing all the eight elements along with the introduction, table of contents and the glossary. This will also provide the contact details of the Corporate HSE Manager (MSEM).
Emergency Response Code of Practice
Click this box to access the fully compiled copy of CP-122 containing all the eight elements along with the introduction, table of contents and the glossary. This will also provide the contact details of the Corporate HSE Manager (MSEM).
HSE Relevant Codes of Practice
Click this box to access a number of PDO Codes of Practice that have HSE relevance.
HSE Common
Click this box to access all PDO procedures, specifications and guidelines related to HSE general or common topics. This will also provide the contact details of the CFDH for MSE-MS (MSE5).
Operational Safety
Click this box to access all PDO procedures, specifications and guidelines related to operational safety. This will also provide the contact details of the CFDH for Operational Safety (MSE1).
Technical safety
Click this box to access all PDO procedures, specifications and guidelines related to technical (process) safety. This will also provide the contact details of the CFDH for Technical Safety (MSE4).
Click this box to access all PDO procedures, specifications and guidelines related to health. This will also provide the contact details of the CFDH for Occupational Health (MSE3).
Click this box to access all PDO procedures, specifications and guidelines related to environment. This will also provide the contact details of the CFDH for Environment (MSE2).
Click this box to access all PDO procedures, specifications and guidelines related to emergency
PDO Health, Safety and Environment Management System
response. This will also provide the contact details of the Discipline Head for Emergency Response (UIC4).
Clicking on a box, a new page will pop up listing all the documents under a given discipline. This list provides hyperlinks to the documents stored in the CMF Portal. Upon exiting the CMF Portal, you will return to the HSE-MS main page. 14. Life Saving Rules Up on clicking on the icon, you will be redirected to PDO’s web page on LSR. Upon exiting the this page, you will return to the HSE-MS main page. If you are interested to learn about a specific life saving rule, you can alternately click on the individual LSR icon shown on the bottom ribbon. 15. My Favourite Links This block allows you to insert your favourite links, either internal or external for easy access.