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(a) Discuss the causes of Bhopal disaster. Explain the responsibility of engineers in the design of. product in the desi INTERNAL TEST – II (3rd and 4th Units) Sub code Sub Name

: GE2025

: Professional Ethics in Engineering

Department of Computer Science and Engineering & Information Technology Answer All Questions Part A – (10*2=20 marks) 1. Define safety. 2. Write the two reasons that prevented safe exit for passengers and crew of the titanic ship. 3. What is learning from the past? 4. Define disaster. 5. What is the use of risk analysis? 6. Define collegiality. What are its elements? 7. Define the term collective bargaining? 8. List the factors that shape the self confidence in a person. 9. What is agency loyality? 10. What is meant by occupational crime? Part B(5*16=80 marks) 11. (a) (i)Explain about Lawrence concept of safety.


(ii) Discuss various criteria to ensure safe design


(OR) (b) (i) Brief the various factors that influence the perception of risk (8) (ii)What are the lessons for the engineers safety. 12. (a) (i)Explain the risk and factors influencing risk (ii)Explain about risk benefit analysis.

(8) (8) (8)

(OR) (b)(i)Explain about determination of risk & types of accidents (ii)Explain the assessment of safety&,risk

(8) (8) 13. (a) Discuss the causes of Bhopal disaster. Explain the responsibility of engineers in the design of product in the design stage itself before the event of an accident. (16) (OR) (b)Explain briefly four cases where, plain neglect to learn from the past mistakes lead to repetition of accidents/mistakes (16) 14. (a) Briefly explain about the internal responsibilities of Engineers.


(OR) (b) Briefly explain about the External responsibilities of Engineers.


15. (a) Discuss the significance of intellectual property rights and Types of Rights.


(OR) (b) Explain briefly about whistle blowing and Employee Rights
