Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, ISSN 1414-9999
PEMBELAJARAN PENERAPAN LISTRIK STATIS PADA KAPASITOR BERBASIS MULTIMEDIA INTERAKTIF MELALUI PENDEKATAN INKUIRI UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PRESTASI HASIL BELAJAR SISWA SMK KELAS XII Salim, Abdul Syukur, M. Arief Soeleman Pascasarjana Teknik Informatika Universitas Dian Nuswantoro ABSTRACT Physics learning in Vocational School learned to solve problems related to everyday life. The number of basic concepts that exist in the laws of physics and characteristics of basic competencies that are difficult to understand by the student abstract. Application of KTSP in the school requires students to complete each competency in basic subjects. Learning is still conventional to make students not active, so boring subjects of physics is less enthused. Basic Competence in Capacitors Application of Static Electricity in the subjects of physics is a subject matter provided in the Vocational School class XII. Based on observational study results class XIITKJ odd semester class and XIIMM year 2009-2010 at SMK Muhamamdiyah Kudus, showing the ability of students to master basic competencies is still low. Results of analysis of odd semester of the authors do show most are still below the minimum criteria for completeness (KKM). Bayrak, C. in the journal Effects of Computer Simulations on University Students Achievements in Phiysics stated learning using computer simulation is more successful than learning with face to face (conventional). Lee, Nicoll, and Brooks in his research found that students felt are helped by the using of interactive multimedia learning model, in terms of visualizing the concepts that are abstract to more concrete. Based on the assumption of an interactive multimedia-based learning inquiry approximation method can improve the performance of student learning outcomes, the authors raise the hypothesis that an interactive multimedia-based learning through inquiry approach to enhance understanding of the concept of Application of Static Electricity on Capacitors physics subject in Vocational School class XII. Auxiliary software implementation is carried out through treatment and retrieval of data from the control group and treatment group after the formative test. Further t-test analysis, the data generated can be illustrated that, t-table (t critical one-tail) while the t count value 1.690924198 (t Stat) value 7.157307111 which can be interpreted that there are significant differences between the achievements of learning outcomes using interactive multimedia software to help with the conventional. Keywords : learning, interactive multimedia, the concept of static electricity
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