PEMROGRAMAN J2ME WTK 2.2. VILLY YELITA, A. Ramadonna Nilawati, SKom.
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PEMBUATAN GAME MINILABIRINV MENGGUNAKAN BAHASA PEMROGRAMAN J2ME WTK 2.2 VILLY YELITA, A. Ramadonna Nilawati, SKom., Penulisan Ilmiah, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, 2009
Universitas Gunadarma
kata kunci : j2me Abstraksi : In line with the increasing of the development informatics technology and communication, there are some sorts of game software wich are not only played in computers but also implemented in mobiles. This advancement is followed by the increasing of quality for making the games which can help to sharpen the playerâs mind and logic. MinilabirinV game application is one of the desktop applications which can be played in computers and implemented in mobiles and hopefully, it can also make the players easy to use the game. This scientific writing tries to explain how to make the MiniLabirinV game application. The processs with begin the designing step until the implementation step. In this application, the players have to look for the exit way from the maze with the little steps. This game also has a setting for the size of maze, the song and the colorful interface so that wonât be boring. The programming language that is used in this application is J2ME WIRELESS TOOLKIT 2.2. To build the script of program, it uses Jcreator LE, and to develop the Splash interface, it uses Adobe Photoshop 7.0 software.