Penalty and Shrinkage Functions for Sparse Signal Processing

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Nov 5, 2012 - One approach in sparse signal processing calls for the solution to the more general problem: arg min x. 1. 2 ... sparse signals. MATLAB software online: ..... the minimizer x can be obtained by solving a linear system. However ...
Penalty and Shrinkage Functions for Sparse Signal Processing Ivan Selesnick Polytechnic Institute of New York University [email protected] November 5, 2012 Last edit: June 24, 2013



The use of sparsity in signal processing frequently calls for the solution to the minimization problem arg min x

1 ky − Axk22 + λkxk1 2


where x = [x(1), . . . , x(N )]T , y = [y(1), . . . , x(M )]T , A is a matrix of size M × N , and kxk22 denotes the energy of of x, defined as kxk22 =

X |x(n)|2 ,



and kxk1 denotes the `1 norm of x, defined as kxk1 =





One approach in sparse signal processing calls for the solution to the more general problem: arg min x

X 1 ky − Axk22 + φ(x(n)). 2 n


The function φ(·) is referred to as the penalty function (or regularization function). If φ(x) = λ|x|, then (4) is the same as (1). For sparse signal processing, φ(x) should be chosen so as to promote sparsity of x. It is common to set φ(x) = λ|x|, especially because it is a convex function unlike many other sparsity promoting penalty functions. Convex functions are attractive because they can be more reliably minimized than non-convex functions. However, non-convex penalty functions can lead to enhanced sparsity of sparse signals. MATLAB software online:


Several questions arise: How should the penalty function φ(·) be chosen? What is the influence of the penalty function? How can the function (4) be minimized with respect to x?


Scalar Case

To better understand the role of the penalty function, it is informative to consider the scalar case. That is, given y ∈ R, find x ∈ R so as to minimize the function 1 F (x) = (y − x)2 + φ(x). 2 To emphasize the dependence of the minimizing value x on y, we define s(y) := arg min x

1 (y − x)2 + φ(x). 2

The function s(y) is called the shrinkage function because it shrinks y towards zero. The exact form of s(y) depends on the penalty function φ(x). Two particular examples of φ(x) will be analyzed in this section. There are many other penalty functions that have been used for sparse signal/image processing [4, 5, 11, 14] (see Table 2 in [5] or Table 1 in [4]). But these are two common, representative examples. Example 1: Define the penalty function φ1 (x) as φ1 (x) = λ|x|


where λ > 0, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Note that φ1 (x) is a convex function. This corresponds to the `1 norm. Example 2: Define λ log(1 + a|x|) a where λ > 0 and a > 0, as illustrated in Fig. 2. Note that φ2 (x) is not a convex function. φ2 (x) =


For both of these two examples, we will find the shrinkage function s(y). To find the shrinkage function s(y), we minimize F (x) with respect to x. The derivative of F (x) is given by dF (x) = x − y + φ0 (x). dx Setting the derivative of F (x) to zero gives y = x + φ0 (x) The value x minimizing F (x) can be found by solving (7). First we need φ0 (x).



φ1(x) 20



5 λ = 2.0 0 −10


0 x



Figure 1: Penalty function φ1 (x) = λ|x|. φ2(x) 12 10 8 6 4 2 λ = 2.0, a = 0.25 0 −10


0 x



Figure 2: Penalty function φ2 (x) = (λ/a) log(1 + a|x|).


φ1’(x) 4



−2 λ = 2.0 −4 −10


0 x



Figure 3: Derivative of penalty function φ01 (x) = λ sign(x). Example 1: The derivative of φ1 (x) is  λ, φ01 (x) = −λ,



x < 0,

which is illustrated in Fig. 3. Note that φ1 (x) is not differentiable at x = 0 and we have omitted defining φ01 (x) at x = 0. In fact, there is a mathematically rigorous method to define the derivative using convex analysis. (In convex analysis, the sub-differential is a generalization of the derivative that is defined as a set-valued function.) However, here we defer convex analysis and simply graph φ01 (x) using a straight vertical line at x = 0 as illustrated in Fig. 3. The function φ01 (x) can be written compactly as φ01 (x) = λ sign(x)


where the function sign(x) is defined as  1, sign(x) = −1,



x < 0.

Example 2: The derivative of φ2 (x) is given by  λ    1 + ax , φ02 (x) =   − λ , 1 − ax

x>0 (11) x 0 dx

for all x > 0.


Equivalently, the penalty function φ(y) should satisfy φ00 (x) > −1

for all x > 0.


Note that, in Example 2, φ002 (x) = −

λa , (1 + ax)2



which is most negative at x = 0+ , at which point we have φ002 (0+ ) = −λ a. 7


x and φ2’(x)

s2(y) = x

y = x + φ2’(x)













λ = 2.0, a = 3.0 −10 −10


0 x



λ = 2.0, a = 3.0 −10 −10


0 x



λ = 2.0, a = 3.0 −10 −10


0 y



Figure 7: An issue arises in the derivation of the shrinkage function when x + φ0 (x) is not strictly increasing. s2(y) = x 4



−2 λ = 2.0, a = 3.0 −4 −4


0 y



Figure 8: The shrinkage function s2 (y) is discontinuous when a ≥ 1/λ.


s2(y) = x

φ2(x) 8


6 a≈0


4 2

a = 0.10



a = 0.25 −2

a = 0.50



−6 0

−8 −5





0 y


Figure 9: The penalty function φ2 (x) and shrinkage function s2 (y) for λ = 2 and a = 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5. From (22) and (23), we obtain the condition −λ a > −1 or a < 1/λ. Recalling that a > 0, we obtain the range 1 0 λ.


From Shrinkage to Penalty Functions

In the preceding section, it was shown how the shrinkage function s(y) can be derived from the penalty function φ(x). In this section, the reverse problem is considered. Given a shrinkage function s(y); how can the corresponding penalty function φ(t) be derived? For example, consider the shrinkage function in Example 3. Example 3: Define the shrinkage function  λ2   y − , y s3 (y) =   0, 9

|y| ≥ λ (28) |y| ≤ λ











φ(x) 10 8 6 4 2 −10 −10


0 y



λ = 2.0

λ = 2.0

λ = 2.0 −4 −10


0 x



0 −10


0 x



Figure 10: The shrinkage function s3 (y) in (28), and the corresponding functions φ03 (x) and φ3 (x). as illustrated in Fig. 10. This shrinkage is sometimes referred to as the ‘nonnegative garrote’ [3,9,10]. The graph of the shrinkage function is similar to that in Fig. 6c, however, the formula is simpler; compare (28) with (20). How can we find a penalty function φ(x) corresponding to the shrinkage function s(y)? From (7) we have y = x + φ0 (x) where x = s(y). Hence, φ0 (x) can be found by solving x = s(y) for y and equating with x + φ0 (x). For the shrinkage function in (28), for y ≥ λ, x=y−

λ2 y


y 2 − yx − λ = 0. Using the quadratic formula gives y=

x 1p 2 x + 4λ2 . + 2 2


Equating (30) with x + φ0 (x) gives x 1p 2 + x + 4λ2 = x + φ0 (x) 2 2


1p 2 x x + 4λ2 − , 2 2


or φ0 (x) =

x > 0.

A complete formula for φ0 (x) is φ03 (x) =

 1 p 2 x + 4λ2 − |x| sign(x), 2


as illustrated in Fig. 10b. For large x, the expression for φ0 (x) in (33) involves the difference between two large numbers, which can be numerically inaccurate. The numerical calculation of φ0 (x) for large x can be made more accurate, and its asymptotic behavior can be made more clear, using the identity p  p  x2 + 4λ2 − x x2 + 4λ2 + x = 4λ2 (34) 10

which is verified by multiplying the terms on the left-hand-side. Using (34), the expression for φ0 (x) in (33) can be written as φ03 (x) = √

2λ2 sign(x). x2 + 4λ2 + |x|


From (35), it can be seen that φ03 (x) ≈ λ2 /x for large x. The penalty function φ(x) can be obtained by integration, |x|

Z φ(x) =

φ0 (α) dα



which yields  |x| + φ3 (x) = λ asinh 2λ   |x| + = λ2 asinh 2λ 2

 1 p 2 |x| x + 4λ2 − |x| 4 λ2 |x| √ x2 + 4λ2 + |x|

(37) (38)

where asinh(z) is the inverse hyperbolic sine, asinh(z) = log(z +


z 2 + 1).


The cost function φ3 (x) is illustrated in Fig.10c.



Figure 11 shows the penalty functions and shrinkage functions for each of the three examples on the same axis. For each example, the parameter λ is set to 2, hence each shrinkage function exhibits a threshold value of 2. For the log penalty function (Example 2), the parameter a is set so that the (right-sided) derivative of the shrinkage function at y = 2 is equal to the slope of nn-garrote shrinkage function at that point. Namely, both the log and nn-garrote shrinkage functions have a (right-sided) derivative of 2 at y = 2; which is emphasized by the dashed line with slope 2. It can be seen that for this value of a (i.e., a = 0.25), the log shrinkage function is quite similar to the the nn-garrote shrinkage function, but it attenuates large y slightly more than the nn-garrote shrinkage function.


Vector Case

Consider the vector case, X 1 φ(x(n)) F (x) = ky − Axk22 + 2 n where x = [x(1), . . . , x(N )]T y = [y(1), . . . , x(M )]T 11


Shrinkage functions

Penalty functions 20
















4 2 0 −10


λ |x| log nn−garrote

nn−garrote log λ |x|

1 0


0 x










Figure 11: Comparison of penalty and shrinkage functions. and A is a matrix of size M × N . The function F (x) can not be easily minimized unless the penalty function φ(x) is quadratic. When φ(x) is quadratic, then the derivative of F (x) with respect to x gives linear equations, and the minimizer x can be obtained by solving a linear system. However, when φ(x) is quadratic, the solution x will generally not be sparse; hence other penalty functions are preferred for sparse signal processing, as described in the preceding sections. To minimize F (x), an iterative numerical algorithm must be used. One approach to derive suitable algorithms is based on the majorization-minimization (MM) method from optimization theory [7]. Instead of minimizing F (x) directly, the MM method solves a sequence of simpler minimization problems xk+1 = arg min Gk (x) (41) x

where k is the iteration counter, k = 1, 2, 3, . . . . With initialization x0 , the expression in (41) is a rule for updating xk . The MM method asks that each function Gk (x) be a majorizer (upper bound) of F (x) and that it coincides with F (x) at x = xk . That is, Gk (x) ≥ F (x)

for all x

Gk (xk ) = F (xk )

(42) (43)

To apply the MM method to minimize F (x) in (40), one may either majorize the data fidelity P term ky − Axk22 (as in ISTA [6,8], FISTA [2], etc), or the penalty term n φ(x(n)), or both terms. In the following, we majorize just the penalty term. To majorize the penalty term, it will be useful to consider first the scalar case. Specifically, we first find a majorizer for φ(x) with x ∈ R. The majorizer g(x) should be an upper bound for φ(x)


φ(x) and quadratic majorizor 20






0 −10


0 x

v 5


Figure 12: The penalty function and its quadratic majorizer. that coincides with φ(x) at a specified point v ∈ R as shown in Fig. 12. That is, g(x) ≥ φ(x)

for all x ∈ R


g(v) = φ(v)

where v is a specified point


We will find a quadratic majorizer g(x) of the form g(x) = mx2 + c.


For this quadratic majorizer, the conditions (44) and (45) are equivalent to: g(v) = φ(v) 0


g (v) = φ (v).

(47) (48)

That is, g(x) and its derivative should agree with φ(x) at x = v. Using (46), these two conditions can be written as mv 2 + b = φ(v)


2mv = φ0 (v).


Solving for m and b gives

φ0 (v) v , b = φ(v) − φ0 (v). 2v 2 The majorizer g(x) in (46) is therefore given by m=

g(x) =

φ0 (v) 2 v x + φ(v) − φ0 (v). 2v 2


With this function g(x) we have g(x) ≥ φ(x) with equality at x = v as illustrated in Fig. 12. To emphasize the dependence of g(x) on the point v, we write g(x, v) =

φ0 (v) 2 v x + φ(v) − φ0 (v). 2v 2 13


The scalar majorizer can be used to obtain a majorizer for F (x) in (40). If x and v denote vectors x = [x(1), . . . , x(N )]T v = [v(1), . . . , v(N )]T then X

g(x(n), v(n)) ≥




with equality if x = v. That is, the left-hand-side of (53) is a majorizer for Note that the left-hand-side of (53) can be written compactly as X n





n φ(x(n)).

1 g(x(n), v(n)) = xT Wx + c 2

φ0 (v(1))  v(1)   W=   


 ..


     0 φ (v(N )) 


v(N ) and c=

X n

v φ(v(n)) − φ0 (v(n)). 2


As an abbreviation, we denote the diagonal matrix W as W = diag(φ0 (v)./v)


where the notation ‘./’ denotes component-wise division. Therefore, using (53), a majorizer for F (x) is given by 1 1 G(x, v) = ky − Axk22 + xT Wx + c, 2 2

where W = diag(φ0 (v)./v).


Minimizing G(x, v) with respect to x gives x = (AT A + W)−1 AT y


where W depends on v. Therefore, the MM update in (41) with Gk (x) = G(x, xk ) produces the sequence xk+1 = (AT A + W)−1 AT y

where W = diag(φ0 (xk )./xk ).


Note that if components of x go to zero, the entries of W go to infinity. Hence, the update equation (60) may become numerically inaccurate. Moreover, because the solution x is expected to be sparse, components of xk will go to zero as the iteration progresses. This problem is avoided, as described in Ref. [7], by using the matrix inverse lemma to write (AT A + W)−1 = W−1 − W−1 AT (I + AW−1 AT )−1 AW−1 . 14


Table 1: Quadratic MM algorithm for minimizing (4).

Input: y ∈ RM , A ∈ RM ×N , φ(·) Output: x ∈ RN 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8:

x=y g = AT y repeat Λ(n, n) ← x(n)/φ0 (x(n)), F = I + AΛAT x = Λ(g − AT F−1 AΛg) until convergence return x

n = 1, . . . , N

Note, as components of xk go to zero, the entries of W−1 go to zero instead of to infinity. For convenience, we define Λ := W−1 = diag(xk ./φ0 (xk )).


Using (61), the quadratic MM update in (60) is given by xk+1 = ΛAT y − ΛAT (I + AΛAT )−1 AΛAT y.


An implementation of the quadratic MM algorithm based on this update equation is given in Table 1. A MATLAB program for this algorithm is given in Sec. 8. This iterative algorithm may be considered a form of the FOCUSS algorithm [13]. Note that if A is banded, then the matrix I + AΛAT is banded and fast algorithms for banded systems can be used to implement the algorithm. Note that the penalty function φ(·) arises in the update equations only as entries of Λ in the expression x/φ0 (x). Hence, it is informative to analyze and simplify the function x/φ0 (x). Example 1: The function x/φ0 (x) is given by x φ01 (x)


x λ sign(x)


1 |x| λ


or more simply as x φ01 (x)


Notice that using (64) leads to a numerical issue when x = 0 because the function sign(x) is undefined at x = 0. On the other hand, the simplified form in (65) is well defined for all x. Example 2:

x φ02 (x)


λ 1+a|x|


x sign(x)


or more simply as 1 x = |x| (1 + a|x|). φ02 (x) λ


For large x, we have x/φ02 (x) ≈ ax2 /λ. Example 3: p  1 x 2 + 4λ2 + |x| . = |x| x φ03 (x) 2λ2


As for Example 2, for large x, we have x/φ03 (x) ≈ x2 /λ2 . For these three penalty functions, it can be seen that if xk (m) becomes equal to zero at some iteration k for some 1 ≤ m ≤ N , then it will remain zero for all the remaining iterations. This is because x(m)/φ0 (x(m)) will equal zero. This would appear to interfere with convergence of the algorithm to the minimizer of (4). However, detailed investigation in [12] suggests that this phenomenon does not seem to inhibit the reliable operation of this iterative algorithm.


Optimality Conditions

When the penalty function φ(x) is convex, then the minimizer of the cost function (4) must satisfy specific conditions [1, Prop 1.3]. These conditions can be used to verify the optimality of a solution produced by a numerical algorithm. When the penalty function φ(x) is not convex, then conditions can be used to determine if a local minimum is attained. If φ(x) is convex and differentiable, and if x minimizes (4), then x must satisfy: [AT (y − Ax)]n = φ0 (x(n)),

n = 1, . . . , N


where [AT (y − Ax)]n denotes the n-th component of the vector AT (y − Ax). However, this can not be applied directly when φ0 (x) is not differentiable as in the three example penalty functions in the preceding sections. If φ(x) is convex but not differentiable, then the optimality condition is given by [AT (y − Ax)]n ∈ ∂φ(x(n)),

n = 1, . . . , N


where ∂φ(·) is the subdifferential, a set-valued generalization of the derivative [1, Prop 1.3]. For Example 1, with φ1 (x) = λ|x|, the subdifferential is given by    {λ}, x>0   (71) ∂φ1 (x) = [−λ, λ], x = 0    {−λ}, x < 0. In this case, the condition (70) is given by    [AT (y − Ax)]n = λ, x(n) > 0   T −λ ≤ [A (y − Ax)]n ≤ λ, x(n) = 0    [AT (y − Ax)]n = −λ, x(n) < 0 as illustrated in Fig. 14 below. 16



Setting the threshold

The condition (70) can sometimes be used as a guideline to set the threshold value for the penalty function φ(x). Suppose the data y(n) is modeled as Ax where x is sparse and w is additive noise, y = Ax + w.


Note that if x = 0, then y consists of noise only (i.e. y = w). Then (70) gives [AT w]n ∈ ∂φ(0).


For φ1 (x) = λ|x|, that is −λ ≤ [AT w]n ≤ λ,

n = 1, . . . , N.


This implies that λ should be chosen so that λ ≥ max|AT w| where w is the additive noise. On the other hand, the larger λ is, the more the signal x will be attenuated. (If λ is too large, then the solution to (4) will be x = 0.) Hence, it is reasonable to set λ to the smallest value satisfying (75), namely, λ ≈ max |AT w|. (76) Although (76) assumes availability of the noise signal w, which is not realistic in practice, (76) can often be estimated based on knowledge of statistics of the noise w. For example, if the noise w is white Gaussian, then the ‘3σ’ rule can be used to estimate the maximum value of |AT w|.


Deconvolution Example

The deconvolution problem is one of finding the input signal x(n) to a linear time-invariant system when the output signal y(n) and the impulse response of the system h(n) are both known. The problem is sometimes ill conditioned, depending on h(n); and the output signal is usually noisy. When it is known that the input signal is sparse, then a suitable approach for estimating the input signal is to solve the optimization problem (4) where the penalty function is chosen so as to promote sparsity, for example, any of the three penalty functions in the preceding sections. The noisy output signal y(n) is given by y(n) = (h ∗ x)(n) + w(n),

w ∼ N (0, σ 2 )


where ∗ denotes convolution. This can be written as y = Hx + w


where H is the appropriately defined convolution matrix. If the impulse response h(n) is finite in length, then the matrix H will be banded. Most of the entries of a banded matrix are zero, so it can be stored with less memory; also, linear algebra operations, like matrix-vector multiplication and Gaussian elimination for solving linear systems, are fast for banded matrices compared with full (dense) matrices. 17

A solution to the sparse deconvolution can be obtained using a specified penalty function φ(x), xφ = arg min x

X 1 ky − Hxk22 + φ(x(n)). 2 n


In the proceeding examples, φ(x) has a parameter λ that determines the threshold of the shrinkage function. How should λ be set? Combining (76) with the ‘3-sigma’ rule, gives λ ≈ max |HT w| ≈ 3 std(HT w)


where std() denotes the standard deviation. If the noise w(n) is zero-mean white Gaussian with variance σ 2 , then the standard deviation of HT w is given by s X T std(H w) = σ |h(n)|2 = σkhk2 . (81) n

Hence, we get a ‘rule of thumb’: λ ≈ 3σ

s X

|h(n)|2 = 3 σkhk2 .



Figure 13a shows a sparse signal x(n). This signal x(n) is convolved with the 4-point impulse response   1 n = 0, 1, 2, 3 h(n) = 4 (83) 0 otherwise and white Gaussian noise w(n) is added to obtain the observed signal y(n) illustrated in Fig. 13b. The impulse response has khk2 = 0.5. The standard deviation of the AWGN is σ = 0.03. Using (82), we set λ = 0.045. Using the penalty functions φ1 (x) = λ|x| (i.e., `1 norm solution) and φ3 (x) in (38) (i.e., nn-garrote solution), and using the quadratic MM algorithm, we obtain the two sparse solutions shown in Fig.13c,d. Both recover the sparse input signal quite accurately. It is interesting to compare the sparse solution with the least square solution, xLS = arg min x

1 ky − Hxk22 + λkxk22 2


which is shown in Fig.13e. Note that the least square solution is unable to recover the sparse property of the input signal, and unable to suppress the noise as effectively as the sparse solution. The optimality of the two sparse solutions are verified in Fig. 14. For the nn-garrote solution, which corresponds to a non-convex penalty function, the solution might not be a global minimizer of (79), so it is desirable to verify that the solution is a local minimum. The graphs in Fig. 14 show [HT (y − Hx)]n vs x(n) as scatter plots for each of the two sparse solutions. Overlaid on the graph is the function φ0 (x). In each case, the points of the scatter plot coincide with φ0 (x), which for a convex penalty function indicates the optimality of the solution.


Sparse signal

2 1 0 −1 0









Observed signal

0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 0




Deconvolution (L1 norm penalty)

2 1 0 −1

RMSE = 0.0341 0






Deconvolution (nn−garrote)

2 1 0 −1

RMSE = 0.0046 0







Deconvolution (least square solution)

0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 RMSE = 0.1925 −0.4 0





Figure 13: Deconvolution example.



Optimality scatter plot − L1 penalty



HT(y − Hx)





−0.06 −2




0 x







(local) optimality scatter plot − nn garrote penalty



HT(y − Hx)





−0.06 −2




0 x



Figure 14: Optimality conditions.


2 1.5


1 0.5 0 −0.5

true nn garrote L1

−1 −1.5 0







Figure 15: Comparison of `1 norm and nn-garrote penalties. To compare the `1 norm and nn-garrote solutions in more detail, Fig. 15 shows both solutions on the same axis. The original sparse signal is also shown. For clarity, only the non-zero values of each signal are displayed. It can be seen that the `1 norm solution is slightly attenuated compared with the nn-garrote solution. This is to be expected — recall that the shrinkage function corresponding to the `1 norm penalty function is the soft thresholding function which subtracts λ from every value greater than the threshold. Hence this penalty function has the effect of attenuating the large signal values. In contrast, the nn-garrote penalty function attenuates large values much less. The difference in these two solutions is due to the different behavior of the two penalty functions φ1 (x) and φ3 (x). The nn-garrote penalty function φ3 (x) increases more slowly than the `1 -norm penalty function φ1 (x) (see Fig. 11). If further adjustment of the penalty function is desired, one may use the log penalty function φ2 (x) in (6) and adjust the parameter a, or use other penalty functions in the literature. A MATLAB program for implementing the quadratic MM algorithm for sparse deconvolution is given in Sec. 8.


Exercises 1. For the cost function φ(x) = λ|x|p


where 0 < p < 1, conduct the derivation as in the notes. That is, find the shrinkage function, find its derivative at the threshold, etc. Plot the shrinkage function, and other functions, for a specific value of p, e.g. p = 0.7. Is the function x + φ0 (x) monotonic? Do any complications arise in the derivation of the shrinkage function? 2. For the cost function φ(x) =

a|x| |x| + b


conduct the derivation as in the notes: Find the shrinkage function and its threshold, etc.



MATLAB Programs

Program for sparse deconvolution using quadratic MM. function [x, cost] = deconv_MM(y, phi, wfun, H, Nit) % [x, cost] = deconv_MM(y, phi, wfun, H, Nit) % Sparse deconvolution % Cost function : 0.5 * sum(abs(y-H(x)).^2) + sum(phi(x)); % % INPUT % y - noisy data % H - banded convolution matrix [sparse data structure] % phi - cost function % wfun - function x / phi’(x) - needed for quadratic MM % Nit - number of iterations % % OUTPUT % x - deconvolved sparse signal % cost - cost function history % Reference: Penalty and Shrinkage Functions for Sparse Signal Processing % Ivan Selesnick, [email protected], 2012 % % Algorithm: majorization-minimization with banded system solver. y = y(:); cost = zeros(1, Nit); [M, N] = size(H); x = y; g = H’*y; for k = 1:Nit Lam = spdiags(wfun(x), 0, N, N); F = speye(M) + H*Lam*H’; x = Lam * (g - (H’*(F\(H*(Lam*g))))); cost(k) = 0.5*sum(abs(y-H*x).^2) + sum(phi(x)); end

% convert to column vector % cost function history % initialization % H’*y % % % %

Lam : diagonal matrix F : banded matrix update x (solve banded system) cost function value

Sparse deconvolution example using nn-garrote penalty. %% Sparse deconvolution example % using the nn-garrote penalty function %% Create data clear N = 100; s = zeros(N,1); k = [20 45 70]; a = [2 -1 1];

% N : length of signal % k : spike positions % a : spike amplitudes


s(k) = a;

% s : spike signal

h = [1 1 1 1]/4; M = N + 3; sigma = 0.03; randn(’state’,0); w = sigma * randn(M,1); y = conv(h,s) + w;

% % % % % %

h : impulse response M : length of observed signal sigma : standard deviation of AWGN set state so that example can be reproduced w : additive zero-mean Gaussian noise (AWGN) y : observed data

figure(1), clf subplot(2,1,1) plot(y) xlim([0 M]) title(’Observed signal’); %% Create convolution matrix H H = sparse(M,N); e = ones(N,1); for i = 0:3 H = H + spdiags(h(i+1)*e, -i, M, N); end issparse(H)

% sparse matrix structure

% H : convolution matrix (sparse) % confirm that H is a sparse matrix

err = H*s - conv(h,s); % Verify that H*s is the same as conv(h,s) fprintf(’Maximum error = %g\n’, max(abs(err))) %% Sparse deconvolution (nn garrote) % Run the quadratic MM algorithm lam = 3 * sigma * sqrt(sum(abs(h).^2));

% lam : threshold using ’3-sigma’ rule

dphi = @(x) 0.5*(-abs(x) + sqrt( x.^2 + 4*lam^2)).*sign(x); phi = @(x) lam^2*asinh(abs(x)/(2*lam)) + lam^2 * abs(x)./(sqrt(4*lam^2+x.^2) + abs(x)); wfun = @(x) 1/(2*lam^2) * abs(x).*(sqrt(x.^2+4*lam^2) + abs(x)); % x / dphi(x) Nit = 50; % Nit : number of iterations [x, cost] = deconv_MM(y, phi, wfun, H, Nit); figure(1) stem(x, ’marker’, ’none’) ylim([-1.5 2.5]); title(’Deconvolution (nn-garrote)’); %% Display cost function history figure(2) plot(1:Nit, cost, ’.-’) title(’Cost function history’); xlabel(’Iteration’) xlim([0 Nit]) %% Verify (local) optimality conditions


v = H’*(y-H*x); t = [linspace(-2, -eps, 100) linspace(eps, 2, 100)]; figure(2) plot(x, v, ’.’, ’markersize’, 6) line(t, dphi(t), ’linestyle’, ’:’) ylim([-1 1]*lam*1.5) xlim(t([1 end])) xlabel(’x’) ylabel(’H^T(y - Hx)’) title(’(local) optimality scatter plot - nn garrote penalty’);


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