Perpustakaan Digital. Universitas Negeri Malang
Penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif metode think pair and share (TPS) dan
talking stickĀ ...
Perpustakaan Digital Universitas Negeri Malang
Penerapan pembelajaran kooperatif metode think pair and share (TPS) dan talking stick untuk meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran mata diklat akuntansi siswa kelas XI IPS 4 di SMA Negeri 10 Malang (dengan standar kompetensi menafsirkan persamaa Skripsi (Sarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang, 2010 Pembimbing 1. DJAH AJU WARDHANI ; 2. IKA PUTRI LARASATI Oleh Choirurriza, Andrie
ABSTRAK Keywords : Cooperative Learning Method Think Pair and Share (TPS), Talking Stick, Motivation and Learning Outcomes" Based on preliminary observations and interviews with teacher subject Accounting, especially class IX 4 IPS Malang SMA Negeri 10, teaching and learning that has been used lecture method" It is known that less than optimal ability and lack of student motivation to learn" Application of learning (Teacher Center) rarely involve the students so that students tend to be science teachers toward students actively require special attention" One approach that considers learning these things is a model of cooperative learning Think Pair and Share (TPS)" This study emphasizes the application of liveliness and independence of students to learn to think, exchange ideas (in partnership) and interact with other students (presentation)" The purpose of this research is to implement cooperative learning model Think Pair and Share (TPS) and the Talking Stick Accounting Subject as an effort to improve motivation and student learning outcomes" This study uses a qualitative approach with Classroom Action Research (CAR) was performed in two cycles conducted in October-November 2009" In each cycle consists of two meeting and through the four stages of action planning phase, implementation phase of action, stage of observation and reflection stages" The subjects studied are class XI IPS 4 in SMA Negeri 10 Malang as many as 39 students" Type of data in this study are primary and secondary sheet, interviews, field recording, assessment rubrics, tests and documentation" Based on research that has been done can be concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning model Think Pair and Share and the Talking Stick can be enhance student motivation and learning outcomes" The suggestions are proposed, namely (1) model of cooperative learning Think Pair and Share and the Talking Stick can be used as alternatives to improve students learning achievement, (2) Application of learning Think Pair and Share and must Talking Stick adjusted to the subjects and conditions of students, (3) This study should be forwarded by the next researcher to use a class-action more than two cycles to obtain maximum results"