dirasakan oleh banyak produsen makanan olaban di Indonesia. Mereka ... dibuktikan oleh banyaknya produsen makanan olahan (±1000 perusahaan baik lokal.
PENGARUH LABELISASI HALAL TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PRODUK MI INSTAN INDOFOOD Muniaty Aisyah Ab tract The knowledge of consumer decision making factors arc needed to understand the consumer behavior. 'fhe understanding is to reach the consumer satisfaction, so that they continuously repurchase the product. The Theory of Reasoned :\ction is applied in this research to understand of the consumer behavior concerning the intention to buy products with label halal. .-\.ccording to Fishbein and _-\.jzen as mentioned by Dharmmesta (1992), this theory says that behavior intention (BI) is moderating variables influence behavior of attitudes (.-\.b) and subjective norms (SN). This parameter can identify how consumer behavior intention to buy products with label halal, are infuenced by attitudes (.·\b) and subjective norms (SN). The object as the halal label product is noodles are producted by PT Indofood Sukses ;\Iakmur, which is based on survei by Frontier i\farketing and Research Consultant (2002), Indofood noodles has the biggest marker share in Indonesia with familiar brands such as Indomie, Supermie, Sarimi, Pop mie, etc. The arrirudes (_-\b) and subjective norms (SN) have positives influences to customer behavior intention to buy (131) products with label halal and the dominate variable in this relationship is attitudes .The customer behavior intention changing, are influenced also by the changing of attitudes and subjective norms, and the attitudes and subjective norms together significantly influence the customer behavior intention to buy products with label halal. Keywords: Consumer Behavior, Consumer Satisfaction
I. PENDAHULUAN Isu-isu negatif di Indonesia tentang ketidak halalan makanan seperti pada kasus lemak babi pada susu, mie instan, penyedap makanan clan lain sebagainya tidak hanya menimbulkan gejolak yang dapat mempengaruh aspek sosial ekonomi masyarakat, akan tetapi juga . telah rnembuat sebagian besar masyarakat muslim di Indonesia lebih selektif dalam memilih produk yang tidak saja higienis, bergizi clan memenuhi selera,
tetapi Juga
mengkonsumsi makanan halal
clan thoyyib rnerupakan suatu keyakinan yang
membudaya dalam kehidupan masyarakat rnuslirn. Gejala-gejala tersebut telah dirasakan oleh banyak produsen makanan olaban di Indonesia. Mereka menyadari bahwa produk makanan olahan yang halal clan choyyib mempunyai keunggulan tersendiri, baik dari segi kearnanan maupun potens1 pasar. Indikasi kesadaran ini dibuktikan oleh banyaknya produsen makanan olahan 171