pengaruh pola pembelajaran aktif, kreatif, efektif dan menyenangkan

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Motivasi Belajar Terhadap Ketuntasan Belajar IPS Materi Sejarah Siswa ... Kepala Sekolah, Guru beserta Staf Karyawan SD N 1 Karanganyar dan SD N ... 3 ) Tidak terdapat pengaruh interaksi antara pola mengajar dan motivasi belajar.

The 1'tlnternational Conference for Arts and Arts Education on Indonesia (ICAAE) 2014

namely peace-lover, firmness, smartfless, and faithfulness in supporting the agreement. Thus, the meanings of Pand awa Lima are togetherness, complimenting and fulfilling each other in unified font to reach the goal. Suggestion

The meaning of Pandawa Lima should be socialized to the younger generation as a part of mutual cooperation.The knight portrayal; modesty, righteousness, triumph over passion, are values which should be used as the basic of character education.The commendable characters of the knights of Pandawa should be integrated into every arts and cultural learning based on scientific method.


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engembangan Kebud ay aafl dan



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Theme: "Rethinking the Human Dignity and Nation Identity: A Review Perspective ofArts and Arts Education"

The L"tInternational Conference for Arts and Arts Education on irrdonesia (ICAAE) 2014

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Theme: "Rethinking the Human Dignily and Nation ldentity: A Review Perspective of Arts and Arts Education"



The L'tInternational Conference for Arts and Arts Education on Indonesia (ICAAE) 2014

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Theme: "Rethinking the Human Dignity and Nation Identity: A Review Perspective ofArts and Arts Education"