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Perpustakaan Digital. Universitas Negeri Malang Peningkatan kecerdasan interpersonal melalui permainan kooperatif di kelompok B TKĀ ...
Perpustakaan Digital Universitas Negeri Malang

Peningkatan kecerdasan interpersonal melalui permainan kooperatif di kelompok B TK Dewi Sartika Batu / Fitriyah Wulan Cahyani Skripsi (Sarjana)--Universitas Negeri Malang. 2010 Pembimbing 1. Abdul Huda 2. I Wayan Sutama Oleh Cahyani, Fitriyah Wulan

ABSTRAK Keywords: Interpersonal intelligence, cooperative playing"

Underlying this research by the condition of children in group B Dewi Sartika Kindergarten Batu is still exists some that has not been smart in interpersonal"16 children only 4 children can interact and work together, as well" Program given by the teachers still tend to be obsolete" Therefore, need for efforts to improve interpersonal intelligence in children B group Dewi Sartika Batu" Improving interpersonal intelligence is done through the application of cooperative playing" Because a cooperative playing is learning strategies that give children the opportunity to interact and collaborate in learning activities" The objective in conducting this research is to improve interpersonal intelligence of children through the implementation of the cooperative playing that gave priority to cooperation activities within the group so that there is interaction, interpersonal communication, and the promotion of mutual assistance and knowledge sharing among friends" This study conducted in Dewi Sartika Kindergarten Batu" Research design that will be used is class action framework" Researchers collaborating with the Mrs" Ukmiati, teacher on group B Dewi Sartika Kindergarten Batu starting from observation, problems identification, action planning, implementation, monitoring and reflection" The results showed that the application of cooperative playing can increase an interpersonal intelligence on children group B Dewi Sartika Kindergarten Batu" Improvement of interpersonal intelligence is marked with: (1) practical implementation of cooperative playing with the theme of plants by the teacher on group B Dewi Sartika kindergarten Batu accordance with the set design collaboratively with both, (2) teachers more creatively to develop learning and fun learning environment for students" Implementation of cooperative playing can improve: (1) ability of student cooperation, (2) ability to maintain friendships, (3) communication skills, (4) willingness to help each other when performing activities, and (5) willingness to share knowledge" Suggest that the improvement in student interpersonal intelligence on group B Dewi Sartika Kindergarten Batu performed by applying cooperative playing" This research can be used for other kindergarten whose state is relatively the same with kindergarten which became the stage"

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