containing the dye.—A combination/, time at Ithaca refrigerator and water heater.
T*ia. Yates County. Contract No.: FAS. RC. 4034. Name of Highway: Rushville-.
fage Two^
^ s = ~ r ^ ^ ^ j u n e 30. % the Transportation Zone of the New; Yan, R. 2; Gertrude Cook, Penn you knew the value of inventories York fair, where the labor-saving Yan, R. 5; Helen Fulkerson, DunSullivan C o W y s £ h o ^ Penn Yan Democrat unsold and the amount of bank benefits of the "gasoline age" a r e dee, R. 3; Helen Hatcher, Penn Yan, seventy-five cents pfr Lled S b S loans outstanding, you had a good dramatized through Goodrich's pre-, R. 2; Anna Hines, Branchport; VirEstablished 1818 idea as to the trend of future busi- sentation of modern farm imple-': ginia Kelsey, Penn Yan, R. 4; Mrs, Published every Friday at Penn ness. Today, the amount of money ments which owe their speed, ease, H o w a r d Kennedy, Branchport, Rv owed on instalment contracts is al- of operation and low upkeep to de- 2; Genevieve McAllister, Penn Yan, Yan, Yates County, New York j other counties, other iand in^i Entered at Penn Yan Postoffice as so a tremendous factor. velopment of the rubber tires on, R. 5; Ann Mashewske, Penn Yan, Xjauui NOTICE Iz Skilled s e v e nfiv t h aDab°ve ov? Debt Reduction Discouraged second-class mail matter -wvix^jci TO i v CONTRACTORS UUJNXJKAUXURS l IT •.Labor, » seventy which they move. Just 100 years! R. 1; Anna Mae Richie, Penn Yan^; 0 Not only has little been done to agoT'records show, it took 41' man J a n e Shults, Lakemont; Twila Til I f ^ ' ^ ^ / t ^ * * C ,& £ * » * &**£ hou Ellis J. Kennedy Earl F . Morse help reduce debt, but the recent hours of labor, with sickle and flail,:' tus, Penn Yan, R. 5, and Maxine " S S S S m t 1 c . t h e p ^ v S s S s k i U e d Labor, Xnv$* *. K tax laws have discouraged business Owners and Publishers nts to harvest 20 bushels of wheat. By, Townley, Dundee, R. 3. ^ C h a S S . Laws ^ f ?Ss6 C h a n W ! nour, hour, unless ' shown s h o w nnth ^ mat will write Clothing Specialist from Cornell ganv N Y and a t thToffic^ of t h e bedmer, "Mary" Palmer, h t oJK their debts. This tax.Is being com. ^ t h t s m u d g i n g on cellophane,,, University, to get t h e help they H g j j j - En'gSeer H P B r t m She was but a four-year mite, 1 Mary being fictitious ^ S pletely abolished in the new/'busi- l a s s o r c h i n a . _ F l a t frankfurters! need t o finish their ensembles, S ^ % S P S E E w A ™ u T ? And oh, so tired and sleepy too, first name of the defendant k n a m e " of the" defendant^ Her eyes would shut ere she was ness relief" tax measure now going ^ h i c h fit e a s i l i n o r d i n a r y h o t dog most of whom will be taking partj ^ a t e Office ^ d g . , HorneU, N . Y., ing unknown, Jennie c . % i through Congress. in t h e County Ensemble Review. K r ^ f ^ " J g oSmosal through— r o l l s o r i n r o u n d flat r o U s . So the dolls were forgotten quite! The bill, which wipes out the taxi; F 0 R JUNE GRADUATES— Dr. J This Review will be held in Penit fi*W> Qt«nd a ?rt?npHfi?ation^ P a r i nell, a s Executrix of the T S s Will ^and Testament of j 0 ^ liability incurred by a company; K a r l T. Compton, president of Mas, Yan sometime the last part of July ^ ^ f . ^ w e /S> K r S TJO G McConneU, deceased, P 2 The long hours dragged, 'twas very buying in its own obligations below: gachusetts Institute of Technology, o r early August. The winners of ™ ? ^°£gf%J*££W S ? „ 2 S ^ ' n V i 2 of t h e State of New New York, York r Go get my Darlings, quick !"-^ F r a n k P French premises in Italy comply in alfrespects with Section or parcel of land situate in the ture. In fact, June industrial ac- public for improving its services.-^ « ! ' 138 of the Highway Law, a s amendTown of Potter, County of Yates' Now Daddies a r e t h e meekest tivity was considerably better than Total farm income in first fivd e d ana a s o Fred M Lane and wife to Lulu " l pursuant to t h e pro- and State of New York, beginning May. Moreover, July should be as!months this year was $2,829,000,000, slaves, premises in Starkey , visions of Chapter 707 of t h e Laws a t t h e northeast Lot No. 5 in the good a business month as June. a gain of $47,000,000 over some p e ^ Boardman So out he crawled in the cold ,„, , 1Qer ^year.—Value , T , , , „ , „ „ fll . of 1938, there will be required on 2nd Range in said town, beginnins of ,,„.„„„, foreign ,„,, in* j D $1. Stole from the house, then back up' However, the changed attitude a s riod last entere v ^ t m ? n \ s ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ + t o h?™? at th» .n«»0i ^thereof. th«ice sojift to thrift and debt, if continued, stair, esttoated a t $7,^3,000,000. Na-I Stryker and wife, premises in Jeru-. State Agency on and after July 1, 4%° west along the east kne makes m e very fearful that we Arms filled with dolls and Teddy S Labor Relations Board salem—$1. 11938, a separate bond guaranteethereof 4 chains and 97 links to a are heading into a terrible smash Bear, s a some-day! tional Laboi Relations « . . . , ^ " J ; ing prompt payment of moneys: stake; thence north 85% • wa* amends rules t o grant employers: A e t a n ot o F r a n c i s ! Nor once did growl or scold. du Orcutt, premises in Torrey—$1. i e to all persons supplying t h e parallel with line 30 chains and lb the right to petition for elections in/ Copyright, 1939, Publishers FinanFrancis Orcutt to May L Angus,'contractor, or sub-constractor, with links to a stake; thence north line cases where two or more labor or-* But softly laid them down in bed cial Bureau premises in Torrey—-$1. -) labor and materials employed and 4%* east 4 chains and Va-° each 4 ganizations dispute right to be barBy the side of his Princess there, Martin J. Herbst to Lucy V. used in carrying out t h e contract chains and 97 links to a stake on gaining agency. Who paid him with a sleepy kiss, Herbst and anc„ premises in Tora s follows: \ t h e north line of said lot; thence While the old moon smiled on t h e Behind the Scenes in rey—$1. (a) Whenever the total amount south 85^;° east along the nortn happy miss 4-H Club News James Emerson and wife to Har- 1 payable by the terms of the con- of said lot 30 chains and 16 raws American Business The dolls and the Teddy Bear. r y R. Newcomb and wife, premises. tract shall be not more than $500,* to t h e place of beginning, containBy Jaha Crad"»>< t h a t compared with an average Broilers, lb i m 1 T i 6 to .18 ng for times sales schemes. In the!weeks, " ~ ' •' o'&ock in the foren°on' ^ f'^uld time of 90 days required for enactAcad.; s n a n receive t h e minimum wage why said wiU and testament boomtet of 1936-37, instalment sell- ment of revenue bills of other years !5 d e «. » 03 to .04 ing went on a rampage from which' -indicates that Congress is in n oTartc«y». aliv», lb .rate per hour a s follows: not be admitted Joprobate. t .26 to I n N e w Y o r k CIt ; it has not yet returned. In Testimony WerttlW , r se of o w w *i,^^» y Skilled Labor, k ! mood for such a protracted session ***** alive, lb 1$ to ferine ^in^ ntace ^ f ^of^ r? ^T LL .^ 5n IJ n ?e !t y! ci e nMt e &T «h o fu r J *&M ™*>t, caused the seal of the SUITOR t < istees Intermediate W Instalment selling has spread in- as undoubtedlv wo"M be reoulred PROWiSIONS Court" of the County of Yates P e t e r c Murta^h *«ri^f J S ^ S ' ' « " ! * * * * « * «l«hty-seven and oneto many other fields. Look at your ' " e n a < 2 J t h € P r e s i d e s entire pro(OoHt«ted by Brown ft Hopfelm) Platman w h W ^ ^ f S J S 5 f 3 ' ^ oHu*n"tJyW^ (m me counties Surrogate of said y payment basis. You can buy any16 t 0 vl E F P O R T - W o r l d ' s Fair Eggs, doz. oth^rbefore h,i«^^;« V rJLar^r. -^cVester and I Village ^ thing today—even shirts, socks, and J$?SR CHAIN ly chcome thk .\. «r ^^ T7 r« rr " fc , Suffolk* uuicness Nassau, »Kiiieu seventy-;oi May,of mPenn w » / ^Yan, r v . ^ tne Awl v * fors leave with a better appre r h o t i r : u n d e r w e a r - o n time payments i t K L a Intermediate W . seventy: one of May, In thenine y e a rhundrea -ofour ^ (Oorrected by Birkatt M!M«) f h0 S ^^ 2S H^ !m ^ f i f^ i ^ &® ' ' .^6' y Si f^ i^m S: D S « ^* *^* * Skilled ^ thousand your total order amounts to $10» SSPS? d o f Mi ? n^ h^ a ^s b1 e American stand- Wheat _ 73 S r e s o h S i b n ^ V % « & £ t / G » a d e Labor, sixty-five cents per nine. ^ — MEKHAN,, t o T S * « n enhanced bv Instalment selling has made it mora JiT d 0, n0W J the combined scientific efforts of Buckwheat ' i no t*> E d u c a t ^ n J u i v % i Q ^ l J Unskilled Labor, sixty-five ( L . S ; ) ^ ^ r J o i a t e r s Coifl* difficult than ever to forecast busiw n t s G L B A R n W p2Si^* ** heur; i n , t h e Counties of | ,Clerk Surrogate ^ Oats 60 lbs ness conditions. Ten vears ago i t roduct. An e x a m p l F i H M f i P g Corn, .37eo to ffiy— d e a n d CLAYTON F ' ^ n ^ S ^ * W*** Owmge; Skilled Labor, Personal appearance> w & m .45 t o seventy five cents per hour, and for Q i C L A Y T O N E. ROSE, Secretary perand hour,Unskilled and for quired ^ 10w4 seventy-five Intermediatecents Grade lections.unless you desire