pennsylvania weekly fall foliage report - Pa DCNR

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28 Sep 2017 - Fall foliage season continues in its preliminary stages, statewide. Some northern-tier forest districts ar
Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Bureau of Forestry


Fall foliage season continues in its preliminary stages, statewide. Some northern-tier forest districts are showing over 50% color in stands of northern hardwoods (maple, cherry, birch). Central and southern forests are showing strong indicators of future color; with bittersweet, Virginia creeper, dogwood, walnut, hickory, birch, and a few maples sprinkling color over the landscape. The recent warm spell seems to have slowed the color transition, and even forced early leaf-drop in some areas. Cooler temperatures in the forecast next week should set the stage for peak foliage in a few areas, especially to the north and northeast. Please consider viewing fall foliage by participating this Sunday, October 1, in the “Walk in Penn’s Woods”- a coordinated, statewide event featuring hiking and opportunities to learn about our forests. Most events are slated for sites within a reasonable driving distance of every Pennsylvanian. For more information, please go to .

NORTHERN REGION, (Northern Wayne County and all of Susquehanna, Bradford, Tioga, Potter, and McKean counties) In the Endless Mountains region of Loyalsock State Forest, color is at 35%. The World’s End area, Loyalsock Road, and the Haystack Trail area north of Laporte currently are offering good views of the changing red and sugar maples, ash, and cherry. To the west in Susquehannock State Forest, many sugar maples are already past peak. Currently red maple is the species showing best color. There are still areas of red maple, ash, cherry, and basswood that are beautiful. The best colors can be seen in the northern half of Potter County from Rte. 6, Rte. 44, Rte. 449, and Rte. 872. In McKean County, Rte. 6, Rte. 59, Rte. 321 and Rte. 219 should provide good viewing. Once the beech and aspen turn more, the color should start to improve leading up to the oak peak. Fall foliage in Tioga State Forest is showing signs of a lackluster season. Dry and hot weather has caused many of the northern hardwood species’ leaves to dry up and fall off or just turn dull yellows to browns. Red maples are still changing and colors are typically a dull red. Oak and beech have yet to start their fall changes. Tioga State Forest is still a wonderful place to view fall foliage, especially in the eastern part of the forest, like at Lambs Look-out or the Arnot tract. The vistas into the PA Grand Canyon off West Rim Road offer great foliage views as well.

Asters in the foreground and a view of the Endless Mountains, Loyalsock State Forest.

Northeast Counties Pinchot State Forest district foresters predict a longer foliage season occurring in two phases, and a different mix of colors than in years past. They attribute this year’s differences to the wet summer and low temperatures during August and early September. The central region of the Pocono Mountains is beginning to show some good fall foliage colors. Susquehanna county in the northern tier is about 50% peak. Areas populated by northern hardwoods should be getting close to peak this coming week. Oak and hickory forest types still have a couple weeks until they hit their peak. Significant changes are occurring in the wetlands where red maple is showing different shades of red and some orange. Ash, birch, and sugar maple are showing brilliant shades of yellow and orange. Some of their leaves have turned brown and fallen early. Sumac, dogwood, and black gum have also started to show varying shades of red. A good place to view foliage this week is around Tobyhanna State Park by Route 423. The trees around the lake will be starting to show good colors.

Bushkill Road area (photo by Matt Hazen)

Northwest Counties Fall foliage season is progressing as predicted across the northwestern corner of Pennsylvania. Shades of red continue to dominate the early coloration but bright yellow and orange colors are beginning to be added to the mix. Maple trees are among the first to be displaying their colors, as well as dropping their leaves, but color can also be found in some of the shrub species like dogwoods; and even on vines like poison ivy and Virginia creeper. By the end of September, everywhere you look should show some color and signs of fall; but our peak is still predicted to be around mid-October. For a unique way to view the fall colors, consider viewing by train or check out fall hikes and events at your local state parks and state forests.

Virginia creeper has turned a lovely shade of crimson (photo by C. Stelter).

CENTRAL REGION (A funnel-shaped band with its narrow end in southern Wayne and Pike counties, stretching across the central third of Pennsylvania to Fayette, Greene, and Washington counties, widening to the northwest to include Erie and Warren counties.) Mid-State Counties In Elk State Forest, southern Elk and Cameron Counties (oak forest) are showing minor changes, except for maple. Northern Elk and Cameron counties (northern hardwood forest) are showing a lot of change, but some maples have lost all their leaves. In Moshannon State Forest near Penfield; sassafras, maple, and black gum are in various stages of color. The mountainous areas toward Black Moshannon State Park are showing more colorful changing of leaves. It is a wonderful time to take a hike or utilize the equestrian trails in the area. Lack of sufficient rain and cooler nights in the Quehanna region are bringing a more prominent leaf change with red maple, birch, cherry, sassafras, and poplars making for a spectacular ride through Moshannon State Forest to the Medix, Quehanna area. Additionally, the spectacular sounds of Quehanna area elk bugling can be heard rolling across the color-strewn mountains!

A spectacular, scarlet-colored black gum in Moshannon State Forest. (photo by V. Stephens).

Sproul State Forest is relatively unchanged from last week. Maples are starting to turn so the best place to view foliage this week is route 144 between Snowshoe and Renovo. The thirtymile stretch offers two viewing areas- Two Rock Run Vista and Fish Dam Vista. Both sites offer picnic tables and portable toilets.

Very little leaf color change has occurred over the last week in Bald Eagle State Forest. Most of the state forest is in the initial stages of color change. Black gum, Virginia creeper, and some dogwoods are at about 50% of their stunning crimson red color. The few ash trees that have made it through recent emerald ash borer attacks are showing nice colors of purple and yellows. Also, black walnuts in the valleys are yellowing. Bald Eagle State Forest offers great fall foliage viewing opportunities from any of its 26 vistas, most of which are easily accessed by car. Route 322 separates Bald Eagle and Rothrock forest districts, allowing for quick and easy access by highway.

Laurel Run Reservoir (off route 322 in Seven Mountains region) can be gorgeous during peak foliage, as was the case in this file photo from 2015. (photo by D. Dermotta)

The dry, hot weather pattern has stalled the foliage color change in Rothrock State Forest. Many leaves that have changed color are drying up and dropping. Reds from maples and sumac are coming on despite the dry spell. The best ride currently is along Stone Creek Road, traveling from Alan Seeger to Seven Mountains. The new low dust, very smooth DSA (Driving Surface Aggregate) on Stone Creek Road is a pleasure on which to travel!

West-Central Counties (Mercer, Lawrence, Beaver, Butler, Clarion, Armstrong, and southern half of Venango) Clear Creek State Forest is presently in the preliminary stages of fall foliage. The crimson hues of poison ivy and Virginia creeper, along with the occasional red maple add subtle cues that fall is coming. Southwestern Counties (Allegheny, Washington, Greene, Westmoreland, Fayette, Somerset) In Forbes State Forest, peak color is expected during the first and second weeks (Negro Mountain & Laurel Ridge) in October. The Laurel Highlands are separated by three separate ridges that vary in elevation, oftentimes leading to a succession of peak foliage. The Mt. Davis Division encompasses the highest point in Pa., therefore peaking before any other region of the Laurel Highlands. The Laurel Ridge, extending from Ohiopyle to Seward, is the next area to peak; followed by the western-most areas of the Laurel Highlands, Chestnut Ridge, and Pittsburgh area. The Mt. Davis Division (Negro Mountain) area is turning slowly, but green foliage dominates. Black gum is peaking while birch, ashes, sumac, and maples are progressively changing. Yellowing ferns also add color to the forest floor. Peak foliage may occur within a week to ten days. Foliage enthusiasts should consider the Mt. Davis area this weekend into the next for prime fall foliage. Viewers can enjoy a panoramic view of autumn’s colors from the observation tower at Mt. Davis. The Laurel Mountain Division area is becoming more colorful. Black gums are peaking gradually, displaying their vibrant, crimson color. Birch, cherry, sassafras, and red/sugar maples are patchy. Peak foliage is expected in approximately two weeks.

Early fall foliage off Laurel Summit Road, Forbes State Forest

The Braddock Division area is slightly changing, but still mostly green. This area is typically the last place to see peak foliage in southwestern Pa. A few maples, cherry, and poplar are beginning to change; peak foliage will likely occur within two to three weeks.

SOUTHERN REGION (Area south and east of a line through southern Monroe,

Dauphin, Bedford

and southeastern Somerset Counties)

Southcentral Counties In Buchanon State Forest, several vine species (poison ivy, Virginia creeper, bittersweet) are adding early red and yellow colors to the forest edges. Hickories and birches on drier sites have also turned yellow. Route 30 offers a pleasant view of the Buchanon State Forest, and Tower Road and Bark Road vistas reveal beautiful scenery in the valley.

Black birch coloring the forest edge (photo by R. Reed)

East-central Counties (Dauphin, Northumberland, Montour, Columbia, Schuylkill, Carbon, Lebanon) In Weiser State Forest, most color changes are attributed to vines like bittersweet. However, other signs of fall are certainly evident, like the abundance of white oak acorns and hickory nuts.

Colorful bittersweet vine along the forest edge at Boyd Big Tree Preserve (photo by R. Reed)

White oak acorns and hickory nuts are plentiful in Boyd Big Tree Preserve (photos by R. Reed)

Southeastern Counties (Adams, York, Lancaster, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, Bucks, Berks, Lehigh, Northampton) Changes in Michaux and Willliam Penn state forests have been negligible thus far. Route 233 is an excellent choice for viewing peak fall foliage in Michaux, and a trip up Sportsman Road in Berks County provides splendid views of the Wertz Tract of William Penn State Forest. Foliage in these areas should peak in approximately 3 weeks.

Peak foliage was awesome along Ridge Road, northwest of route 233, during the fall of 2010.