Penrice Mine/Quarry updated noise model July2013

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Jul 19, 2013 ... Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment. Penrice Soda .... mine/quarry during the 10pm-midnight period when compared to previous modelling.
Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment Penrice Soda Holdings Ltd 19-Jul-2013 Doc No. A13G01RP

Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model Penrice Mine/Quarry


Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model

Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model Penrice Mine/Quarry

Client: Penrice Soda Holdings Ltd ABN: 83 109 193 419

Prepared by AECOM Australia Pty Ltd Level 28, 91 King William Street, Adelaide SA 5000, Australia T +61 8 7223 5400 F +61 8 7400 5499 ABN 20 093 846 925


Job No.: 60189511

AECOM in Australia and New Zealand is certified to the latest version of ISO9001 and ISO14001.

© AECOM Australia Pty Ltd (AECOM). All rights reserved. AECOM has prepared this document for the sole use of the Client and for a specific purpose, each as expressly stated in the document. No other party should rely on this document without the prior written consent of AECOM. AECOM undertakes no duty, nor accepts any responsibility, to any third party who may rely upon or use this document. This document has been prepared based on the Client’s description of its requirements and AECOM’s experience, having regard to assumptions that AECOM can reasonably be expected to make in accordance with sound professional principles. AECOM may also have relied upon information provided by the Client and other third parties to prepare this document, some of which may not have been verified. Subject to the above conditions, this document may be transmitted, reproduced or disseminated only in its entirety.

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Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model

Quality Information Document

Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model





Prepared by

Adam Cook

Reviewed by

Simon Moore

Revision History Authorised

Revision Date




For issue



Inclusion of 2009 results for comparison



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Simon Moore Principal Engineer Acoustics Simon Moore Principal Engineer Acoustics



Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model

Table of Contents Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Background 3.0 Noise criteria 4.0 Assessment 4.1 Operational hours of plant 4.2 Predicted noise emission levels 5.0 Conclusion

i 1 2 3 5 5 6 7

Appendix A Acoustic terms


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Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model

Executive Summary AECOM were previously engaged by Penrice to assist with community concerns regarding noise emissions from the mine/quarry. This involved creating a noise model of the existing site and noise sources, and advising on appropriate measures to reduce overall noise emissions. The assessment was for onsite noise sources only and specifically excluded noise associated with trucks entering and leaving the mine/quarry on public roads. The assessment demonstrated that Penrice were compliant with the Environment Protection (Noise) Policy 2007 (Noise EPP). In 2012 AECOM was engaged to provide an update to the noise model to account for changes to plant on site. The 2012 update incorporated the results of measurements of noise from new plant and equipment into the model, and also the removal of some sources no longer operating on site. Penrice have since made changes to the operation of plant on the site as follows: -

Pug mill no longer operates between 10pm and midnight


Mobile rock drills no longer operates between 10pm and midnight


Train movements to only occur two days per week

Table E-1 summarises the noise criteria for the surrounding sensitive receivers. Table E-1

Summary of noise criteria for assessed receivers


Noise EPP Noise criteria in dB(A)

Zone Day


South 1 to 8




South 9 to 18

Rural Living



Primary Production



Primary Production (Barossa Valley Region)



All North-east receivers All West receivers

The revised predicted noise emissions from the mine/quarry indicate no exceedances of the noise criteria are predicted to occur under current operating conditions. Predicted noise levels for the North-east catchment during the 10pm-midnight period have reduced significantly. This is due to the removal of the rock drills from operations during this time period, which were a significant source of noise at these receptor locations. The assessment has demonstrated that the Penrice mine/quarry is still compliant with the current environmental noise criteria, and that changes to operations have resulted in reduced environmental noise emissions from the mine/quarry during the 10pm-midnight period when compared to previous modelling. We are of the opinion that predicted noise levels for the revised model satisfy the intent of the PEPR.

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Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model


AECOM were previously engaged by Penrice to assist with community concerns regarding noise emissions from the mine/quarry. This involved creating a noise model of the existing site and noise sources, and advising on appropriate measures to reduce overall noise emissions. The assessment was for onsite noise sources only and specifically excluded noise associated with trucks entering and leaving the mine/quarry on public roads. The assessment demonstrated that Penrice were compliant with the Environment Protection (Noise) Policy 2007 (Noise EPP). In 2012 AECOM was engaged to provide an update to the noise model to account for changes to plant on site. The 2012 update incorporated the results of measurements of noise from new plant and equipment into the model, and also the removal of some sources no longer operating on site. Noise predictions from the 2012 updated model demonstrated that the mine site was still compliant with environmental noise criteria. Further details of the 2012 update can be found in AECOM report Ref 60189511-A12G01RP-2. Penrice have since made changes to the operation of plant on the site as follows: -

Pug mill no longer operates between 10pm and midnight


Mobile rock drills no longer operates between 10pm and midnight


Train movements to only occur two days per week

This report presents results of updated noise modelling predictions and provides comparison with current noise criteria. Definitions of acoustic terms used in this report are included in Appendix A.

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Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model



The Penrice mine/quarry is located near the township of Penrice in the Barossa Valley. The mine/quarry is bounded on the southern side by the township of Penrice, with residences located on Salem Road and Penrice Road in the township. On the western and northern side, the mine/quarry site is bounded by agricultural industry, including vineyards and broadacre farming. There are a number of detached dwellings located in this area, with generally low density. Under the Barossa Council Development Plan, the Penrice mine/quarry is located within a Mineral Extraction Zone. The Penrice mine/quarry site is adjacent four zones containing residences. Figure 1 shows the development zones from the Barossa Council Development Plan in the area around the Penrice mine/quarry.


Figure 1: Zones in the area surrounding the Penrice mine/quarry

Under the Development Plan, rural industries, such as broadacre farming, wineries and other horticultural and farming uses, are promoted in the Primary Production zones. The rural living zones promote detached dwellings on large allotments, whilst the Residential zone promotes a range of small-scale dwellings in close proximity to district town centre zones.

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Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model


Noise criteria

The applicable noise criteria for the Penrice mine/quarry are derived from the Environment Protection (Noise) Policy 2007 (Noise EPP) and are summarised in Table 1. The day time period refers to 7am to 10pm and the night time period refers to 10pm to 7am. Figure 2 shows residences located near the Penrice mine/quarry. Under the Noise EPP, the measured source noise levels must be adjusted by the following amounts if the noise source contains amplitude modulating, tonal, impulsive or low-frequency characteristics: -

Noise source contains 1 characteristic, add 5 dB(A)


Noise source contains 2 characteristic, add 8 dB(A)


Noise source contains 3 or 4 characteristics, add 10 dB(A)

As there is variability in criteria, as well as the character and type of noise sources over the mine/quarry site, the surrounding areas have been broken up based on the location of the residence to group properties with exposure to similar sources. Properties have been grouped in the following catchments: South: properties located in the Residential and Rural Living zones on Penrice and Salem Roads and Rowland and Murdock Streets -

North-east: properties located in the Primary Production Zone, including properties on Salem and Kalimna Roads


North-west: properties located in the Primary Production (Barossa Valley Region) Zone, including properties on Stockwell Road


West: properties located on Penrice Road

Table 1

Summary of noise criteria for assessed receivers


Noise EPP Noise criteria in dB(A)

Zone Day


South 1 to 8




South 9 to 18

Rural Living



Primary Production



Primary Production (Barossa Valley Region)



All North-east receivers All West receivers

In addition, the Program for Environmental Protection and Rehabilitation (PEPR) for the Penrice mine/quarry notes the following: Demonstrate compliance with the noise source measurements in the AECOM report (Doc No 60099270A9K01RP-4) dated 31/5/10 by an annual independent suitably qualified expert show noise source are equal to or less than Appendix B (page B-1 of the AECOM report). It is noted that Appendix B of the above mentioned report refers to the sound power levels for each item of plant on site. It does not take into account the number of items of plant on site or the benefits of any additional noise mitigation that may have been incorporated that is not at the source. We are of the opinion that the intent of the PEPR requirements is to not increase current on site noise emissions and therefore believe that Penrice should demonstrate that the highest predicted noise levels are equal to or less than Table 4 (page 7 of the AECOM report).

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Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model


Figure 2

Assessed receivers surrounding Penrice mine/quarry

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Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model




Operational hours of plant

Noise levels were predicted for the following five time periods: -

7am to 6pm (train loading & no train loading scenarios) – Day time period criteria are applicable


6pm to 10pm – Day time period criteria are applicable


10pm to midnight – Night time period criteria are applicable


Midnight to 6am – Night time period criteria are applicable


6am to 7am – Night time period criteria are applicable

Table 2 summarises the plant that is assumed to be operational during the five modelled time periods. Table 2

Hours of operation for each piece of plant included in noise model


Day time

Night time

7am to 6pm

6pm to 10pm

10pm to midnight

Midnight to 6am

6am to 7am

Glass sand compressor shed

Train loader, conveyor and vibrating screens associated with train loading

Aggregate plant crusher and vibrating screens

Tertiary building

Primary crusher(1)

Primary crusher vibrating screen building

Stacker for train stockpiles

Pug mill

Transfer station

60 tonne and 90 tonne haul trucks

Front end loaders – Sales loaders

Front end loaders – Aggregate plant

Front end loaders – L/Haul

Tracked excavators


Tracked bulldozer

Mobile rock drills

Skid steer

Mobile crusher

Mobile rock breaker

Finlay crusher Dust unit

  

Notes: (1)

Rock breaker on primary crusher is not operating between 6am and 7am.

We note that Penrice have advised that train movements will now only occur on 2 days per week. This will not affect the outcomes of the acoustic assessment, as both noise criteria and predictions are based upon worst case 15-minute noise emissions within each time period, and do not account for longer term operational changes.

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Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model


Predicted noise emission levels

Noise levels at residences around the mine/quarry site have been predicted under worst case meteorological conditions (i.e. most conducive to increased noise levels at the receiver) and compared to the noise criteria. Where noise is likely to be from a source containing annoying characteristics, such as impulsive noise from the train loader, adjustments have been made as required under the Noise EPP. Table 3 presents a summary of the highest predicted noise levels (in a 15 minute period) around the site for the noise catchments. Table 3

Highest predicted noise levels in dB(A) at residences surrounding Penrice mine/quarry site

Day time noise level 7am 6pm

7am 6pm Train

6pm 10pm

















Catchment Criteria South – Rural South – Residential North-east





Night time noise level








53 54

55 (4)





10pm midnight

Midnight - 6am

6am 7am















Notes: (1)

Noise level has been adjusted by 5 dB(A) due to impulsive characteristics from rock breaker attached to the primary crusher.


Noise level has been adjusted by 5 dB(A) due to impulsive characteristics from the mobile rock breaker.


Noise level has been adjusted by 5 dB(A) due to impulsive characteristics from rock drill.


Noise level has been adjusted by 5 dB(A) due to impulsive characteristics from the train loader.


Noise level has been adjusted by 5 dB(A) due to amplitude modulation characteristics from front end loader.

The revised predicted noise emissions from the mine/quarry indicate no exceedances of the noise criteria are predicted to occur under current operating conditions. Table 4 compares the revised results with those from the initial modelling (undertaken in 2009) and the 2012 model update, showing predicted 10pm-midnight noise emissions are less than or equal to those in the previous modelling results. Table 4

Changes to 10pm-midnight predicted noise levels

Predicted 10pm-midnight noise levels [dB(A)] Catchment

Initial modelling



South – Rural




South – Residential
















Predicted noise levels for the North-east catchment during the 10pm-midnight period have reduced significantly when compared to the previous levels. This is due to the removal of the rock drills from operations during this time period, which were previously a significant source of noise at these receptor locations. We are of the opinion that revised predicted noise levels for 2013 satisfy the intent of the PEPR (although the PEPR does not have any specific requirement with regard to the previously predicted noise levels in Table 4).

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Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model



An acoustic assessment has been undertaken to update the current model of the Penrice mine/quarry. The assessment has demonstrated that the Penrice mine/quarry is still compliant with the current environmental noise criteria, and that changes to operations have resulted in reduced environmental noise emissions from the mine/quarry during the 10pm-midnight period.

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Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model

Appendix A

Acoustic terms

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Penrice Mine/Quarry Noise Assessment Penrice Mine/Quarry Updated Noise Model


Appendix A

Acoustic terms


The A-weighting scale is designed to adjust the absolute sound pressure levels to correspond to the subjective response of the human ear.


Unit for A-weighted overall sound pressure level measured in decibels re 20 Pa.


The Leq is defined as the equivalent noise level and is the energy averaged noise level over the measurement period. This measure is commonly used by legislation when setting limits for environmental noise.


The maximum noise level during the measurement period.

Sound Pressure Level

The Sound Pressure Level can be directly measured using a sound level meter and for a given noise source varies with distance to the source. Measured in dB, referenced to 20 µPa.

Sound Power Level

The Sound Power Level is a measure of the acoustic energy produced by a source and is -12 measured in dB relative to 10 Watts. The sound power level is not directly measurable using a sound level meter and is independent of the distance from the source. It is calculated from the sound pressure level, taking into account the distance of the measurement from the noise source and the size of the noise source.

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