PENYELESAIAN WANPRESTASI PERJANJIAN BERLANGGANAN TELEVISI KABEL OLEH PELANGGAN PADA PT. SARANA INSAN MUDASELARAS Disusun oleh : Andita Suharto 03 05 08266 Program Kekhususan : Hukum Ekonomi Bisnis Program Studi Ilmu Hukum Fakultas Hukum Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta Pembimbing
N. Budi Ariyanto.Wijaya,SH. M.Hum ABSTRACT
SaranaInsan MudaSelaras Company (SIMS) is one of many Cable Television subscribe service provider that operate in Jogjakarta. While the agreement occurred, the subscriber some times do a thing that below the conscious or unconscious was a breach of contract, which cause a disadvantages for SIMS. This research purposed to know about form of subscribe contract at SIMS and how the implementation of the contract. This legal research also want to know how the SIMS dispute resolution if the subscriber breaching the contract. This legal research is an empirical research, which the main data source is from interview with respondent by nonprobability sampling. Secondary data in this research took from library study and legal regulation. This legal research using a qualitative analysis method and taking the conclusion by deductive method. The conclusion of this legal research, to arrange the legal relation with it's subscriber, SIMS had made a standard contract which then called as Subscribe Contract. Breach of this Subscribe Contract which often happen are like doing some act that strictly forbidden in contract, such as connecting cable television illegally. For a particular purpose the illegal connection did not claimed in penal or private law by SIMS, they prefer to finish the case using a negotiation settlement. The main purpose of this settlement is to do a "construction" to the which subscriber that done illegal connecting. The solution, hopefully SIMS could do more socialization, and give information in correct, clear and opened way to their subscriber. The subscriber also should be able to understand their right and obligation since they willing to signing up the contract. Good intention and transparent of the subscriber are the main or the primary key in this settlement efforts. Keyword : Subscribe Contract, Breach Contract, Good intention to negotiation Settlement.