1783. Oleh: Faizal Arifin. *). ABSTRACT. Background of this research came from
PERANAN GEORGE WASHINGTON DALAM PERANG KEMERDEKAAN AMERIKA SERIKAT PADA TAHUN 1775 – 1783 Oleh: Faizal Arifin*) ABSTRACT Background of this research came from an interesting point of the birth of democracy and the first republican system govermnent in the world. Methods of this research is historical methods, with consist of heuristic, critic, interpretation and historiography. The main problem of this research is, “how the role of George Washington on the American Revolutionary War in 1775 – 1783?” The American Revolution is generally caused by political and economy policy of British Government is not fair to the American Colony. Washington played an active role in the movement against British, by affecting the colony leaders and attend forums like the House of Burgesses, Virginia Convention and the Continental Congress. Washington was appointed Commander-in-Chief to lead American forces and implement a defensive strategy against the British that he managed to win the battle at Bunker Hill (1775), crossing the Delaware (1776) and the battle of Princeton (1776) until defeated the British at Yorktown (1781). The American Revolution has made Washington a hero to the United States and the world. Key words: Washington, Independence, Revolution, United States of America, Colonies, and British.
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