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between air and fuel are still using manual systems. Therefore in this thesis designed the ratio between air and fuel in the combustion system based on steam ...
DESIGN OF CONTROL SYSTEM OF COMBUSTION RATIO BASED ON THE VALUE OF STEAM QUALITY AT STEAM GENERATOR Name of Student Number of Registration Department/Faculty Advisor Lecture I Advisor Lecture II

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Andi Saehul Rizal 2410 105 014 Engineering Physics – Faculty of Industrial Technology-ITS : Dr.Bambang Lelono W. ST, MT. : Fitri Adi Iskandarianto ST, MT.

Abstract In the industrial, especially in oil and gas companies, steam generator’s function is very needed. Steam is produced by the steam generator is useful for processing oil. One of the most important aspect of steam produced is steam quality. One of the factors that influence the process to produce the steam quality is the rate of fuel flow and perfect combustion in the combustion process. The steam generator which is on PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia Duri, Riau major regulatory ratio between air and fuel are still using manual systems. Therefore in this thesis designed the ratio between air and fuel in the combustion system based on steam quality which needed. From the simulation results on the value of steam quality of 70% obtained the best value for the parameter Kp = 35, Ti = 0999, and Td = 0.5 of the fuel flow rate control. While in the control of air flow rate to the value of Kp=0.8, Ti=1.25 and Td =0.75. On controlling the fuel flow rate value obtained Rise Time (Tr) = 12 seconds, settling time (Ts) = 12 seconds, delay time (Td) = 5 seconds, Peak time (Tp) = 15 seconds, maximum ovhershoot (Mp) = 0.56% and the steady state error (Ess) 0%. Otherwise controlling the air flow rate values obtained Rise Time (Tr) = 17 seconds settling time (Ts) = 17 seconds of delay time (Td) = 6.5 seconds, maximum ovhershoot (Mp) = 0% and the steady state error (Ess) = 0 %.

Keyword : Steam quality, Steam generator, Ratio control