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ix. LIGHTING SYSTEM DESIGN OF ITS INDOOR FUTSAL. COURT. Name of Student. : Kresna Eka Nugraha. NRP. : 2405 100 050. Departement of.

Name of Student NRP Departement of Supervisor

: Kresna Eka Nugraha : 2405 100 050 : Physic Engineering FTI – ITS : Andi Rahmadiansah, ST, MT

ABSTRACT Indoor futsal field of ITS is one of the sports facilities owned by November Ten Surabaya Institute of Technology (ITS). As a function of this indoor futsal field, then use at night must use artificial lighting. Artificial lighting that is installed on the user experience of this facility is still unsatisfactory in the sense of less bright. Opinion was reinforced by the fact the results of measurements of the indoor futsal field illumination of 87 lux ITS. In order to meet visual comfort futsal players and spectators, strong lighting must meet the standards recommended (minimum 200 lux). Based on the background terbut, then the final task is done an appropriate lighting system design standards on indoor futsal field of ITS. This design first futsal simulate real conditions and then design the lighting system by comparing three different types of lights that is MPK450 1xHPI-P250W-BU, P-MB 1xHPI 4ME550-P400W-BU-P SGR ME100 +9 R D550, HPK888 P-WB 1xSON400W PR. Other data that support the calculations included in the software to do calculations which are the most optimal light and efficient to install. Of calculation and simulation results, we recommend the light bulbs 4ME550 1xHPI P-MB-P400W-BU-P SGR ME100 +9 R D550, the number of 12 pieces, Eave = 262 lux, 139 lux = Emin, Emax = 329 lux, Emin / ix

Eave = 0530 lux, Emin / Emax = 0422 lux, height = 16 951 m, total luminaires = 413 100, total P [W] = 5640, and the specific connected load = 2.41 W/m2, the area = 2340.75 m2. Keywords: Field indoor futsal, strong lighting, lighting systems
