Perbandingan status gizi anak balita di desa pelosok dan pinggir jalan
Kecamatan Banyudono ... JURNAL KEDOKTERAN YARSI 12 (2) : 072-078 (
2004) by.
Perbandingan status gizi anak balita di desa pelosok dan pinggir jalan Kecamatan Banyudono Boyolali
Perbandingan status gizi anak balita di desa pelosok dan pinggir jalan Kecamatan Banyudono Boyolali The comparison of children under-five years of age’s nutritional status living at remote and near the road villages at Banyudono sub district, Boyolali regency
JURNAL KEDOKTERAN YARSI 12 (2) : 072-078 (2004) by Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi Department pf Biology, Sebelas Maret University School of Medicine, Surakarta
ABSTRACT It has been known that malnutrition tend to cluster in particular areas. A comparative study has been conducted to elicit whether any differences on nutritional status of the under five years of age living at remote and near the road villages at Banyudono sub district, Boyolali regency regarding their social economic, cultural practices and public health services. A modified UNICEF conceptual framework has been used to analyze the cause of malnutrition in those villages. Banyudono sub-district has 15 villages. Two villages have been chosen deliberately, based on their location (remote and near the road). Bayudono sub-district has 1080 children under-five years of age. A hundred and two children have been recruited in the study, based on their residency. A survey has been carried out from November to December 2002 at Tanjungsari and Bendan villages. All children of under five years of age who came to Integrated Health Post (Posyandu) at that time were recruited. Anthropometrics measurements (weight and height), and socio-economic, cultural practices and public health services? data were taken. All statistical analysis has been done using SPSS Version 10.0.1. (SPSS Inc, October 1999). The study shows that based on Z-score of weight for height (W/H) nutritional status of the children are significantly different. Mean Z-score W/H for the children living in Bendan village (near road) and Tanjungsari village (remote) are 0.7237 ? 1.7412) and - 0.2236 ? 1.6421), respectively. Some socio-economic, cultural and public health variables are also significantly different, especially consumption of milk, duration of breastfeeding, and ventilation. It can be concluded that there is a significant difference in term of nutritional status of the under five years of age who live in remote and near the road villages. Some socio-economic, cultural and public health variables play a role in determining children nutritional status.