Perdere L'amore - Line Dance

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Perdere L'amore. Choreographed by Meiske Pamaputera. 4 walls, 25 counts, Intermediate. ( 1-8 ) Step diagonal, walk forward, walk, brush, walk back, sweep ...
Perdere L’amore Choreographed by Meiske Pamaputera 4 walls, 25 counts, Intermediate ( 1-8 ) Step diagonal, walk forward, walk, brush, walk back, sweep sailor 3/8 turn left, cross, step, brush. 1-2&3 Diagonally right step on left, right, left, brush right ( 01;30 ) 4&5 Diagonally step back on right, left , right 6&7 Sweep left make a 3/8 turn left cross left behind right, step right, step left slightly left ( 09;00 ) 8&1 Cross right over left, step left to left, brush right ( 10-17 ) Cross, step, cross, recover, sweep ¾ turn right, rock forward, recover, coaster step 2&3 Cross right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left 4-5 Recover on left, sweep right ¾ turn right ( 06;00 ) 6-7 Rock on left, recover on right 8&1 Step back on left, step back on right, step forward on left ( 18 -25 ) Step ½ turn left, full turn right, scissor right, ¼ & ¼ turn right, cross , step cross slide, rock, ronde ½ turn - scissor rihght, scissor left. Step cross slide, ½ turn step cross slide, sway right. Tag 3 count- sway LRL ( 1&2 ) Cross R behind ( 3) 2&3 Forward on right, ½ turn left, step forward on right 4&5 ½ Turn right stepping on left, ½ turn right stepping on right , step fwd left 6&7 Step right to right, left beside right, cross right over left. ( 10;30 ) 8& 1 Rock left, right, ronde ½ turn right ( 06;00 ) Cross step