PERMACULTURE AND ORGANIC AGRICULTURE International scientific and practical conference February 24-25, 2018
Uzhhorod, Ukraine
accumulation. The content of chlorophyll at leaves exceeded control index at 19%. It is shown that combined application of Stimpo, Rehoplant with Azotofit promoted the raise of netto-photosynthesis during peas vegetation at 5–47% and 8–24% respectively and in comparison with separate application variants. Combined interaction of Stimpo, Rehoplant with Azotofit rised the beans number per plant by 8% to 28%, and weight of 1000 seeds at 4,4% to 6,3% respectively. Under separate application of Azotofit, Stimpo, Rehoplant, the biological yield of peas crop was 3,1; 3,4 та 4,2 t/ha. Whereas, under combined application of biopreparations the yield was (А+S) – 4,4 t/ha and (А+R) – 4,2 t/ha and its exceeded the control yield (3,1 t/ha) of peas. Combined application of biopreparations Stimpo, Rehoplant with Azotofit revealed to synergistic effect on processes of peas biological yield formation under the conditions of South Steppe of Ukraine. 1
Uzhgorod National University, Faculty of Biology Uzhgorod, 32, Voloshyna str. Ukraine 88000 2 Univeristy of Nyiregyhaza Institute of Engineering and Agricultural Sciences Nyiregyhaza, 31/b Sóstói str. Hungary 4400 3 D.K. Zabolotny Institute of Microbiology and Virology of NAS of Ukraine Zabolotnogo str., 154, Kyiv, Ukraine 4 Holland Plant Ukraine, Tarnivtsi village, 17, Kontsivska str., Ukraine e-mail:
[email protected]
In the EU countries, the use of energy cultures is especially popular. This culture is used not only as an energy source but with the aim of bioremediation. What is more, different willow species are considered as promising plants for Ukraine’s urban landscaping (Mazurenko, 2013). Phytostabilization is one of these low impact remediation options that use plants to simultaneously stabilize soil structure and reduce negative contaminant effects (Kidd et al., 2009). The aim of our research has been to study soil 23
microbiocoenosis in case of growing of energy cultures; to compare the obtained data with the control (a meadow ecosystem); and based on the mineralization coefficient, to make a conclusion on the speed of mineralization processes in the soils under study. For the purpose of research of the current state of the soil microbiota, two monitoring blocks were used (Holland Plant Ukraine): 1 – the control, a meadow block within the company boundaries; 2 – the mother-block with energy willow (Salix viminalis). The soil microbial coenosis analysis was conducted with the use of differentially diagnostic nutrient media by the method of serial dilutions of soil suspension. The direction of the microbiological processes in the soils was determined after K. Andreyuk. The following regularities were established on the basis of the microbiological soil analysis. In case of willow ammonifiers significantly reduced as compared with the control (115,67± 2,83 mil CFU/1 g of dry soil) and amounting to 5,67±1,45 mil CFU/1 g of dry soil). The same trend was established for the soil actinomycetes, cellulolytic bacteria and oligonitrophils. In the soils with willow and the control, the percentage of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms was high, amounting to 98.9–100%. The number of coli group bacteria (CGB) in both cases of research amounting to 3,20 mil CFU/1 g of dry soil. The control soils were established to be characterized by low MII values (0.27). In case of willow, this index nearly doubled and equaled 0.7. The pedotrophic index was low in the control (0.26), while in case of willow it equaled to 0.8. Similar studies performed by Simon L., Kryvtsova М., Bobrik N., Kolesnik A. The brown forest soil (at the field of Research Institute in Nyíregyháza, University of Debrecen, Centre of Agricultural Sciences) was treated during June 2011, May 2013, May 2016 with municipal biocompost (MBC), municipal sewage sludge compost (MSSC), and willow ash (WA), and two times (2011, 2013) with rhyolite tuff (RT). The most indicative changes in the soil microbiota against the control plot were found in case of the use of MSSC; rise in the number of intestinal bacteria, ammonifiers, micromycetes and actinomycetes, and fall in the number of oligonitrophils and cellulosolytic microorganisms was detected. In all versions of the experiment, the number of free-living nitrogenfixing microorganisms (Azotobacter) was found to be equal to 24
100%. The study has established that in conditions of energy willow cultivation the numbers of ammonifiers, micromycetes, actinomycetes, cellulolytic and oligonitrophilic microorganisms were observed to reduce compared to the control. Notwithstanding the lowered number of some physiological groups of microorganisms, the soil with willows was characterized by highly intensive mineralization processes, in particular those of transformation of organic matters.
Maga I. USING AZO COUPLING REACTION TO DETERMINE THE 2,6-DICHLOROANILINE AS AZO DERIVATE Transcarpathian Regional State Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine, 49 Str. Minayska, 88000, Uzhgorod, Ukraine e-mail:
[email protected]
The the 2,6-dichloroaniline (DCA) is the product of biodegradation of many pesticide active ingredients: Mefenpyr etc, who have or have had wide application in agriculture for the cultivation of various crops. Melting point 37°C Boiling point 228°C, Flash point 118°C, In addition to pesticides commonly used in the synthesis of dyes, pigments, pharmaceuticals, and other important products. CFA has toxic and carcinogenic. For conversion to the hydrophobic form DCA and improved metrological characterization used derivatization reaction with 4nitrophenyldiazonium cation with forming azoderivate DCA. Formation azoderivates largely depends on the pH of the medium. To study this effect derivatization reaction was carried out in a wide range of hydrogen ion concentration of 2.2 to 13,1 pH. Important for the formation of azo derivates DCA has a reagent concentration. To study the impact of such a series of experiments was supplied in which the concentration of diazonium cation varies 1vid 30 fold amount relative to the amount DCA. Infra-red spectra were recorded by Abatop, firm Nicolatt (USA) spectrometer with KBr pellets. Liquid chromatography was carried out in Perkin-Elmer chromatograph with a spectrophotometer detector. A stainless steel column (250×4.6 mm) was filled with Silasorb С18. The chromatography was performed in a mode of isocratic elution of movable phase content (acetonitrile : water = 2 : 1). The flow rate 25