Permanent Magnet Applications S.H. Mahmood Physics Department, The University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
[email protected] Abstract Permanent magnets are used in a wide range of applications, providing convenience, cost effectiveness, device miniaturization, as well as extending the operational capacities beyond those of conventional devices. In this chapter, some of the permanent magnet applications where hard ferrites are practically in use are addressed. In particular, the main energy conversion devices such as actuators and transducers, as well as some of the important microwave devices utilizing ferrite magnets are discussed.
Keywords Motor; Transducer; Microwave Absorption, Passive Microwave Devices
Contents 1.
Introduction ...........................................................................................154
Classifications of Permanent Magnet Applications ...........................154
Selected Permanent Magnet Applications ..........................................155
Loudspeakers ........................................................................................156
Permanent Magnet Motors ..................................................................157
Microwave Applications .......................................................................158
3.3.1 Microwave Absorbers ..........................................................................159 3.3.2 Isolators ..................................................................................................160 3.3.3 Circulators .............................................................................................160 3.3.4 Filters .....................................................................................................162
Materials Research Foundations Vol. 4
References ........................................................................................................163
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