Jan 4, 2016 - Elders and all colleagues of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, based in ... deteriorating bilateral relatio
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Unofficial translation Please check against delivery Excellencies Ambassadors and Heads of International Organizations, Distinguished Chairman of Commission I and members of the House of Representatives, Elders and all colleagues of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, based in Indonesia as well as overseas, Leaders of mass media and distinguished guests, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Good morning and may peace be upon us all, On behalf of all my colleagues at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, allow me to wish you a Happy New Year 2016. Let us fill 2016 with hard work... increase cooperation… towards the achievement of peace and prosperity for Indonesia and the world In the beginning of 2016, the world is perplexed by two major developments namely, the deteriorating bilateral relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran as well as nulcear test by North Korea. Indonesia is a good friend of Saudi Arabia and Iran. Based on its deep concerns over peace and stability in the Middle East, in the last few days Indonesia has carried out intensive communications with Saudi Arabia, Iran, and a number of other countries. We will continue all necessary efforts to prevent the situation from worsening. All intensive communications will be continued. Indonesia also conveyed its concern over the nuclear test carried out by North Korea. As good friend, Indonesia calls upon North Korea to implement all related UN Security Council’s resolutions.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, The year 2015 has just passed. A year where the world faced multiple challenges. Conflicts still engulf many countries. Peace and stability in the Middle East remain elusive. The outcomes of Palestinian struggle is still far from ideal. And conflict of interests among major powers intensifies and spreads to other regions. At the same time, the world is facing various alarming non-traditional threats. Extremism, radicalism and terrorism have become common threats. The Paris Bombing is an example that no country is free from such a threat. Foreign terrorist fighters that have joined ISIS have increased in numbers, originating from many countries. Natural disasters and the impact of climate change undermine development progress that has been achieved. 2
Unofficial translation Please check against delivery Transnational organized crimes such as human trafficking, drug trafficking and cyber crime have caused significant material losses and claimed many lives. With respect to economy, 2015 was marked by a global economic slowdown. Commodity prices weakened, greatly affecting resource-based economies like Indonesia. The rise of interest rate in the US and slow growth in China have spurred global economic uncertainty. The volatility of world currencies, including Rupiah, has increased the instability of global economy and the trend of capital outflow of the emerging markets.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, There is always hope in the sea of challenges. There is always potential for progress in the midst of all setbacks. This also happened in 2015. Apart from the myriad of challenges, 2015 was also filled with meaningful hopes and developments to the world. Our hope was never silenced… and we saw momentous progress in 2015. The Iran nuclear deal… furthered peace and stability efforts in the Persian Gulf and globally. The normalization of relations between the United States and Cuba… ended more than half a century of hostility. The adoption of Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement… brought new hope for sustainable development and sustenance of mankind. The acceptance of Palestine as member of UNESCO and the raising of the Palestinian flag in the UN Headquarters … are concrete evidence of international support for an independent Palestine. The “Nairobi Package” has given hope for the continuity of the multilateral trade system which is open, fair and equitable Meanwhile within Indonesia’s main concentric circle a historical milestone was reached by the entering of the ASEAN community.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, That was the world in 2015….where Indonesian foreign policy was actively at work. 3
Unofficial translation Please check against delivery 2015 was an incredibly intense year for Indonesian diplomacy. Throughout 2015, the President of Indonesia attended more than 64 bilateral/international meetings, 22 bilateral meetings by the Vice President, more than 155 meetings of the Foreign Minister and 46 meetings of the Vice Foreign Minister. More than 158 G-to-G agreements were concluded with other countries. In less than 6 months into Jokowi-JK’s administration, Indonesia hosted the Asia-Africa Summit which was attended by representatives of 117 countries, with more than 2850 delegates. The recognition of Indonesia’s role was also evident from the presence of around 250 missions of friendly countries and international organizations in Indonesia. In 2015, 4 ASEAN Dialogue Partners have opened their missions in Jakarta. The number of foreign missions in Indonesia further affirms Jakarta as the Diplomatic Capital of ASEAN.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, Last year, Indonesia set 4 foreign policy priorities, namely: 1) upholding the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia; 2) protecting Indonesian citizens/legal entities abroad; 3) promoting Indonesia’s economic diplomacy; and 4) advancing Indonesia’s regional and international role. In this Annual Press Statement 2016, allow me to convey the achievements of these 4 priorities. And of course, all of these priorities were carried out in accordance to the principle of “Independent and Active” foreign policy. Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, Sovereignty is a home that must be safeguarded. The integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is irrefutable. Therefore, there is a need to settle our territorial boundaries. Settlement of territorial boundaries requires time and cannot be instantly concluded.
Unofficial translation Please check against delivery In 2015 Indonesian foreign policy was geared to accelerate the peaceful settlement of Indonesia’s territorial borders: The roadmap was finalized. With such roadmap, all negotiations were reactivated, including border negotiations that have been dormant since 2003. A total of 25 meetings were carried out, consisting of 9 technical negotiations on maritime delimitations with 6 countries and 16 land boundary negotiations with 3 countries. Furthermore, Indonesia appointed a Special Envoy of the President for the settlement of maritime delimitations with Malaysia. In 2015, two border agreements were ratified, namely the Indonesia-Philippines Agreement on the Delimitation of Exclusive Economic Zone and the Indonesia-Singapore Agreement on the Delimitation of the Territorial Seas in the Eastern Part of the Straits of Singapore.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, Let us move on to the second priority. The achievements of Indonesian diplomacy in the second priority deserves a special mention. The protection of citizens in 2015 namely focused on two things: 1) building a system necessary to achieve sustainable progress; and 2) providing quick response when problem arises. Various system building efforts have been made through the following steps: - SMS blasts program to provide assurance for Indonesian citizens travelling overseas - Establishing database of Indonesians overseas, integrated with the BNP2TKI database and soon with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights’ database. - 24 hour hotline in all Indonesian missions - ISO 9001:2008 certification on the standard and procedure for the repatriation of Indonesians. - Training of 282 staffs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the identification and forensic, case handling and reporting, and in handling conflict situation and disaster. - Developing Citizen Protection Index to measure performance. The development of excellent partnership with all stakeholders, including civil society and the media, enabled us to optimize the handling of cases. In 2015, we handled 11,242 cases in which more than 62% has been completed. Several unresolved cases were partly due to complexity of case handling in conflict areas.
Unofficial translation Please check against delivery We evacuated 4,830 Indonesians and 177 foreigners from conflict/disaster-hit areas, including the evacuation of 2,393 Indonesian and 173 foreign citizens from Yemen -- the biggest, most complex and fastest evacuation ever carried out by Indonesian Government. We also evacuated 2,214 Indonesians from Syria, 199 Indonesian from Libya, and 24 Indonesians as well as 4 foreigners from Nepal. We facilitated the repatriation of 94,529 Indonesian citizens/workers, which far exceeded the 50,000 target in 2015. We also freed 52 Indonesians from death row through representations made in accordance with the prevailing laws. We released 2 Indonesian hostages from armed groups in PNG. We provided skill training for 4,298 Indonesian migrant workers to prepare them for retirement, facilitated education as well as access to Open University for 2,437 Indonesian workers. Furthermore we recovered at least 192 billion Rupiah worth of compensation, diyat, and unpaid salaries of Indonesian workers in 19 countries. Based on the number of citizen protection services that we have provided, the total number of Indonesians that were protected amounts to 109,382, I repeat 109,382. In order to better protect its citizens, Indonesia actively participates in various international fora, including in the mainstreaming of the vulnerability of domestic migrant workers as victims of the human trafficking in the UNODC. Additionally, Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates signed an MoU in Combatting Human Trafficking.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, Indonesia is among the 20 largest economies in the world and is a member of the G-20. Indonesia is an open economy. An open economy must be coupled with economic competitiveness. The President of the Republic of Indonesia has stated in various ocassions that “Indonesia’s economy must be competitive”. Therefore, the Government has issued 8 economic stimulus packages in order to make its economy more competitive. Throughout 2015, Indonesia’s economic diplomacy machinery continues to be active in encouraging exports, increasing investment, and promoting tourism. Our economic diplomacy was also directed towards strengthening bilateral and regional cooperation. We have managed to revive and intensify negotiations on Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreements (CEPA) with several countries.
Unofficial translation Please check against delivery Throughout 2015, we have carried out at least 37 Economic Partnership Agreement negotiations, among others: the Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA), the ASEAN – Japan Comprehensive Economic Partnership (AJCEP), the ASEAN – Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement (AHKFTA), the ASEAN – Korea Free Trade Agreement (AKFTA) and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). In 2015, Indonesia’s economic diplomacy continues to take advantage of opportunities in non-traditional markets, be it in the South Pacific, Africa, Middle East, Eastern Europe, South America and the Carribean. Indonesia’s trade with several non-traditional markets experienced a significant increase in 2015, such as Papua New Guinea with approximately 32 % increase, Palestine with 266 % increase, Angola with 57 % increase, El Salvador with 53 % increase and Serbia with 31% increase. In the field of investment, we have put forward various efforts to attract foreign investments and encourage Indonesian investments in other countries through investment priorities in maritime infrastructure development, highways, energy and food security. The Investment Coordinating Board had established a “One Stop Service” in order to expedite investment licensing and procedures. The President of the Republic of Indonesia has appointed several Liasion Ministers responsible to ensure that impediments to foreign investments can be appropriately addressed. On tourism, we have provided visa exemption facility for short stay to 75 countries in order to increase the number of foreign tourists to Indonesia. These visa exemption scheme shall be reviewed accordingly. However, appropriate action will of course be taken for any misuse of such visa exemption facility, as in any other countries. In conducting economic diplomacy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has strengthened its infrastructure and established systems such as: 1) the economic diplomacy unit, led by the Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs; 2) the http://dkp.kemlu.go.id website to improve understanding on the trade policy of other countries; 3) the https://diplomasiekonomi.kemlu.go.id/ website to facilitate promotion, interaction and direct handling of business inquiries; 4) a strategic partnership with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC); 5) a database on trade and investment regulation of 151 countries as a reference in the promotion of trade and investment cooperation.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, Indonesia has played a concrete role in various regional and international issues. Indonesia’s foreign policy is active, responsive and contributive.
Unofficial translation Please check against delivery Naturally, ASEAN remains the cornerstone of Indonesia’s foreign policy. With Indonesia, ASEAN will be robust … with ASEAN, Indonesia will progress. ASEAN holds a strategic role in maintaining regional security, stability and economic growth in the region. With such strategic role, Indonesia continue to underline the importance of ASEAN unity and centrality. Throughout 2015 Indonesia continues to ensure that the benefit of ASEAN shall reach the people. Indonesia aims to ensure that no one is left behind. Indonesia plays an important role in ASEAN. Among others through initiating the streamlining of ASEAN meetings, strengthening of ASEAN Secretariat, advancing maritime cooperation in the EAS framework, (Indonesia has achieved a significant accomplishment through the adoption of the EAS Statement on Enhancing Regional Maritime Cooperation in Kuala Lumpur, November 2015), pioneering capacity building of the ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconsiliation (AIPR), as well as promoting respect for the rights of migrant workers in ASEAN. Moreover, in its bid to fulfill its fourth priority, Indonesia’s diplomacy is also directed to strengthening relations with countries in the South Pacific. Indonesia believes that such measure is in line with our effort to accelerate the development of the Eastern part of Indonesia. The Melanesian culture shall become the link between Indonesia and the Pacific countries. In this context, throughout 2015 Indonesia had intensified its presence and contribution in a number of the Southern Pacific cooperation fora. This is reflected in its role as the associate member of MSG and as an observer in PIF and PIDF. Indonesia also strengthens cultural cooperation by hosting the Melanesian Cultural Festival in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara. The promotion of education cooperation is also channeled through the Indonesia Arts and Culture Scholarsip (Beasiswa Seni dan Budaya Indonesia BSBI) to 16 participants from 8 Pacific countries. Indonesia has provided 20 capacity building programs to 249 participants from 11 Pacific countries. Furthermore, Indonesia also provided assistance to the people of Vanuatu in the aftermath of Typhoon Pam. The year 2015 was also marked by Indonesia’s contribution in at least 9 international issues: First, on migration, Indonesia has given an example on how to best provide necessary humanitarian responses. This is shown by Indonesia readiness to accept and provide temporary shelter to more than 1800 irregular migrants from Bangladesh and Myanmar (May 2015). Indonesia also participated actively at the High Level Event UN on migration and refugees and contributed to addressing the root causes through marathon diplomacy and 8
Unofficial translation Please check against delivery hosting the Jakarta Declaration Roundtable Meeting on Addressing the Root Causes of Irregular Movement of Persons in Jakarta (November 2015). The second issue in which Indonesia has played an active role is countering extremism and terrorism. Efforts includes: 1) initiating the establishment of the OIC Contact Group on Peace and Conflict Resolution; 2) hosting the 4th International Conference of Islamic Scholar; 3) actively contributing in the Global Counter Terrorism Forum (GCTF) in which Indonesia and Australia co-chairs the issue of detention and reintegration; 4) actively contributing in the Leader’s Summit on Countering ISIS and Violent Extremism; 5) holding interfaith dialogues with Serbia, the Netherlands, Germany, and Austria. With respect to terrorism financing, Indonesia has succeded in being exempted from the public statement/black list of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). On peace keeping operations, Indonesia is one of the largest troops contributors. Indonesia ranks as the 12th largest contributor out of 125 countries, with 2840 personnel, including 31 female personnel (in 2015). A significant increase in comparison to 1.837 personnel in 2014. Indonesia also actively contributes in the Peacekeeping Summit and Open Debate at the Security Council of the UN and has hosted the Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting on Peacekeeping in Jakarta, July 2015. On environment and economic development, Indonesia continues its active contribution in the process leading to the adoption of the SDGs. Its commitment in the field of climate change is shown among others through Indonesia’s submission of its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) of 29% below business as usual level and 41% with international assistance by 2030. On maritime cooperation, Indonesia has concluded three bilateral cooperation agreements with the United Kingdom, Denmark and the United States. Maritime cooperation is also strengthened through various strategic regional forum such as EAS and IORA. In the context of South-south Cooperation, the spirit of South-south Cooperation has been revived. Indonesia has hosted the Commemoration of the 60th Anniversary of the Asian African Conference and the 10th Anniversary of the New Asian African Strategic Partnership. Establishing the Asia-Africa Center as one of the outcomes of the Summit. Up to December 2015, Indonesia has provided 440 capacity building program to 5.342 participants from 116 developing countries. While developing South-south cooperation, triangular cooperation continues to be developed. The issue in which Indonesia will remain steadfast is Palestine. One further step was taken in 2015, namely the establishment of an Honorary Consulate in Ramallah. The Honorary Consul was appointed and will be officiated in early 2016. Indonesia also supports the membership of Palestine in UNESCO. Aside from that, Indonesia hosted the International Conference on the Question of Jerusalem, on 14-16 December 2015 in Jakarta. Indonesia continued to carry out capacity building programs by providing assistance amounting to US$ 9
Unofficial translation Please check against delivery 100 million and actively participated in the 3rd Conference on Cooperation among East Asian Countries for Palestinian Development (CEAPAD). In democracy, as part of its effort to capitalize democracy as an asset of Indonesian diplomacy, Indonesia hosted the 8th Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) in Bali on 10-11 December 2015. This event was attended by 250 delegations from 89 Countries and 3 international organizations. Indonesia is also committed to strengthen the Institute for Peace and Democracy (IPD) that has implemented 20 programs in 2015. In the promotion and protection of human rights, Indonesia hosted the meeting of the Human Rights Commission of the OIC with Human Rights Education as its main theme. Moreover, President Joko Widodo was appointed Ambassador for “Impact Champion” by the “HeForShe” movement at the UN. Indonesia also remains active in the Global Leaders Meeting on Gender Equality and Women Empowerment. In addition to these issues, there are certainly many other issues where Indonesia plays an active role – which unfortunately cannot be elaborated further during this press statement.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, Today is the seventh day into 2016. One worrying development is the declining relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran. As I have previously mentioned in the beginning of my statement, Indonesia has proactively communicated with a number of countries and organization, including with Saudi Arabia, Iran, Malaysia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Turkey, Russia, and the Secretary General of OIC. Indonesia will continue its intensive communications with several other countries. In the said communications, Indonesia called upon all parties to exercise restraint so as not to exacerbate the current situation. Indonesia reiterates the importance of peace and stability in the Middle East. As a nation with cordial relations with the two countries, Indonesia has offered its good offices to support the peaceful resolution of this issue. Peace in the Middle East will be heavily influenced by the relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran. At the same time, the world is also facing many challenges that can not be resolved in previous years such as extremism and terrorism. I wish to reassure you that as a country with the largest Moslem population in the world, Indonesia will continue to be the key driver in spreading the values of Islam as a rakhmattan lil Alamin (blessing for all creation). 10
Unofficial translation Please check against delivery Indonesia will also continue to be the prime mover in spreading the values of tolerance and democracy.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, In the region closer to home, peace and stability in the South China Sea is very important. Therefore, Indonesia urges all parties to refrain themselves from activities that may escalate tensions. International law must be respected. In the context of ASEAN – China, Indonesia will continue to encourage the early conclusion of the Code of Conduct (CoC). As a non-claimant state, Indonesia will also continue to encourage claimant states to settle disputes amicably. As a country which directly faces the South China Sea, I wish to emphasize that Indonesia’s sovereignty over the Natuna Islands is indisputable. The outermost islands of the Natuna archipelago were made the baseline of Indonesian territory as stipulated in the 1957 Juanda Declaration. In accordance to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, these baselines have been registered to the United Nations in 2009. Based on these baselines, Indonesia had overlapping claims on continental shelf and Exclusive Economic Zone with only two countries, namely Malaysia and Viet Nam. The continental shelf claims has already been resolved. At the moment, we are negotiating the resolution of the Exclusive Economic Zones delimitation. In 2016, ASEAN shall remain a cornerstone for Indonesian foreign policy. With the entry into force of the ASEAN Community 2015, we must shift our focus on ASEAN Vision 2025.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, The Indonesian government is commited to realizing its vision as the global maritime fulcrum. The development of maritime capacity in various fields is not aimed only for the interests of Indonesia, but also for the interest of the world. Indonesia intends to establish the maritime area in the Asia Pacific and Indian Ocean as a zone of peace, freedom, neutrality and prosperity for all. Several maritime cooperations will be pursued and concluded at the bilateral level, for instance with Japan, Viet Nam, New Zealand, Timor Leste, the Netherlands, and Panama.
Unofficial translation Please check against delivery Indonesia will also continue its leadership in mainstreaming maritime cooperation in the framework of the East Asia Summit. Indonesia will also put greater emphasis to the Indian Ocean through the IORA. The Indian Ocean holds a highly strategic significance to the world. More than 50 percent of world trade passes through the Indian Ocean. Therefore, a new architecture is required so that the Indian Ocean brings more economic benefits as well as to ensure that the Indian Ocean becomes a peaceful and stable region. Hence, in 2016, discussions will start on Indonesia’s initiative to establish an IORA Concord.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, In the context of bilateral cooperation, Indonesia will continue to optimize the comprehensive and strategic partnerships with 17 key countries, namely the United States, Russia, the Netherlands, European Union, the People’s Republic of China, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea, Brazil, Viet Nam, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, Britain, Germany, France and Turkey. We will also encourage the implementation of our strategic partnership with the Gulf Cooperation Council. Indonesia's diplomacy in 2016 will also build upon achievements of 2015, particularly on the 4 priorities of foreign policy as well as other international issues where Indonesia have a substantial capacity to contribute. In line with Indonesia’s foreign policy for 2016, Indonesia will host several major events. This year, for the first time we will host an interfaith dialogue within the framework of MIKTA to promote tolerance among faiths. Strengthening and consolidation of democracy in the region will also be continued through the convening of the 9th Bali Democracy Forum in December 2016. With respect to combatting human trafficking and responding to migrant crisis in the region, Indonesia will host the 6th Bali Process on People Smuggling and Trafficking in Persons in March 2016. As the Chair of IORA 2015 – 2017, and to strengthen maritime landscape in the Indian Ocean, Indonesia will host several meetings and conferences including Working Group Meeting on IORA Concord in February 2016, Indian Ocean Dialogue in April 2016, and International Conference on the Future of IORA in June 2016. Human development will also be the main focus in our diplomacy. Therefore, Indonesia will encourage the improvement of social welfare by convening the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Social Welfare and Development. 12
Unofficial translation Please check against delivery Indonesia will also improve regional resilience to potential natural disasters by convening an ASEAN Committee on Disaster Management Ministerial Meeting. Indonesia’s diplomacy will accelerate in 2016. With profound optimism and better ability to forge cooperation, I am certain that 2016 will be better. At the First Day of Trade of the Indonesia Stock Exchange in January 4, 2016, President Jokowi stated the following: "I am optimistic that 2016 will be a better year”.
Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, Overall, during 2015, Indonesia's diplomacy continued to give tangible contributions to national interest and development. Equally important, Indonesian diplomacy contributes significantly to world’s peace and prosperity. A new architecture in the Indian Ocean is underway. All of these achievements as well as our future endeavours, is due to the contribution of Indonesian diplomats around the world. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my highest appreciation to all staffs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, all members of the Diplomatic Corps of the Republic of Indonesia. A working environment with high sense of solidarity (the we-feeling) will produce better results. Allow me also to take this opportunity to extend my highest appreciation to H.E. Marty Natalegawa, H.E. Hassan Wirajuda, H.E. Alwi Shihab, as well as all senior diplomats who have greatly contributed to advancing Indonesia’s foreign policy and continues to inspire us today. This year, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has achieved the “unqualified opinion” in the field of Supervision and Administration Management. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also achieved “BB” rating for Government Institution Performance Accountability at the end of 2015. The role of media is very important in communicating the Indonesia’s foreign policy to the public at large. 13
Unofficial translation Please check against delivery Through this forum, allow me also to extend my appreciation to fellow media for the good cooperation. It is our fervent hope that we will maintain and enhance our cooperation in 2016. I wish to also thank the House of Representatives for its cooperation, particularly Commission I as partner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We hope that our excellent partnership may continue to flourish in the years to come. Let us seize the day… Move forward…. Build a world that is full of peace, stability, and prosperity. Thank you. Wassalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh.