Perpetual Motion Machine - JESTR

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Although physics has led, with two thermodynamic laws, to the opinion that a perpetual motion ... names of bibliography of Middle Ages and Renaissance the per. Sciences dec. 3. .... be proved. Contrary to the «unsolved» problems of Euclid's.


of Engineering Science and Technology (2008) 53-57 Journal ofJournal Engineering Science and Technology Review 1Review (2008) 153-57 Engineering Science Engineering Science and and

Lecture Lecture Note Note

Perpetual Motion Machine Perpetual Motion Machine

Technology Technology ReviewReview

D. Tsaousis* D. Tsaousis* School Adviser of Natural Teachers of Ioannina8 SeferiEleoussa, street, Eleoussa, 455 00,Ioannina School Adviser of Natural ScienceScience Teachers of Ioannina8 Seferi street, 455 00,Ioannina Hellas .Hellas . Received 30 April 2008; Accepted 17 September 2008 Received 30 April 2008; Accepted 17 September 2008

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract Abstract Everthe since first century A.D.have therebeen haverelative been relative descriptions of known as manufactures Ever since firstthecentury A.D. there descriptions of known devicesdevices as wellasaswell manufactures for thefor the creation of perpetual machines. Although led,two withthermodynamic two thermodynamic laws, the opinion creation of perpetual motionmotion machines. Although physicsphysics has led,has with laws, to the to opinion that a that a perpetual machine is impossible to be manufactured, inventors of age every and educational level appear to claim perpetual motionmotion machine is impossible to be manufactured, inventors of every andage educational level appear to claim thathave they invented have invented something «entirely new» they improved have improved somebody invention, that they something «entirely new» or theyorhave somebody else’s else’s invention, which which «will «will function henceforth perpetually»! However of the failure in manufacturing a perpetual machine till now, function henceforth perpetually»! However the factthe of fact the failure in manufacturing a perpetual motionmotion machine till now, does not that meancountless that countless historical elements for fictional these fictional machines indifferent. The discussion on it doesitnot mean historical elements for these machines becomebecome indifferent. The discussion on every version of a perpetual machine onegives hand the gives the chance to comprehend the inventor’s every version of a perpetual motionmotion machine on the on onethehand chance to comprehend the inventor’s of eachof each of knowledge hisofway of thinking, the hand, other to hand, to locate the points this «perpetual period period level oflevel knowledge and hisand way thinking, and onand the on other locate the points where where this «perpetual machine» with theoflaws of nature and why that’sitwhy it is impossible havemanufactured been manufactured motionmotion machine» clashesclashes with the laws nature and that’s is impossible to havetobeen or haveor have functioned. The presentation of a«perpetual new «perpetual machine» has excited our interest to locate its points. weak points. functioned. The presentation of a new motionmotion machine» has excited our interest to locate its weak According to the designer it the machine functions with theproduced work produced the buoyant According to the designer of it theofmachine functions with the work by the by buoyant force force Keywords: Perpetual machine, heat engine, efficiency. Keywords: Perpetual motion motion machine, heat engine, efficiency.

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

1. Introduction 1. Introduction

website of Hans-Peter Gramatke a detailed website of Hans-Peter Gramatke there there is a isdetailed presentation the known most known the designing of presentation of the of most devicesdevices for thefor designing of Perpetual machine: A machine since a perpetual machine with pictures, assimilated Perpetual motionmotion machine: A machine which,which, since set in set in a perpetual motionmotion machine with pictures, assimilated function, continues to function perpetually without movements function, continues to function perpetually without movements e.t.c. e.t.c. supplying any energy. is a plumbing – mechanic an exampl supplying any energy. e, heree,ishere a plumbing – mechanic systemsystem As an As exampl The question the perpetual machine with communicating of different as Fig.1, The question about about the perpetual motionmotion machine is one is one with communicating tubes tubes of different lengthlength as Fig.1, the issues, who to tend to believe contains two liquids with an important difference in of theofissues, which which attractsattracts peoplepeople who tend believe which which contains two liquids with an important difference in and occultism. why ideas such ideas e.g. water and mercury. The globules thatbewill be strangestrange things things and occultism. That’sThat’s why such are are densitydensity e.g. water and mercury. The globules that will adopted from various non-recognized religious moving perpetually thetubes, two tubes, float both liquids. adopted from various non-recognized religious circlescircles which which moving perpetually in the intwo float in bothin liquids. often describe their books or in speeches their speeches perpetual Each globule thatupwards goes upwards because the buoyant often describe in theirin books or in their perpetual Each globule that goes because of the of buoyant force force machines, however leftfalls tubeonto fallsthe onto the wheel, because of motionmotion machines, which which however have have neitherneither been been in the in leftthe tube wheel, which which rotatesrotates because of manufactured nor have functioned. Usually the members of each globule’s momentum, while afterwards drops into the manufactured nor have functioned. Usually the members of each globule’s momentum, while afterwards drops into the these organizations the fundamental laws of physics right There tube. There the increased total weight the globules these organizations ignoreignore the fundamental laws of physics right tube. the increased total weight of the of globules and surely theynot arethe notresearchers the researchers who possess the formed thisanother way another and surely they are who possess the the pushespushes the formed columncolumn and inand thisinway globuleglobule knowledge to improve or generalize the On laws. the other the bottom and itthen rises the surface knowledge to improve or generalize the laws. theOn other reachesreaches the bottom and then risesit to the tosurface of theof the must be stated it is not always to be proved left and tube,soand on. if Even this device side it side mustit be stated that it that is not always easy toeasy be proved liquid liquid in the in leftthetube, Even this ifdevice is not is not theoretically it is impossible a manufacture to possible to function as a perpetual machine, theoretically that itthat is impossible for a for manufacture to possible to function as a perpetual motionmotion machine, the the function because in each more complicated system a great factual cause seems not easy to be located. function because in each more complicated system a great factual cause seems not easy to be located. number of secondary or inconspicuous activities number of secondary or inconspicuous activities are are involved, in energy be taken involved, which which in energy issues issues shouldshould be taken into into consideration. consideration. great number of about ideas about perpetual There There is alsoisaalso greata number of ideas perpetual machines, function with magnets, motionmotion machines, which which (don’t)(don’t) function with magnets, chemical substances or flame. The «eternal without chemical substances or flame. The «eternal light» light» without the addition fuel seems to been have cultivated been cultivated through the addition of fuelofseems to have through the centuries in religious the first the centuries mainlymainly in religious circles.circles. Since Since the first century A.D. there have been relative descriptions century A.D. there have been relative descriptions of theof the military politician, philosopher RomanRoman military officer,officer, politician, naturalnatural philosopher and and historian Secundus 79 A.D.). historian Gaius Gaius PliniusPlinius Secundus (23 – (23 79 –A.D.). In theIn the ______________ ______________ * [email protected] address: [email protected] * E-mail address: ISSN: 1791-2377 © 2008 KavalaofInstitute of Technology. All rights reserved. ISSN: 1791-2377 © 2008 Kavala Institute Technology. All rights reserved.

Fig..1. Perpetual consisting of a plumbing – mechanic Fig..1. Perpetual motion motion machinemachine consisting of a plumbing – mechanic system system


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astonished audience a perpetual motion machine, which was functioning for a several period of time, but information astonished a perpetual which was states that audience it proved to be amotion great machine, deceit and Bessler functioning for a several period time,known but information disappeared. There aren’t any otherofdetails about this states subject.that it proved to be a great deceit and Bessler disappeared. There aren’t otherAges details about this of any Middle andknown Renaissance the In the bibliography subject. perpetual motion machines are referred as: perpetuum bibliography of Middlemobile Ages and Renaissance the In the mobile naturae and perpetuum physicae. The first per petual motion machines are referred as: perpetuum category concerned systems of the nature (sun, stars, seasons mobile naturae and perpetuum physicae. The first of the year and so on), which weremobile considered as perpetually category concerned systems the nature with (sun,God’s stars, seasons moving mainly because theyoffunctioned will. In of year category and so on), which were considered as man perpetually thethe second belonged the systems which would movingfollowing mainly because they functioned God’s will. In make as example the divinewith creations. These the second category the systems man would aspirations of the belonged researchers were which considered then, make following example theof divine creations. These sometimes, to be as a recognition the divine deed and an aspirations the researchers were they considered then, effort of its ofimitation and sometimes are insulting. sometimes, to be with a recognition of thewould divine be deed and an Those occupied such subjects presented effort of its imitation and sometimes they are insulting. before the «Inquisition» and be sentenced to death. Those occupied with such subjectsAcademy would be Sciences Anyway, in 1775 the French of presented before «Inquisition» and be sentenced death. motion dec idedthenot to accept suggestions abouttoperpetual Anyway, in 1775 the French Academy of Sciences machines any more. decided not to accept suggestions about perpetual motion machines any more. 3. Definitions

2. Historical elements 2T.he Historical elements idea of the perpetual motion machine appears for the first time in the East and to be exact in the 12th century A.D. T idea Inofancient the perpetual motion machine for the the inheIndia. Greece and in Rome, but appears also during A.D. first in the East and to be exact in the 12th century later time Antiquity it hasn’t been reported a perpetual motion in India. not In ancient and inversion. Rome, but also during the machine even asGreece a theoretical laterThe Antiquity it hasn’t been reported aanperpetual motion d Astronomer Indian Mathematician machine not even(1114 as a theoretical version. a perpetual motion Bha skaracharya – 1185) describes Astronomer The Indian and works mechanism as Fig.2, Mathematician in one of his literary with the Bha skaracharya 1185) describes perpetual motion following words:(1114 «The –machine rotates atafull speed because mechanism the the mercury as is Fig.2, at the in oneone sideofofhis theliterary wheel works nearer with the axis following words: «The machine rotates at full speed because and farther from the other side». The apparatus which the mercury is atdescribes the one side the wheel nearer Bhaskaracharya wasofmanufactured by athelotaxis of and farther researchers from the other which subsequent in theside». same The formapparatus or in different Bhaskaracharya describes wasconstitute manufactured by a motion lot of versions and of course it didn’t a perpetual subsequent researchers in the same form or in different machine. The simplest of these manufactures consists of a versions course itof didn’t constitute perpetual motion wheel in and the of perimeter which less or amore complicated machine. The simplest of these manufactures consists of a arms are attached and which change the center of mass, wheel in the perimeter of which less or more complicated during the rotation. While an impression of a perpetual arms attachedmay andbewhich mass, motionaremachine given change visually,thein center fact theofsystem during the rotation. While an impression of a perpetual balances at some moment. On the other hand nowadays, we motion machine may bewheel givenheats visually, in fact system know that the rotating the axis due the to friction balances at also someovercome moment. the Ondrag the other hand nowadays, we and it must with the result after some know thatthetheenergy rotating wheel the axis due propulsion to friction rotations caused by heats the initial external and also overcome therotation drag with the result after some will itbemust consumed and so the stops. rotations the energy caused by the initial external propulsion will be consumed and so the rotation stops.

Fig. 2. Bhaskaracharya’s perpetual motion mechanism Fig. 2. Bhaskaracharya’s perpetual motion mechanism

A notebook of Villard de Honecourt aged back to the 13th century has been rescued. In this notebook he presents A notebook of Villard de Honecourt agedofback to the several magnificent buildings and a series machines, rescued. In thismachine notebookwith he presents 13th century among themhasa been perpetual motion masses several magnificent buildings a series of during machines, (hammers), which change the and center of mass its among them a perpetual motion machine with masses rotation. It is not known whether these designs of Honecourt (hammers), which change mass its were ever accomplished or the not, center but forofsure theduring perpetual rotation. It is not known these designs Honecourt motion machine didn’t whether work because it is aof version of were ever accomplished or not,During but forthesure the perpetual Bhaskaracharya’s conception. Renaissance De motion machine work is a designed version or of Georgio, Leonardodidn’t da Vinci andbecause Vittorio itZonca Bhaskaracharya’s conception. During the machine. Renaissance De tried to manufacture a perpetual motion Of the Georgio, Leonardo da Vinci and Vittorio Zonca designed or three above-mentioned Leonardo is of the opinion that the tried to manufacture perpetual motion machine. Offield the function of a perpetuala motion machine belongs to the three is of the that the of theabove-mentioned impossible andLeonardo he identifies the opinion researchers of function of a perpetual motion machine belongs to the field perpetual motion machine with the Alchemists: «You of the impossible and he identifies themany researchers of researchers of the perpetual motion, how conceited, perpetual motionhaven’t machine the carrying Alchemists: fictional works you with created out «You your researchers the perpetual motion, many conceited, researches….of You had better makehow company with the fictional ofworks creators gold».haven’t you created carrying out your researches…. You that had followed better make company with the more and more names of In the centuries creators of gold». researchers for the perpetual motion machine were added till that followed more and more names of In theBessler, centurieswho Johann around 1715 presented to his researchers for the perpetual motion machine were added till Johann Bessler, who around 1715 presented to his 54 54 54

3. Definitions kind of perpetual motion machine: Every machine First which functions perpetually and produces work, without an irst kind of perpetual machine F input of external energy motion in any machine: form and Every without being which functions perpetually produces subjected to any decay asandtime passeswork, as without far as an its input of external energy are in concerned. any form and without being components and materials subjected any ofdecay as time passesmachine: as far as its Every Secondtokind perpetual motion components and materials are concerned. ma chine in periodical function, which converts totally heat machine: Every Second kindtype of (mechanic, perpetual electric motione.t.c.). energy into other machine in periodical function, which converts heat he same as Third kind of perpetual motion machine: Ttotally energy other type producing (mechanic,work. electric e.t.c.). the firstinto kind, without same as Third kindmotion of perpetual motion Thebe kind would a pair Perpetual machine of firstmachine: the first kind, without producing work. of motor – generator where the generator supplies electric kindloss. would be a pair Perpetual of firstany energy in returnmotion for its machine motion without of motor – generator where the generator every Perpetual motion machine of second kindsupplies could beelectric energy in return for its motion without any loss. system, which would use for its function the heat of the ld be every Perpetual e.g. motion machine of second kind cou environment a vehicle which would move exploiting the sys which heattem, of the air. would use for its function the heat of the environment e.g. a vehicle which wouldofmove petual motion machine thirdexploiting kind can the be Finally, per heatsidered of the air. con a system sun – planets or every nucleus of an motion machine kind without can be Finally, perpetual atom with its electrons, which seem of to third function con sidered a system sun – planets or every nucleus of an exchange of energy with their environment, thing which is atomright. with its electrons, which seem to function without not exchange of energy with their environment, thing which is not right. 4. Thermodynamic Laws 4. Thermodynamic the statement ofLaws the thermodynamic laws in the middle With of the 19th century the creation of a perpetual motion statement of the thermodynamic laws in the middle With the was machine theoretically excluded. th century the creation of a perpetual motion of the 19 The equation machine was theoretically excluded. equation (1) Q =TheΔU +W

Q =Consists ΔU +the W first law of thermodynamics


onsists the law supplied of thermodynamics TheCquantity offirst energy to any isolated system in the form of heat Q is equal to the work W done by the The quantity of energy supplied to anyenergy isolatedΔU system in system plus the change in internal of the the form of heat Q is equal to the work W done by the system. system plus the change in internal energy ΔU of the system.

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The first law of thermodynamics is the application of the The first law of thermodynamics is the application of the principle of the conservation of energy, which is valid for principle of the conservation of energy, which is valid for every isolated system. every isolated system. The thermal efficiency, e, of the heat engine is defined as The thermal efficiency, e, of the heat engine is defined as

work done during one cycle W e = work done during one cycle = W e = heat added during one cycle = Qh heat added during one cycle Qhh

energy flow. According to the second law though, nature energy flow. According to the second though, nature sets restrictions in the transformation of law one kind of energy sets restrictions the transformation of one kind of energy to another Heat cannot be transformed 100% to to another energy. one. Heat be transformed 100%law to mechanic Also cannot the second thermodynamic mechanic energy. Also the second thermodynamic law defining that the heat is always transmitted from the warmer defining that the heatdefines is always from the warmer to the colder body, the transmitted direction towards which the to the colder body, defines the direction towards which the phenomena happen spontaneously in nature. phenomena happen spontaneously in nature. In 1824 the French engineer Sadi Carnot described a In 1824cyclic the French Sadicalled Carnot described reversible process engineer which, was Carnot Cycle.a reversible cyclic process which, was called Carnot Cycle. The Carnot cycle can be thought of as the most efficient heat The Carnot cycle can be thought of as the most efficient heat engine cycle allowed by physical laws. The Carnot engine allowed physical efficiencycycle sets the limitingbyvalue on the laws. fractionThe of theCarnot heat, efficiency limiting on the idealized fraction of the heat, which can sets be sothe used. Suchvalue a supposed machine is which can be so used. Such a supposed idealized machine is called Carnot engine and its output constitutes the superior called Carnot engine andthe itsother output constitutes thededuction superior limit for the output of all machines. This limit for the output of all the other machines. This deduction is known as Carnot theorem: is known as Carnot theorem: The efficiency of a Carnot engine or Carnot efficiency Themaximum efficiency of a Carnotpossible engine orfor Carnot efficiency is the efficiency a heat engine is the maximum efficiency possible for a heat engine working between two given temperatures. working between two given temperatures. It is proved that the Carnot efficiency is: It is proved that the Carnot efficiency is:

(2) (2)

The net amount of heat Q, which is absorbed by the The netisamount of heat Q, which is absorbed the substance, the amount of heat it receives from thebyhigh substance, is the amount of heat it receives from the high temperature heat source Qhh minus that one which it exhausts temperature heat sourceheat Qh minus one which it exhausts to the low temperature sink Qthat cc. The work produced by produced to temperature heatamount sink Qof c. The thethe gaslow equals with the net heat work it absorbs that isby the gas equals with the net amount of heat it absorbs that is W = Qhh - |Qcc| W = Qh - |Qc|

(3) (3)

Replacing Eq 3 in the Eq 2 we have: Replacing Eq 3 in the Eq 2 we have:

Q h − Qc e = Q h − Qc e= Q Qhh

or or

Qc e = 1 − Qc e = 1 − Qh Qh

(4) (4)

T −T Thh − Tcc = 1 − T Tcc eeCarnot = = 1 = − Carnot T T Thh Thh

It is interesting to note that the efficiency of steam It ishas interesting note that for thetheefficiency steam engines increasedto from 0.17% first steamofengines engines has increased from 0.17% for the first steam engines of the seventeenth century to over 40% for the turbines used of the seventeenth century to over 40% for the turbines used in modern power plants. in modern power plants. From the Eq 4 we see that the thermal efficiency of an From the 4 we see the thermal of an operating heatEqengine mustthat always be lessefficiency than 100%. It operating heat engine must always be less It would be 100% if the engine transformed the than whole100%. amount would be 100% if the engine transformed the whole amount of heat to work. So far nobody managed to manufacture such of to work. So far nobody to manufacture an heat engine. All engines exploitmanaged only a part of the heat such and an exploit only a part of environment. the heat and theyengine. exhaustAlla engines notable amount of heat to the they exhaust afailures notableofamount of heat to to themanufacture environment.a The repeated the researchers The repeated failures of the researchers to manufacture «perfect» heat engine which would transform completely thea «perfect» heat engine wouldustransform heat to available workwhich convinced that this completely incapabilitythe is heat to available work convinced us that this incapability is due to restriction set by the nature itself. This finding out led due to restriction set by the nature itself. This finding out led to the formulation of the second thermodynamic law by to the and formulation Kelvin Plank: of the second thermodynamic law by Kelvin and Plank: to extract an amount of heat from a It is impossible It is impossible to it extract of heat fromofa hot reservoir and use all to an do amount work. Some amount hot reservoir and use ittoalla to doreservoir. work. Some amount of heat must be exhausted cold heatSpeaking must be about exhausted a coldspontaneously reservoir. from a high heat, to it flows Speaking about heat, it flows spontaneously from a high temperature object to a lower temperature object. The temperature object to a consumption lower temperature object. The reverse course demands of energy. A heat reverse consumption energy. A heat pump is course a devicedemands which applies externalofwork to extract an pump a device which applies external to extract amountis of heat from a cold reservoir andwork delivers heat toana amount of heatA from a cold reservoir and delivers heatwork to a hot reservoir. refrigerator is a heat engine in which hot reservoir. A refrigerator is a heat engine whichenergy work is done on a refrigerant substance in order to in collect is done on a refrigerant to collect energy from a cold region and substance exhaust itintoorder a higher temperature from a cold region and exhaust it to a higher temperature region, thereby further cooling the cold region. The region, thereby further cooling cold region. The statements about refrigerators applythe to air conditioners and statements about refrigerators apply to air conditioners and heat pumps, which embody the same principles. However heat pumps, which embody the same principles. However for the function of these machines we spend energy. It is for the function of these machines we spend It is impossible to manufacture a refrigerator, which energy. can function impossible to manufacture a refrigerator, which can function without consuming energy. This finding out led to the without consuming energy. This finding out led "second form" or Clausius statement of the second the "second or Clausius statement of the second law. body It is form" not possible for heat to flow from a colder It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. accomplish flow. The two this forms of the second thermodynamic law, which The twoare forms of the second are thermodynamic law, which apparently entirely unlinked, equal in value. If one of apparently are entirely unlinked, are equal in value. If one of them is true the other one will be true, too. them is true will be true, too. The first the lawother is theone application of conservation of energy Thesystem, first lawand is the of conservation energy to the theapplication second sets limits on theofpossible to the system, and the second sets limits on the possible efficiency of the machine and determines the direction of efficiency of the machine and determines the direction of

(5) (5)

The ratio between the work done and the amount of heat The ratio between the work done and the amount of heat introduced into a system going through a Carnot cycle, the introduced into a system going through a Carnot cycle, the Carnot efficiency, is equal to the difference between the two Carnot efficiency, equal to thesteps difference between the two temperatures of theisisothermal of the cycle divided by temperatures of the steps of the cycle divided by the higher of the twoisothermal temperatures. the higher of the two that temperatures. The result states the Carnot efficiency depends only Thetemperatures result states of that Carnot efficiency on the thethe two heat tanks. It is depends big whenonly the on the temperatures of the two heat tanks. It is big when temperature difference is great and it is very small when the the temperature greatSince and it most is veryofsmall the temperaturesdifference differ a islittle. the when practical temperatures differas acold little. most of thethat practical applications have tankSince the environment, is the applications have as 300º cold K, tank environment, that is the temperature of about thethe higher is the temperature of temperature of about 300º K, the higher is the temperature of the body which «emits» heat, the more profitable may be its the body whichAlso «emits» the more profitable be its exploitation. theheat, result confirms themaysecond exploitation. resultto have confirms theefficiency second thermodynamicAlso law. the In order Carnot thermodynamic law. In order to have Carnot efficiency 100% we must have Tcc = 0, which is impossible. 100% we must have Tc = 0, which is impossible. 5. Criterion of success for a perpetual motion machine 5. Criterion of success for a perpetual motion machine Although physics has led with the two thermodynamic laws Although physicsthat has led with the two thermodynamic lawsa to the opinion it is impossible to manufacture to the opinion that it is impossible to manufacture perpetual motion machine, researchers of every age anda perpetual researchers every and educationalmotion level machine, appear, claiming that ofthey haveagefound educational level appear, claiming that they have found something «entirely new» or that they have improved the something new» or which that they have improved the invention of«entirely somebody else’s, «will function for ever invention of Executives somebody else’s, whichcenters «will function for ever henceforth» in research and educational henceforth» Executives in research centers andwith educational institutions very often face persistent visitors ideas of institutions very often face persistent visitors with ideas of perpetual motion machines. perpetual machines. Firstlymotion the rules of physics, which we call axioms, are Firstly the rules physics, which which we call are simply principles thatofare deductions, areaxioms, confirmed simply principles that are deductions, which are confirmed in every measurement and every calculation. Because, in every the measurement and the every calculation. therefore universality and general acceptanceBecause, of these therefore the universality and the general acceptance of these principles, we consider that they hold a place of axiom that principles, we consider that they hold a place of axiom is they constitute fundamental affairs, which don’t needthat to is constitute fundamental affairs, problems which don’t need to be they proved. Contrary to the «unsolved» of Euclid’s be proved. (trisection Contrary toofthe problems Euclid’s Geometry the«unsolved» acute angle, squaringofthe cycle Geometry (trisection of the acute angle, squaring the cycle e.t.c.) which evidently are not solved with the predetermined e.t.c.) evidently are notare solved with the predetermined rules, which the axioms of physics empirical principles, which rules, the axioms of physics are empirical principles, which 55

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The force F that we will apply should be so much that would be able to overcome the force caused by the pressure at the depth h, that is

perhaps some time will be proved to be of limited validity in space or in time. On the one side, therefore, we have with absolute certainty the repetition of the same results in an enormous number of measurements and calculations. And on the other side in science there is the possibility of subversion or as it is usually happens the extensions and generalization of some deductions, which are considered obvious today. Of course, criterion of success for a machine is not whether it obeys the 1st or the 2nd law of physics or not, but whether it functions. That is if it does what its manufacturer claims. With this criterion we are in position to declare in advance that till today a perpetual motion machine hasn’t been materialized despite the countless efforts, theoretical and constructional ones. Thus, every claim that a «new scientific theory proves» the possibility of function of perpetual motion machines e.g. with the introduction of new concepts, which are unknown in physics, such as the discussed free energy and so on, is false-scientific. From the other side, the fact that up to now (and with all certainty in the predictable future) failure in manufacturing a perpetual motion machine doesn’t mean that the countless historical elements for these fictional machines are vain. The discussion on any version of perpetual motion machine gives the opportunity on the one hand to comprehend the level of knowledge and the way of thinking of the researchers of each period and on the other hand, to locate the points in which this «perpetually moving machine» clashes with the natural laws and that’s why it has been impossible to be manufactured or be in function.

F = PS


And the consumed work will be: W1 = FL or W1 = PSL at last W1 = dghV


If we let the parallelepiped to rise to the surface of the liquid a work will be produced due to the buoyant force: or W2 = dgVh W2 = Ah From the Eq 7 and 8 the result is that W 1 = W2

(8) (9)

6.2 Description of the machine The perpetual motion machine that we are examining is composed of a circular disc to which we have adapted weightless n parallelepipeds, as fig. 4. During the rotation of the disc the parallelepipeds can pass from the lower part of a container which is filled with a liquid via a suitable mechanism so that the liquid cannot slop away. According to the designer the buoyant force is exerted on the parallelepipeds when they are in the liquid and so the buoyant force will be the moving force for the production of energy.

6. A perpetual motion machine which «functions» with buoyant force There have been a lot of efforts to manufacture a perpetual motion machine concerning the production of work with the use of the buoyant force. Motive for the following analysis was a new effort of manufacturing a perpetual motion machine, which we prove theoretically, that can’t function.


6.1. Theoretical introduction


Supposing we have a container filled with a liquid of density d, the free surface of which is at a height h from the bottom. On the bottom of the container there is a parallelepiped of negligible length as in fig. 3. We are going to calculate the work produced during the shift to length L, of a side with area S of the elementary parallelepiped of null initial volume, which is in the container at a depth h, until the parallelepiped acquires volume V.

Fig. 4. A circular disc, to which we have adapted n weightless parallelepipeds, is rotating while a part of it is submerged in a container filled with a liquid.

In fact for each rotation of the disk the buoyant force A produces a work equal with nW1. For each rotation, however, is consumed also work for the submersion of the parallelepipeds in the container equal with nW2 in order to overcome force the F because hydrostatic pressure. But because of Eq 9 we have nW1 = nW2




Therefore the kinetic energy of the disc is not altered, since as much work is produced so much is consumed. That is to say that the machine does not produce any energy. The error of the designer of the particular machine is that he did not take into consideration the force F because of the hydrostatic pressure and the work that will be consumed for the submersion of the parallelepipeds in the container.


Fig. 3. Work produced by F, overcoming the force caused by pressure

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In In the the whole whole analysis analysis we we made made we we did did not not include, include, by by no no means, means, frictions. frictions. However However frictions frictions exist exist and and they they will will consume consume any any initial initial kinetic kinetic energy energy we we give give to to the the disc disc with with result after a little time it stops. result after a little time it stops.

The The stems stems of of the the Arabian Arabian Perpetuum Perpetuum Mobile Mobile which which fold fold only only towards towards the the one one direction direction were were replaced replaced by by parts parts of of aa bicycle bicycle chain, chain, which which were were adapted adapted on on aa disc disc made made of of Plexiglas. At the nodes we have tied up nylon joints Plexiglas. At the nodes we have tied up nylon joints so so that that the the chain chain can can fold fold only only towards towards one one side side as as it it shown shown in in fig fig 7. 7.

7. 7. Our Our perpetual perpetual motion motion machine machine The The study study we we have have done done for for the the perpetual perpetual motion motion machines machines gave gave us us the the opportunity opportunity to to see see some some designs designs and and conceptions conceptions of of them. them. Some Some of of these these machines, machines, although although don’t don’t function, function, impressed us for the imagination of their designers. impressed us for the imagination of their designers. We We were were also also occupied occupied with with the the educational educational use use of of such such aa machine. machine. We We thought thought then then to to materialize materialize some some design design of of such such aa machine, not with purpose to research whether this machine machine, not with purpose to research whether this machine works works or or not, not, but but to to help help the the students, students, who who based based on on its its not not functioning, consolidate the conservation of energy functioning, consolidate the conservation of energy and and validity validity of of the the two two thermodynamic thermodynamic laws. laws. So So we we manufactured manufactured aa perpetual perpetual motion motion machine machine based based on the design of fig.5, which describes the Arabian on the design of fig.5, which describes the Arabian perpetual perpetual motion motion machine machine (Arabian (Arabian Perpetuum Perpetuum Mobile) Mobile) which which is is aa version of Bhaskaracharya’s machine. Our manufacture version of Bhaskaracharya’s machine. Our manufacture is is shown shown in in the the fig. fig. 6. 6.

Fig. 7. Details concerning fig. 6. Fig. 7. Details concerning fig. 6.

The The result result was was astonishing. astonishing. The The students students are are influenced influenced and express the view that the machine will rotate, and express the view that the machine will rotate, although although they they have have been been taught taught the the conservation conservation of of energy. energy. After After discussion discussion they they understand understand their their error, error, and and so so they they consolidate consolidate their their knowledge knowledge on on the the law law of of conservation conservation of of energy. energy. Note: Note: The The present present version version is is an an inept inept translation translation of of the the original Greek manuscript. original Greek manuscript. Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments: We We wish wish to to thank thank our our collaborator collaborator in in this this work, School Adviser work, Georgiou Georgiou Athanasios, Athanasios, School Adviser of of English English Teachers, Teachers, for for his his help help in in translating translating the the initial initial Greek Greek essay essay into English. into English.


Fig. 5. Arabian Perpetuum Mobile. Fig. 5. Arabian Perpetuum Mobile.

Fig. 6. Picture of our perpetual motion machine, which is a version of Fig. 6. Picture of our perpetual motion machine, which is a version of Arabian Perpetuum Mobile. Arabian Perpetuum Mobile.

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