PERSATUAN FISIOLOGI TUMBUHAN MALAYSIA Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology (MSPP) (Inaugurated on 29 April 1989. Reg. No. 889 Wilayah Persekutuan)
Locked Bag No. 282, UPM Post Office, 43409 UPM, Serdang, Selangor D. E. c/o SR Research Center (Environmental Management), MARDI, Serdang Tel: 6 (03) 6279 7949 Fax: 6 (03) 8943 5973
[email protected] Web-site:
PATRON Y. Bhg. Dato’ Embi Yusoff Chief Executive Officer TANKAS Venture Sdn. Bhd.
PRESIDENT Dr. Elizabeth Philip
[email protected]
MSPPC2009/( 2 )
1 July 2009 Mr Masoud Torabi 16-03, Vista Impiana Condo Taman Bukit Serdang 43300, Seri Kembangan, Selangor, Malaysia Dear Sir/Madam, RE:
[email protected]
Malaysian Society of Plant Physiology Conference (MSPPC 2009) 24 – 26 July 2009 Avillion Admiral Cove, Port Dickson, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
Thank you for submitting your paper for presentation at MSPPC 2009. HONORARY SECRETARY Dr. Phebe Ding
[email protected]
HONORARY TREASURER Dr. Puteri Edaroyati Megat Wahab
[email protected]
ASST. HON. SECRETARY En. Ahmad Nazarudin Mohd Roseli
[email protected]
[email protected]
We are pleased to inform you that your paper entitled “Influence of Salinity on Germination of Iranian Alfalfa Ecotypes” for oral presentation has been accepted. The allotted time for each oral presentation is 15 minutes. Please submit the extended abstract to us before 25th July 2009 as attachment to
[email protected] or
[email protected]. Your manuscript should not exceed 4 pages (A4 size paper), typed single-spacing using standard 11 points Times New Roman in Microsoft Word 2003 (preferred) with 2.5 cm margin at top, bottom and both sides. Kindly be reminded that full payment must also be made before 25th July 2009 in order for you to present your paper at the conference. Payment must be made payable to Persatuan Fisiologi Tumbuhan Malaysia (MSPP) or banked in to CIMB Bank Berhad (account No : 12150010126-052). If payment of registration fee is made by using local order (LO), please indicate the LO number to the secretariat. We look forward to seeing you in the conference.
Dr. Che Radziah Che Mohd. Zain
[email protected]
With best wishes.
Cik Dang Lelamurni Abd Razak
[email protected]
Yours sincerely,
En. Mohd Aziz b Rashid
[email protected]
…………………………………….. Ahmad Nazarudin b. Mohd Roseli Chairperson of Scientific and Technical Committee MSPPC 2009
MSPP is a professional scientific body dedicated towards promoting research and development in tropical plant biology