Children and Youth with Deaf-Blindness Project, Kansas State Board of Education, 120 E 10th St. Topeka, KS 66612. The McGill action planning system ...
Resource List for Information on Person-Centered Planning MAPS: A Plan for Including all Children in Schools (May, 1991). Developed through the Service for Children and Youth with Deaf-Blindness Project, Kansas State Board of Education, 120 E 10th St. Topeka, KS 66612. The McGill action planning system (MAPS): A strategy for building the vision (1989). by Vandercook, T., York, J., & Forest, M. The Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, 14, 205215. Achieving Inclusion Through the IEP Process: A Workbook for Parents (1991). Maryland Coalition for Integrated Education, 7257 Parkway Dr., Suite 209, Hanover, MD 21076 It's Never Too Early, It's Never Too Late: A Booklet about Person Futures Planning (October, 1989). by Beth Mount & Kay Zwernik. Reprinted by the Minnesota Governor's Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities. Metropolitan Council, Mears Park Centere, 230 E. 5th St. ST. Paul, Minn. 55101 Personal futures planning: Promises and precautions (1992, March). by Beth Mount NY, NY: Graphic Futures. Planning for the Future: A Workbook for Persons with Disabilities, their Families, and Professionals (Revised, 1995). by Mary E. Morningstar, University of Kansas, Dept. of Special Education, 3001 Dole, Lawrence, KS 66045. How to Make Positive Changes for Your Family Using: Group Action Planning (1994). The Beach Center on Families and Disability, Univeristy of Kansas, 3111 Haworth Hall, Lawrence, KS 66045. Person-centered Planning: How do we know we are doing it? (1994). by K.B. Flannery, R. Slovic & D. McLean. Oregon Transition Systems Change Project, Oregon Dept. of Education, Office of Special Education, (503) 378-3598. Finding a way toward everyday lives: The contribution of person centered planning (1992). by J. O'Brien & H. Lovett. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Office of Mental Retardation. Promoting Self-Advocacy and Family Participation in Transition Planning. (1995). Salembier, G. & Furney, Katharine, S. The Journal for Vocational Special Needs Education. Making Dreams Happen: How to Facilitate the MAPS Process. (1996). Furney, Katharine. Vermont Transition Systems Change Project. University Affiliated Program of Vermont, Center for Transition and Employment, 453 Waterman Building, Univ. of Vt. Burlington, VT 05405-0160. Putting all Kids on the MAP. (1992). Forest, M., & Pearpoint, J.C. Educational Leadership. Transition Services and Personal Futures Planning. (Fall, 1993). HKNC TAC News, Helen Keller National Center, Volume 6, No. 3.