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Page 1 of 5 1/6/15 PERSONAL ANTHOLOGY ASSIGNMENT SHEET Honors students should read widely beyond what is required in school. In order to help you do this
PERSONAL ANTHOLOGY ASSIGNMENT SHEET Honors students should read widely beyond what is required in school. In order to help you do this productively, you will compile a Personal Anthology1 over the course of the semester. This assignment sheet contains specific requirements for this anthology and its grading criteria. Study it carefully and do NOT lose it! Progress will be checked at the end of 3rd quarter. The finished anthology is due two weeks prior to the end of 4th quarter. This is a course requirement and is not optional. Begin now! It is impossible to make that kind of collection at the last minute. As you read, keep your eye open for things that you can add to your anthology. If you use a novel as one of the selections, pick several samples of at least 200 words each that, in your opinion, give a feel for the language and style of the author or that caught your eye for some other reason. These selections can be either typed or photocopied. Either way, they must be readable and duly credited in the source list. CONTENT REQUIREMENTS: 30 selections are required. Works by CONTEMPORARY (women who are alive NOW) WOMEN writers: 2 Poems 2 Selections from a work of short fiction (at least 200 words, not necessarily consecutive) 1 Excerpts from essays or articles (personal or informational texts, not fiction) 2 Works from a genre2 of your choice Works by CONTEMPORARY (who are alive NOW) MEXICAN, CENTRAL or SOUTH AMERICAN writers: 3 Poems Works by CONTEMPORARY (who are alive NOW) ASIAN writers: 3 Works from a genre of your choice Works by WRITERS WHO HAVE WON THE NOBEL PRIZE FOR LITERATURE IN THE LAST 20 YEARS: 3 Works from a genre of your choice Samples from one or more PUBLISHED ARTICLES or ESSAYS (these may be humorous, political, economical, social essays, sports essays, etc.) By contemporary (who are alive NOW) writers: 3 (A sample consists of at least 200 words, not necessarily consecutive.) Work by a contemporary (who is alive NOW) writer that focuses on a CURRENT SOCIAL PROBLEM (violence, AIDS, hunger, gun control, racism, etc.): 1 This can be a poem, an essay, an article (or part of an article), a play (or part of a play)...anything. In addition to the above, 10 POEMS OF YOUR CHOICE by poets who are still living or who have died in the last 25 years.


Anthology: A collection of literary works such as poems, short stories, or plays, usually organized around a theme or central organizing idea. 2 Genre: A category of art or literary composition distinguished by a definite style, form, or content. Poetry is a genre, so are short stories, essays, plays, etc. Page 1 of 5


The most heavily weighted part of the anthology is the preface. This is a personal essay explaining why you chose to include those things that make up your anthology and explaining what you discovered in the process of reading and choosing what to include. GRADING CRITERIA Number of points

% Description



The anthology will be securely and permanently bound. You will have spent a great deal of time on this; make it worth keeping. You may use a loose leaf binder or some other kind of binding. It need not be expensive or unusual, but it should be nice.



The title page will include the title you have created for your anthology; the subtitle “: A Personal Anthology”; your name, school, grade, the year. It may include additional information or illustrations if you choose.


The table of contents must be clearly organized by the categories specified on the previous page. You must include the work’s title, its author, and the number of the page in your anthology on which the selection is found for each work.


The preface will introduce your anthology thoroughly. The preface will reflect your thoughts, observations, and/or feelings about the works you have chosen and the process of choosing them. Why did you make these choices? Have you discovered a theme for this collection of writings? If so, what is it? If not, why have you been so random? The preface will be more than five and no longer than seven pages long, word-processed, double spaced, and show proper essay form.



All works will be neatly typed or photocopied. You do not need to re-type all of the material that you put in your anthology. Take the book to a copy store and get a good clear copy of the poem or paragraphs that you intend using. Cut them out and mount them for your anthology. This is not intended to be a massive typing project.



Pages will be neatly numbered consecutively.


The source list identifying your sources will appear at the end of the anthology. This aspect of the anthology is a follow-up to the I-Search project. Your source list must be prepared according to formal APA guidelines (hanging indent, alphabetized, etc.), exactly as you did for your I-Search project.



Biographical data on all authors from the assigned works will be presented as a separate section at the end of your anthology and just before your source list. This information should take the form of a short introduction or summary of the author— the type of thing that you would see on a book “blurb.” It should be short, no more than three or four wellwritten sentences. Biographical information will be formatted in a hanging indent and alphabetized by author’s last name as is the source list.



The anthology will include all required works.



The contents of your anthology will indicate a broad range of exploratory reading. Be courageous and stretch yourself. Don’t take your entire anthology from one source.

up to 75%

Your anthology is due when the bell rings on the assigned date. Anthologies may be turned in early. If you know you are going to be absent on that date, your anthology must be turned in before the deadline. I will not accept this assignment late!







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NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS IN LITERATURE [] 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960

Patrick Modiano Alice Munro Mo Yan Tomas Tranströmer Mario Vargas Llosa Herta Müller Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézio Doris Lessing Orhan Pamuk Harold Pinter Elfriede Jelinek John Maxwell Coetzee Imre Kertész V. S. Naipaul Gao Xingjian Günter Grass José Saramago Dario Fo Wislawa Szymborska Seamus Heaney Kenzaburo Oe Toni Morrison Derek Walcott Nadine Gordimer Octavio Paz Camilio José Cela Naguib Mahfouz Joseph Brodsky Wole Soyinka Claude Simon Jaroslav Siefert William Golding Gabriel Garcia Marquez Elias Canetti Czeslaw Milosz Odysseus Elytis Isaac Bashevis Singer Vicente Aleixandre Saul Bellow Eugenio Montale Harry Edmund Martinson Patrick White Heinrich Böll Pablo Neruda Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Samuel Beckett Yasunari Kawabata Miguel Angel Asturias Shmuel Yosef Agnon Nelly Sachs Mikhail Sholokhov Jean Paul Sartre Giorgos Seferis John Steinbeck Ivo Andric Saint-John Perse

France Canada China Sweden Peru Romania France Britain Turkey Britain Austria South Africa Hungary Trinidad/Britain China Germany Portugal Italy Poland Ireland Japan USA West Indies South Africa Mexico Spain Egypt USSR/USA Nigeria France Czechoslovakia Britain Colombia/Mexico Bulgaria/Britain Poland/USA Greece USA (Yiddish) Spain USA Italy Sweden Australia Germany Chile Russia Ireland Japan Guatemala Israel Sweden Russia France Greece USA Yugoslavia France

1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1939 1938 1937 1936 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1917 1917 1916 1915 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907 1906 1905 1904 1904 1903 1902 1901

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Salvatore Quasimodo Boris Pasternak Alber Camus Juan Ramon Jimenez Halidor Laxness Ernest Hemingway Winston Churchill Francois Mauriac Par F. Lagerkvist Bertrand Russell William Faulkner T. S. Eliot Andre Gide Hermann Hesse Gabriela Mistral Johannes V. Jensen Frans E. Sillanpää Pearl S. Buck Roger Martin du Gard Eugene O’Neill Luigi Pirandello Ivan A. Bunin John Galsworthy Erik A. Karlfeldt Sinclair Lewis Thomas Mann Sigrid Undset Henri Bergson Grazia Deledda George Bernard Shaw Wladyslaw S. Reymont William Butler Yeats Jacinto Benevente Anatole France Knut Hamsun Carl F. G. Spitteler Karl A. Gjellerup Jenrik Pontoppidan Verner Von Heidenstam Romain Rolland Rabindranath Tagore Gerhart Hauptmann Maurice Maeterlinck Paul J. L Heyse Selma Lagerlof Rudolf C. Eucken Rudyard Kipling Giosue Carducci Henryk Sienkiewicz Frederic Mistral Jose Echegaray Bjornsterne Bjornson Theodor Mommsen René Sully-Prudhomme

Italy Russia France Spain Iceland USA Britain France Sweden Britain USA Britain France Switzerland Chile Denmark Finland USA France USA Italy France Britain Sweden USA Germany Norway France Italy Britain Poland Ireland Spain France Norway Switzerland Denmark Denmark Sweden France India Germany Belgium Germany Sweden Germany Britain Italy Poland France Spain Norway Germany France


Personal Anthology Assembly Instructions

Title Page Your title page should include all of the following information in this order: Your own title: A Personal Anthology Your Name School Grade Year You may use fancy fonts, borders, or illustrations on this page if you wish. Go as crazy as you want!

Table of Contents Organized by category as indicated by the anthology requirements, you should list selection title, author’s name, page number. If you include in your anthology works beyond those assigned, you only need to put page numbers to the 30 assigned items.

Preface The introduction to your anthology and the only part of it that you write yourself. Alone, this is worth 30% of the entire assignment. Discuss your collection, tell why you included what you did. Is there a theme? What is it and how does it link the selections. If there is no theme, explain why. Proper essay form—word processed, 12 point test, doublespaced—is required here!

Anthology Collection

Biography Section

All of the works that you include must be neatly photocopied, typed, or done in another appropriate manner. All pages must be numbered consecutively after the table of contents.

At the end of your anthology selections and before your sources, put your biographical paragraphs together in their own section. Alphabetize them by the author’s last name. They must be done in APA style: hanging indent, doublespaced, 1 inch margins, etc.

Remember, the purpose of this assignment is to get you to read widely. Include lots and lots of stuff. Explore. Be courageous!

Sources These should be done perfectly in APA format the way that your sources were done for the I-Search paper.

All of this is to be neatly and “permanently” bound. You may put the selections in a notebook or have them bound in some other inexpensive way. You have been working on this assignment for the entire semester. It should reflect not only a wide range of outside and exploratory reading, it should show some pride in creation and ownership.

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Period: __________



PERSONAL ANTHOLOGY CONTENT CHECKLIST Contemporary WOMEN writers Titles & authors: (Record these as you collect them) 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 excerpt from a work of SHORT FICTION: ________________________________________________ 1 excerpt from a work of SHORT FICTION: ________________________________________________ 1 ESSAY or ARTICLE (may be an excerpt): ________________________________________________ 1 WORK of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 WORK of my choice: ________________________________________________ Comtemporary MEXICAN, CENTRAL, or SOUTH AMERICAN writers 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ Contemporary ASIAN writers 1 WORK of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 WORK of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 WORK of my choice: ________________________________________________ Winners of the NOBEL PRIZE FOR LITERATURE (in the last 20 years) 1 WORK of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 WORK of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 WORK of my choice: ________________________________________________ Published ESSAYS or ARTICLES 1 WORK of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 WORK of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 WORK of my choice: ________________________________________________ Work dealing with a CURRENT SOCIAL PROBLEM 1 WORK of my choice: ________________________________________________ 10 POEMS of my choice: [All of the poems in this section should come from poets who are living or who have died within the last 25 years.] 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ 1 POEM of my choice: ________________________________________________ Teacher’s signature:


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