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Phone number of the school: 249830690. Your grades: four 2s, three 10s ... Ability to word with computers: Internet Expl
Curriculum Vitae Personal Information Name: Ana Raquel Mateus Ferreira Age: 14 years old Nationality: Portuguese Birthday: 27th October 1994 Phone number: E-mail: Address: Avenida 8 de Julho, Lote 23, Andar:46D Torres Novas

Education School you attend: Agrupamento de Escolas Artur Gonçalves Address of the school: Avenida Sá Carneiro,2350-536 Torres Novas E-mail of the school: [email protected] Phone number of the school: 249830690 Your grades: four 2s, three 10s Any special projects: Athletics Disciplina Inglês Professora Fátima Hortêncio Avaliação __________

Work Experience Jobs you had in the past: Employee of Messa and head Name of the employers: Pronto a comer Raquel ,LDA

Interests Hobbies: Atheism, watch TV and surf the NET Reading preferences: “Aia de Eça de Queirós” e “Uma Aventura” Associations you belong to:

Skills Trabalho elaborado por: -Ana Raquel -Rui Oliveira Ano/Turma: 9.ºD

Languages you can speak: Portuguese, English and French Ability to word with computers: Internet Explorer, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Movie Maker

Reference Teachers: Elsa Giraldo (Portuguese), Maria Hortêncio (English), Paula Martins (Mathematics), Maria José (Geography), Eduarda Castro (Physical Chemistry), Fernanda Torrinha (French)