Curriculum vitae
[email protected] ☎ +383 49 534 131 EDUCATION PhD in Southeast European History and Anthropology, University of Graz 2015 Master Degree from University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Philology – Field of Ethnology 2007 Graduation at University of Prishtina, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History 2002 SCHOLARSCHIPS & FELLOWSHIPS One-year PhD scholarship from University of Graz 1 June 2014 – 31 May 2015 One-month research scholarship at University of Vienna (Austria), Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, supervised by Prof. dr. Elke Mader. Subject of research: Spiritual Culture and Myth March 2008 One-month research scholarship at University of Graz (Austria), Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Centre for Southeast European History, supervised by Prof. dr. Karl Kaser. Subject of research: Research Methods and Techniques in Ethnographic Research May 2005 WORK EXPERIENCE
Lecturer at the University of Prishtina, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Anthropology Since October 2015 – Lecturer at AAB College, Prishtina Since November 2015 – Research staff at University of Graz, Institute for History, Southeast European History and Anthropology – in project “Kosovar Family Revisited” funded by
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the Austrian Science Fund September 2010 – November 2013 Teaching Assistant at University of Prishtina, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology October 2004 – September 2010 COURSES TAUGHT AT UNIVERSITY OF PRISHTINA AND AAB COLLEGE Introduction to Social/Cultural Anthropology Comparative family studies Socio-cultural changes Structure and social organization Migration and social security Anthropology Drafting social policy (MA) October 2015 – Introduction to Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Research methods with practicum Anthropology of Southeast Europe Anthropology of religion Comparative mythology Managing of cultural heritage 2004 – 2010 ERASMUS + & SUMMER SCHOOL Erasmus +, staff mobility for teaching at the University of Marburg, Department of Department of the Cultural and Social Anthropology and the Study of Religions 23-29 April 2018 Erasmus +, staff mobility for teaching at the University of Zagreb, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology 4 – 10 December 2016 Co-professor with Michael Sauer in Prishtina International Summer University. The course: An Introduction into Social Policy (with special reference to South Eastern Europe) 4 – 15 July 2016 PAPERS AT CONFERENCES Sixth Annual Conference of the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies, Regensburg, Germany. Topic: Social policy in East and Southeast Europe in
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past and present. Demographic challenges and patterns of inclusion and exclusion. Topic of my presentation: Generational and intergenerational care and mobility networks in Kosovo 21 – 23 June 2018 11th biennial MESEA conference: Ethnicity and Kinship: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Family, Community, and Difference. University of Graz, Austria. Topic of my presentation: Transnational family: the role of kinship in terms of generational and intergenerational care in Kosovo. 30 May–2 June 2018 Konferenca e V shkencore e Departamentit të Etnologjisë, Tema: Pasiguritë e Etnologjisë Shqiptare [The 5th Conference of the Department of Ethnology, topic: The Uncertainties of Ethnology in Albania]. Tema e prezantimit tim: Kërkimi etnografik “në shtëpi”: eksperienca personale në raport me traditën kërkimore të studiuesve shqiptarë dhe të huaj [Ethnographic research “at home”: personal experience in relation to research tradition of Albanian and foreign researchers] 18 December 2017 Dealing with the Past: Social Movements in Kosovo in socialism and 1990s. Organized by Alter Habiturs, in Prishtina. Topic of my presentation: Solidarity in the view of ‘national’ activism in the beginning of the 1990s 6-8 October 2017 ASHAK (Academy of Sciences and Arts of Kosovo) – conference topic: Migration. Topic of my presentation: Migration and transnational family: the role of remittances in maintaining social cohesion in Kosovar family 15 December 2016 InASEA (International Association for Southeast European Anthropology) conference held in Sofia. The topic of my paper was: Kinship in relation to the public and the private sphere in Kosovo 15 – 18 September 2016 The Albanological week, 23-27 May, 2016: Topic of my presentation: Handicrafts in Kosovo: a new methodological approach to the evaluation of works inside the household 26 May 2016 Conference: Family, healthy life and sustainable future. AAB College. Topic of my presentation: Social security as a family matter: generational and intergenerational care in Kosovo. 13 May 2016 The library week in Kosovo, 12-16 of April, 2016: Topic of my presentation: Anthropological Research in Kosovo: The Perspective of Home and Foreign Anthropologist 13 April 2016
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Konferenca e përvitshme e Antropologjisë: Antropologjia, etnologjia dhe historia [Annual conference in Anthropology: Anthropology, ethnology and history]. Joint paper with my colleague Elife Krasniqi. Topic of our presentation Sfidat e të hulumtuarit në vendin e origjinës brenda metodologjisë ‘Teori e Bazuar’: përvojat e dy hulumtuesve vendas në Isniq dhe Opojë, Kosovë 11 – 12 December 2015 Workshop on the 60th birthday of prof. Karl Kaser, Graz, Austria. I presented a joint paper with my colleague Elife Krasniqi: The persistence of patriarchy as a practical norm in Kosovo's family, society and politics 6 November 2014 InASEA (International Association for Southeast European Anthropology) conference held in Istanbul. The topic of my paper was: Poverty and social security in the perspective of post war political, societal and family transformations in Kosovo: the case of Isniq 18 – 20 September 2014 Internationaler Workshop für Nachwuchswissenschaftler/Innen: Aktuelle Forschungen zu Geschichte und Gesellschaft des Kosovo. Regensburg, Germany. Topic of my presentation: Family, Gender Relations and Social Security in Kosovo: Five Years after Independence 4 – 5 July 2013 3rd Global Conference, Femininities & Masculinities, Prague, Czech Republic. Topic of my presentation: Gender and Family Relations: The Question of Social Security in Kosovo 21 – 24 May 2013 International Conference - Family and Social Security in Kosovo, in Prishtina, Kosovo. Topic of my presentation: Social Security between Kin and the State in Kosovo: The Case of Isniq 2 – 3 May 2013 Brown Bag Seminar – Graz, Austria: Family in Kosovo- Revisited: The Case of Isniq and Opoja. Joint presentation with my project colleague Elife Krasniqi 16 April 2013 BSA Annual Conference 2013, at Grand Connaught Rooms, London, UK. Topic of my presentation: Family, Kinship and the Question of Social Security in Kosovo 3 – 5 April 2013 36th Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association, in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Joint paper with Elife Krasniqi: Policy or Politics: Changing family and kinship relations in post-war Kosovo
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17 – 20 November 2011 International “Border Crossings” Students’ Conference, in Zadar, Croatia. My paper’s topic: Traditional and Modern Aspects of Calendar Celebrations in Kosovo 22 – 25 April 2010 PUBLICATIONS
2017 – Migrimi dhe familja trans-nacionale: roli i remitencave në ruajtjen e kohezionit social në familjen kosovare [Migration and transnational family: the role of remittances in maintaining social cohesion in Kosovar family], in Studime shoqërore, no. 4, ASHAK 2016 – ‘Poverty and social security from the perspective of post-war political, societal and family transformations in Kosovo: macro- and micro-level points of view’, in Ethnologia Balkanica, vol. 18 2014 – ‘Gender and family relations: The question of social security in Kosovo’, in Anna Pilińska and Harmony Siganporia (eds.), ‘All Equally Real’: Femininities and Masculinities Today, Inter-Disciplinary Press 2012 – Family, Kinship Relations and Social Security in Kosovo: The Case Study of Isniq. Preliminary Project Report of the FWF Project “The Kosovar Albanian Family Revisited”, led by Karl Kaser: LANGUAGE SKILLS
ALBANIAN Other language(s)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user - B1 and B2: Independent user - C1 and C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
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