Personalisation of Complex Event Processing in ... -

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The sensor capabilities and locations of interest allow us to decouple the ..... that the monitored person is within the location of interest related to the medication ...
CommonSens: Personalisation of Complex Event Processing in Automated Home Care∗ Jarle Søberg, Vera Goebel, and Thomas Plagemann Department of Informatics University of Oslo, Norway {jarleso, goebel, plageman} June 2010

Abstract Automated home care is an emerging application domain for data management for sensors. We present a complex event processing (CEP) system and query language that provide the abstractions of capabilities and locations of interest to facilitate the task of the application programmer through reuse, easier personalisation, and system supported sensor selection. To achieve these goals we have developed three independent models that represent the concepts an application programmer can use: (1) event model, (2) environment model, and (3) sensor model. The sensor capabilities and locations of interest allow us to decouple the event specification from a particular instance. The system investigates the particular environment and chooses sensors that provide the correct capabilities and cover the locations of interest. The personalisation is achieved by updating the values in the conditions, the locations of interest and the time specifications in the queries. We demonstrate with a use-case how easy it is to personalise a query in two different environments, and use our proof-of-concept implementation to analyse the performance of our system.



Recent developments in sensor technology, video and audio analysis provide a good basis for application domains like smart homes and automated home care. These application domains involve reading sensor data from a great number of sensors that are placed in the home. We use established concepts from complex event processing (CEP) to process and analyse readings from ∗ Technical Report #396, ISBN 82-7368-357-5, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, June 2010


these sensors. However, there are still many unsolved challenges that hinder successful broad introduction of home care applications based on CEP systems. In this paper we address three challenges. First, there are many different kinds of sensors with many different capabilities. A capability identifies the real world phenomena the sensor can measure. To complicate things, different types of sensors might have the same capability and some sensors might have several capabilities. For instance, motion can be detected by cameras, motion detectors, or by aggregating information from several other types of sensors, e.g. by comparing signal strength from a radio worn by the monitored person with a fixed set of base stations. On the other hand cameras can provide additional capabilities like object and face recognition. Therefore, it is important to decouple the sensor from its capabilities in the queries. During instantiation, the system should automatically relate the capabilities addressed in the queries to the particular instance. Second, any kind of environment has an impact on the coverage area of sensors, e.g. walls reduce the signal strength of radio waves and block light. This makes sensor placement a hard problem, both with respect to the initial sensor placement in the home and to check whether a particular application instance has a proper sensor installation. The locations of interest, i.e., the places where events are expected to happen, also differ among the instances. Third, to describe behavioural patterns of a monitored person a lot of domain knowledge is necessary. Storf et al. [4] report that they needed 92 rules to describe toilet usage, personal hygiene and preparation of meals. However, the activities of interest are relevant for many people; for instance, fall detection and medication usage are in general the most important activities to recognise [6]. Reuse of queries that describe these activities, as well as the ones investigated by Storf et al. would simplify the work of the application programmer considerably. Therefore, we propose utilising general queries, which address capabilities, locations of interest and temporal properties, and which only need smaller adjustments to match the current instance. In order to meet these challenges we define three independent models: (1) an event model to identify states and state transitions in the real world that are of interest, (2) an environment model to describe the physical dimensions of the environment and the impact it can have on various signal types, and (3) a sensor model to describe the capabilities of sensors, their coverage and the signal types they are using. Our system implements the models. The sensor model separates the sensors from their capabilities. We combine the sensor model and the environment model to address locations of interest and placement of sensors. In addition, the core contributions of this work include an event language that uses the models and supports reuse of the model instances. The system is extensible so that any kind of emerging sensor and multimedia analysis algorithm can be integrated. 2

Conceptual model of the real world

Events States and state transitions

Describe events Queries Detect events

Detect states Sensors

Figure 1: The relation of the core elements in our conceptual model of the real world. The reminder of this paper is organised as follows: In Section 2 we describe our three models and the event language. To support our claims, Section 3 demonstrates a use-case evaluation and a performance evaluation of our proof-of-concept implementation. We discuss related work, conclude and address future work in Section 4.



We define three models to identify and describe the concepts and semantics of events, the environment where events happen, and the sensors that are used to obtain information about the environment.


Event Model

In our conceptual model of the real world, everything that happens can be modeled through states and state transitions. Definition 2.1 An event e is a state or state transition in which someone has declared interest. A state is a set of typed variables and data values. A state transition is when one or more of the data values in a state change so that they match another state. Which type of variables to use depends on the instantiation of the system. Not all states and state transitions in the real world are of interest. Therefore, we view events as subsets of these states and state transitions. Figure 1 relates the core elements of the approach to our conceptual model of the real world. The application programmer uses declarative queries to describe events. Our event definition works well with existing event processing paradigms. For example, in publish/subscribe systems, events can be seen as publications that someone has subscribed to. To identify when and where an event occurs and can be detected, temporal and spatial properties are important to specify. For addressing temporal properties we use timestamps, which can be seen as discrete subsets of the continuous time domain and time intervals. 3

Definition 2.2 A timestamp t is an element in the continuous time domain T : t ∈ T . A time interval τ ⊂ T is the time span between two timestamps tb (begin) and te (end). τ has a duration δ = te − tb . To differ events from other states and state transitions, it is important to have knowledge about the spatial properties of the events, i.e., where in the environment they happen. These spatial properties are specified through locations of interest. Definition 2.3 A location of interest loi is a set of coordinates describing the boundaries of an interesting location in the environment. In order to simplify application development it is a common approach to specify high level events. Higher level events, in turn, are composed out of lower level events [3]. These two event types are called atomic events and complex events. An event that cannot be further divided into lower level events is called an atomic event. Definition 2.4 An atomic event eA is an event with time and a location of interest: eA = (e, loi, tb , te ). For the attributes, (tb , te ∈ T ∨ ∅) and (|loi| = 1 ∨ loi = ∅). If used, the timestamps are ordered so that tb ≤ te . Atomic events can be related concurrently or consecutively. Definition 2.5 Two atomic events eAi and eAj are concurrent iff ∃tu , (tu ≥ eAi .tb ) ∧ (tu ≥ eAj .tb ) ∧ (tu ≤ eAi .te ) ∧ (tu ≤ eAj .te ). For two atomic events to be concurrent there is a point in time where there is an overlap between both atomic events. Two events are consecutive when they do not overlap. Definition 2.6 Two atomic events eAi and eAj are consecutive iff eAi .te < eAj .tb . A set of atomic events can be part of a complex event. Definition 2.7 A complex event eC is a set of N atomic events: eC = {eA0 , . . . , eAN −1 }.


Environment Model

The environment is described by a configuration of objects. These objects could be walls, furniture, etc. Once an object is defined, it can be reused in any other instantiation. Objects have two core properties; their shape, and how they impact signals, i.e., permeability. 4

Definition 2.8 A shape s is a set of coordinates: s = {(x, y, z)0 , . . . , (x, y, z)N −1 } The triplets in s describe the convex hull (boundary) of the shape. All triplet values are relative to (x, y, z)0 , which is referred to as base. While each object has one shape, it can have different permeability values. For instance, a wall stops light signals while a radio signal might only be partially reduced by the wall. Therefore, it is important to identify how permeable objects are regarding different types of signals. Definition 2.9 Permeability p is a tuple: p = (val, γ). val ∈ [−1, 1] is the value of the permeability. γ denotes which signal type this permeability value is valid for. The lower the value for p.val (the value val in p) is, the lower the permeability is. If the permeability value is 0, the signal does not pass. While if p.val is less than 0, the signal is reflected. The object is defined as follows. Definition 2.10 An object ξ is a tuple: ξ = (P, s). P = {p0 , . . . , pN −1 } is a set of permeability tuples. s is the shape. We use ξ.P to support that an object can have permeability values for many different signal types. Finally, the environment is defined as an instance of a set of related objects. Definition 2.11 An environment α is a set of objects: α = {ξ0 , . . . , ξN −1 }. Every ξi ∈ α \ {ξ0 } is relative to ξ0 . In the definition of the shape s we state that all the triplet values in the shape ξi .s of an object are relative to ξi .s.(x, y, z)0 . In an environment αy where ξi is located, ξi .s.(x, y, z)0 is relative to ξ0 .s.(x, y, z)0 , which is set to (0,0,0).


Sensor Model

Sensors read analogue signals from the environment and convert these into data tuples. Hence, a data tuple is the information that a sensor has obtained about a state in the real world. In addition to this, the sensor model should achieve two objectives. First, when we have described the events of interest, the system has to determine which type of sensors to use. Second, events might happen over time, so we want the sensors to utilise historical and stored data together with recent data tuples. Since a sensor has to produce data tuples, we use the terms sensor and tuple source interchangeably. In order to meet the first objective, each sensor should provide a set of capabilities. 5

Definition 2.12 A capability c is the type of state variables a sensor can observe. This is given by a textual description: c = (description). Capabilities like temperature reading or heart frequency reading return values of type integer. However, capabilities might be much more complex, like face recognition or fall detection. To capture all these possibilities in our model we use a string to describe sensors such that the description in a particular implementation can be anything from simple data types, such as integers, to XML and database schemes. The application programmer should not address particular sensors, rather sensor capabilities. To enable the system to bind capabilities to correct sensors it is necessary to describe capabilities based on a well defined vocabulary (or even on an ontology). In order to meet the second objective, we define three distinct types of sensors. The physical sensor is responsible for converting the analogue signals to data tuples. The external source only provides stored data, and the logical sensor processes data tuples from all the three sensor types. Definition 2.13 A physical sensor φP is a tuple: φP = (cov, γ, f, C). cov denotes the coverage of the physical sensor. γ is the type of signal this tuple source sends or receives. f is the maximal sampling frequency, i.e., how many data tuples the physical sensor can produce every second. C = {c0 , . . . , cN −1 } is the set of capabilities that the sensor provides. The physical sensor is limited to only observe single states in the home. The coverage of a physical sensor can either address specific objects or an area. The latter is denoted coverage area. Usually, the producer of the physical sensor defines the coverage area as it is in an environment without obstacles. When the physical sensor is placed in the environment, the coverage area might be reduced due to objects in the environment that have permeability tuples that match the signal type of the current physical sensor. The external source φE includes data that is persistently stored. The main purpose of an external source is to return data tuples from the storage. Definition 2.14 The external source φE is an attribute: φE = (C). C is the set of the capabilities it provides. In contrast to the physical sensor, the external source does not obtain readings directly from the environment. Thus, we do not include attributes like coverage. For instance, we allow DBMSs and file systems to act as external sources, as long as they provide data tuples that can be used by our system. The logical sensor performs computations on data tuples from other tuple sources. Definition 2.15 The logical sensor is a tuple: φL = (Cd , aggL , Cp , f ). Cd is the set of all the capabilities it depends on and agg L is a user defined 6

PS: Accelerometer(value) ES: User(personID)

LS: FallDetected(personID)

ES: FaceRecognition(personID) LS: FallDetected(personID)

ES: FallDetected(true/false) PS: Camera(matrix) PS: TakingMedication(type) PS: Camera(matrix) ES: MedicationTaken(type)

LS: TakingMedication(type)

PS: PhysicalSensor, ES: ExternalSource, LS: LogicalSensor

Figure 2: Examples of capability hierarchies for detecting falls and taking medication. function that aggregates the data tuples from Cd . Cp is the set of capabilities it provides. f is defined as for physical sensors but depends on agg L and Cd . When the logical sensor receives a request to produce a data tuple, it requests its tuple sources, processes the values it receives and creates a new data tuple that contains the results. The logical sensor does not depend on specific tuple sources, only the capabilities, i.e., any type of tuple source can be part of φL .Cd as long as it provides the correct capabilities. We illustrate the sensor model and capabilities with an example taken from automated home care. Figure 2 shows capabilities for detecting falls and that medication is taken. FallDetected is provided by a logical sensor that either depends on the accelerometer capabilities together with the information about the monitored person (personID), or the combination of the Camera capability and external sources that provide capabilities for face recognition and fall detection. TakingMedication is provided by a physical sensor, which e.g., uses RFID to detect that the monitored person holds the medication, or a logical sensor that depends on the capabilities Camera and MedicationTaken.


Query Based Event Language

In this section we describe our CEP query language, which uses capabilities from the sensor model, and locations of interest and timestamps from the event model to support reuse. In order to detect an event, the application programmer assigns conditions to the capabilities. The query that addresses one atomic event is called an atomic query. Definition 2.16 An atomic query qA is described by a tuple: qA = (cond, loi, tb , te ). cond is a triplet (c, op, val), where c is the capability, op ∈ {=, 6= 7

, , ≥} is the operator, and val is the expected value of the capability. loi, tb , te specify the spatial and temporal properties. When it is needed to describe complex events, two or more atomic queries have to be used. These are called complex queries. Complex queries describe complex events. In the following, the term query, denoted q, covers both atomic and complex queries. Definition 2.17 A complex query qC is an ordered set of atomic queries, and logical operators and relations ρi between them: qC = {qA0 ρ0 . . . ρN −2 qAN −1 }. If the complex query only consists of one atomic query, ρ0 = ∅. We use one temporal relation to describe that two atomic events are consecutive, i.e., the followed by query relation (→). Definition 2.18 The followed by relation →: {qz → qx | qz .te < qx .tb }. The logical operators in the query language are ∧, ∨ and ¬. If any other logical operator is needed, these three operators can be used to define it. With respect to the temporal properties of the events, the application programmer should be able to write two types of queries. The first type should explicitly denote when an event should happen, e.g. between 16:00h and 18:00h. The other type should denote how long an event lasts when it is detected. These two types of queries are called timed queries and δ-timed queries. A timed query has concrete tb and te values, which means that the two timestamps denote exactly the duration of the event. δ tells how long the events should last when they first start. These are denoted by overloading the semantics and setting only tb . The timed or δ-timed query can be percent-registered (P -registered) or not. A query that is not P -registered requires that all the readings from the relevant tuple sources match the state during the time interval. Depending on the query, P can either indicate that within the interval, the state should be satisfied minimum or maximum a given percentage of the time window. A complex query can also be timed or δ-timed, and P -registered. In addition, the application programmer can use the five concurrency operators to describe temporal dependency between queries. Definition 2.19 The concurrency operators: {Equals(qz , qx ) {Starts(qz , qx ) {Finishes(qz , qx ) {During(qz , qx ) {Overlaps(qz , qx )

| | | | |

qz .tb qz .tb qz .tb qz .tb qz .tb


= qx .tb ∧ qz .te = qx .tb ∧ qz .te < qx .tb ∧ qz .te > qx .tb ∧ qz .te > qx .tb ∧ qz .te

= qx .te } < qx .te } = qx .te } < qx .te } > qx .te }



We describe a use-case study to demonstrate the low effort required from the application programmer to personalise the queries. Furthermore, we report on some first performance evaluation of our proof-of-concept implementation. For the sensor model and the environment model we have implemented a GUI that allows the application programmer to move and place sensors so that they cover locations of interest and objects in the environment. The event processor is a state machine that is generated from the query. The system relates the capabilities in the implementation with the sensors in the current environment. Depending on the data tuples the state machine receives from the sensors, it either performs a state transition or remains in the current state. The implementation is written Java and runs on a dual core 1.2 GHz machine with 2 GB memory.


Use-case Study

In order to show that personalisation can be performed by simply changing a few parameters, we focus on queries related to detecting the activities falling and taking medication (see Figure 2). These activities should be detected in two different instances with minimal rewriting of the queries. The instances are excerpts from two environments taken from related work; the WSU smart home project [1] and MIT’s PlaceLab apartment [2]. The instances are shown in Figure 3 and are realised through our proof-of-concept implementation and are equipped with sensors from our sensor model. The walls are all objects with permeability value 0 for light and 0.01 for radio signals. For the fall detection, timing is not relevant because a fall can happen at any time of the day. Hence, the timing should not be specified. The fall can also happen everywhere in the home and the system has to constantly pull the sensors that provide FallDetected. The query that detects the fall is then very simple: (FallDetected = personID). The value personID identifies the person, and must be updated for the particular instance. The personalisation process is done when the system investigates the available sensor configurations that provide the capability FallDetected and investigates whether the current instance provides these sensors. If the sensors are provided, the system instantiates the query and starts reading the data tuples from the relevant sensors. If not, the system informs the application programmer that the query can not be instantiated and shows the list of sensors that need to be in the environment. In order to detect that the monitored person takes medications, it is sufficient to have sensors that provide the capability TakingMedication, and which return the type of medication that has been taken. If the monitored person should take several medications, it is sufficient to use the ∧ operator 9

Figure 3: Two environments with different setup. between each of the medication types. The During concurrency class can be used to describe the temporal relation. The first part of the query identifies that the medications are taken while the second part of the query identifies that the monitored person is within the location of interest related to the medication cupboard. This location of interest is called MedCupboard and is defined with different coordinates for the two environments. The query that the application programmer has to write is based on this template: during(((TakingMedication = Med1_0_0,timestamps) && ... && (TakingMedication = MedN_0_0,timestamps)), (DetectPerson = personID,MedCupboard,timestamps)) In order to show that two different types of sensors can provide the same capabilities, we have placed two cameras in the kitchen (Figure 3 a)) and RFID tags in the bathroom (Figure 3 b)). The camera in the medicine cupboard covers the location of interest MedCupboard. The coverage area of the two cameras has an angle of 90◦ , and the coverage area of the camera inside the cupboard is reduced by the panels. In the bathroom, MedCupboard is covered by three active RFID tags named Med1 0 0, Med2 0 0 and Med3 0 0. The three tags are also attached to the medication and provide the capabilities TakingMedication and DetectPerson. Affected by the walls in the medication cupboard, the coverage areas of the tags are shown as small irregular circles. This is automatically calculated by our system based on the signal type and the permeability values of the walls. The wrist-worn RFID reader of the monitored person returns the correct readings when it is within the coverage areas of the tags. By using the query above, the application programmer only needs to personalize the types of medications, the timestamps and the coordinates of 10

the locations of interest. For instance, the monitored person Alice should take all her medication between 08:00h and 09:00h every day. This process should take maximum six minutes and taking each medication should take one minute. The last part of the query can be rewritten as (DetectPerson = Alice, MedCloset, 08:00h, 09:00h, min 6%). The timestamps in each of the queries addressing TakingMedication are rewritten to for instance (TakingMedication = Med1 0 0, 1m). For the monitored person Bob, each of the medications should be taken at different times during the day. The application programmer needs to write one query for each of the medications, hence only one medication is supposed to be taken for each of the queries. For each of the queries the timestamps and coordinates of the locations of interest are simply updated to match the required temporal behaviour.


Performance Evaluation

It is important that the system detects the events in near real-time, i.e., that the system detects events when they happen. In this section we evaluate the processing time and scalability of our system with respect to real-time detection of events, performance and scalability. We want to answer two questions through our experiments: 1. How does the number of sensors to be evaluated influence the processing time? In some applications there might be need for a considerable number of sensors. 2. How does the complexity of queries affect the processing time? To answer the first question, we need to increase the number of sensors. To ensure that the evaluated number of sensors is increasing at all evaluation steps for each experiment, we add to each original sensor ten additional sensors for each experiment. Thus, in the first experiment we start with the two sensors that provide DetectPerson. We perform additionally four experiments with 22, 42, 62, and 82 sensors in total. The new sensors inherit the shapes and capabilities from the sensors that are already there. The second question is answered by increasing the number of concurrent queries that are processed. We do this by increasing the number of medications that the monitored person has to take. We increase from 1 to 51 medications. Even though it is not realistic that the monitored person should take 51 medications, we show that our system manages to handle that amount of concurrent atomic queries. We keep in this experiment the number of sensors fixed and use the original installation with two sensors. We use synthetic sensors and workloads which are implemented through predetermined data value sequences stored in files. This enables us to repeat experiments and to know the ground truth, i.e., the sensor readings that reveal the behavioural patterns of the monitored person. Since our 11

14 Experiment #1 Experiment #2 Experiment #3 Experiment #4 Experiment #5


Time (milliseconds)






0 0






6 Time steps







Figure 4: Processing time with 2, 22, 42, 62 and 82 sensors in the environment. implementation uses synthetic sensors, we cannot include the time it would take to gather data tuples from the sensors over a network. Hence, we measure the event processing time as the duration from the point in time when all the relevant data tuples are collected until the system has evaluated the tuples. We call this a discrete time step. In order to use a relevant environment we use the kitchen from Figure 3 a) with a query based on the one that detects that the monitored person takes medication. The first part of the query - taking medication - should take 4 time steps. The monitored person should stand by the medicine cupboard in 8 time steps to satisfy the second part of the query. At time step 3 the monitored person moves in the coverage area of the camera that covers MedCupboard. This causes the second part of the query to start. At time step 4 the monitored person takes the medication. This starts the first part of the query. At time step 7 the first part of the query finishes successfully and at time step 10 the second part finishes successfully. The average processing times for the first experiment are shown in Figure 4. The x-axis shows the time steps of the simulation and the y-axis shows the processing time in milliseconds (ms). The plot shows that the processing time increases with the number of sensors in total. There are two peaks at time step 7 and time step 10 which are related to successfully finishing the two parts of the query. In total, the maximum processing time is 12.8 ms for the scenario handling the readings from 82 sensors. Figure 5 shows the processing time and it is clear from the plot where the processing starts. The four time steps used by the first part of the query clearly show a linear increase in the processing time between time steps 4 and 7 when the number of concurrent queries increases. There is also a slight peak in the plot when the second part of the query starts at time step 12

60 1 medication 11 medications 21 medications 31 medications 41 medications 51 medications


Time (milliseconds)





0 0






6 Time steps







Figure 5: Processing time with an increasing number of concurrent queries. 3 and stops at time step 10. The average processing time for 51 concurrent queries is only 55.1 ms. We have given the system workloads up to 82 sensors that report similar readings in the first experiment, and 51 concurrent queries in the second experiment. The experiments show that even for the highest workload the event processing part of our system handles real-time processing of data tuples very well.



In this paper we define three models and a language that simplify the task of application programmers to match specific instances, i.e., homes, sensors and monitored persons. We support our claims by showing how the same query applies to two different environments with two different sensor configurations. Challenges related to personalisation of home care systems is addressed by Wang and Turner [5], where they use a policy-based system using event, condition, action (ECA) rules where certain variables can be changed for each instance. They also provide the possibility of addressing sensor types instead of sensors directly, provided by a configuration manager that finds the correct sensors. However, they do not provide separate models for the events, sensors and the environment to show how one capability can be provided by several different types of sensors in different environments. Our event model is inspired by the semantics of atomic and complex events as well as abstractions to higher level queries from Luckham [3]. Our event language extends Luckham’s contributions by explicitly using capabilities and locations of interest in the atomic events.


To the best of our knowledge, there exist no system that combines all aspects and addresses them in a structured way related to complex event processing from sensor data. Event processing needs to be done in real-time and we can show with our prototype that it scales well with respect to number of sensors and concurrent atomic queries. The event processor in our system only uses 12.8 milliseconds to evaluate 82 sensors, and only 55.1 milliseconds to evaluate 51 concurrent queries. Future work is to extend our system with statistical models for personalisation of timing. With respect to covering locations of interest, we will investigate algorithms for optimising sensor placement. In addition we are currently instrumenting our labs and offices with cameras and radio-based sensors to create a real world test-bed for our system.

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