Personnel Commission - Pasadena Unified School District

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Develop and administer a classification plan for the classified service. • Recommend salary ... Services. • Director
Pasadena Unified School District

Personnel Commission

Annual Report

PERSONNEL COMMISSIONERS The Personnel Commission is composed of a three-member board of "known adherents" to the Merit System that oversees the system by setting policy, adopting a budget, appointing a Director, Personnel Commission and staff to administer the program and adjudicating appeals of disciplinary actions. Personnel Commission meetings are held at least once a month and are open to the public.

Ms. Dvora Mayer, Chair Classified Employees Union Appointee Ms. Mayer has been the Classified Union Appointee since 2008 and is serving her third three-year term. She has been a long-time supporter of the Merit System. Ms. Mayer has over 18 years of experience working and advocating for the labor movement.

Dr. Jacqueline Jacobs, Vice Chair Joint Commission Appointee Dr. Jacobs has been the Joint Appointee since 2010 and is serving her third three-year term. She served eight years on the Board of Education for Pasadena Unified School District, including two years as Board president. In 2011, Dr. Jacobs retired as the Vice President, Instruction at Pasadena City College.


PERSONNEL COMMISSION RESPONSIBILITIES  Develop and administer a classification plan for the classified service.  Recommend salary schedules consistent with the principle of like pay for like service.  Provide for the announcement of job vacancies to employees and the public.  Develop and administer job related, content-valid pre-employment assessments to identify the most qualified applicants for classified vacancies.  Ensure classified staff are hired according to Commission rules and Merit system law.  Impartially hear and consider appeals of disciplinary action and examination results.  Prepare a variety of reports, including the Education Code mandated annual report.  Plan, prepare, maintain, and execute Commission annual budget  Coordinate and authorize classified temporary assignments

A MERIT SYSTEM EMPLOYER Dr. Eddie Newman, Member District Board Appointee Dr. Newman has been the District Board Appointee since 2015. She maintains a long and extensive career with Pasadena Unified. She started as a teacher and progressed to a counselor at McKinley Junior High. Dr. Newman held multiple other positions, including Principal at John Muir. She helped open Learning Works! Charter School, where she retired in 2010

CLASSIFICATION ACTIONS The Commission worked with District Administration to study, revise, reallocate or create new classifications to better reflect the complex nature of our classified workforce.



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ITS Help Desk Technician, Lead Assistant Construction Coordinator Senior Research Analyst Director, Information Technology Services Director, Personnel Commission Director of Fiscal Services Junior Accountant Database Analyst PBX Operator Accounts Payable-Receivable Clerk Personnel Supervisor

Reclassified  Head Custodian II

Assistant Construction Coordinator Director of Fiscal Services Director, Personnel Commission Director, Information Tech. Services PBX Operator Accounts Payable-Receivable Clerk

The Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) is a Merit System employer for classified employees. PUSD adopted the Merit System in 1979 and is one of 100 merit school districts in California. The Personnel Commission is responsible for assuring that each employee/candidate is selected, retained and promoted based on the Merit System, provisions of the Education Code, and on merit and fitness which is determined by administering competitive (job-related) examinations. Classified employees are represented by two employee organizations, California School Employees Association (CSEA) and Teamsters. CSEA currently has the greatest number of employees. Pasadena Unified School District covers a total area of 76 square miles and serves the cities of Pasadena, Altadena and Sierra Madre. The District has an estimated student enrollment of 17,107 and an employee population of approximately 2,070, of which 1,012 are classified/non-teaching staff. Personnel Commission meetings are held every third Tuesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. in the Elbie J. Hickambottom Board Room, 351 South Hudson Avenue. Pasadena, California. Meetings are open to the public. Agendas are posted in the Personnel Commission office and at

New      

Behavior Specialist Server Administration Network Engineer Early Intervention Specialist GED Testing Coordinator Adult Education Transition Technician  Adult Education English Learner Bilingual Technician  Database Specialist  Ombuds Officer


COMMISSION STAFF Cy Chukwumezie, Ph.D. Executive Officer, Personnel Commission

The Annual Report of the Personnel Commission for 20152016 has been prepared in accordance with Section 45266 of the Education Code for submission to the Governing Board of the Pasadena Unified School District.

Jaimie Nyczypor HR Analyst

Pierre N. Demian HR Analyst

Jimmy Alcantar HR Assistant

Karla Coleman HR Assistant

Commissioners and staff are proud members of: The California School Personnel Commissioners Association (CSPCA), The Personnel Commissioners of Southern California (PCASC), Personnel Testing Council-Southern California (PTC-SC), and Cooperative Organization for the Development of Employee Selection Procedures (CODESP).

Personnel Commission

Annual Report

Applications Received: Ethnicity

RECRUITMENT & SELECTION ACTIVITY DATA In promoting the Commission’s role in support of the District’s Equal Opportunity Employment hiring objectives, the greatest possible diversity in the recruitment pool was sought. Employment announcements were distributed to over 200 community service, employment, educational and special interest organizations. Various internet sites, interest notifications, social networking and other publications were also used. On average, recruitment cycle was 35.3 calendar days.

Applications Received Qualified Applications Disqualified Applications Eligible Candidates Gender: Male Female Unknown Ethnicity: Asian African American American Indian Decline to State Filipino Hispanic Other Pacific Islander Two or more Races White Unknown

2015-2016 10,216 4,357 5,859 1281

39% 59% 2%

34% 65% 2%

10% 18% 2% 6% 2% 41% 2% 0% 5% 15% 0%

Measures: Written Exams Oral/Performance Exams Eligibility Lists

2014-2015 8,304 1,234 4,887 754

87 52 53

10% 17% 0% 5% 2% 41% 2% 0% 6% 16% 1% 58 54 109

Recruitment Sources PUSD Employee 4% Other 3% Friend 3% School Site Bulletin Board PUSD Text 1% Message 1% Edjoin 18% 10% 17%

On behalf of the Personnel Commissioners and the Pasadena Unified School District, I would like to express our sincere appreciation to the following organizations for assisting PUSD by serving as raters on our interview and performance panels: County of Los Angeles  Glendale Unified School District  Montebello Unified School District  William S. Hart High School District  City of Pasadena  Los Angeles Unified School District  City of Glendale  Charter Oaks Unified School District  Hacienda La Puente Unified School District  Los Angeles County Office of Education  Long Beach Unified School District  ABC Unified School District  Pasadena Police Department  Orange County Sanitation Department  Anaheim Union High School District - Dr. Cy Chukwumezie, Executive Officer, Personnel Commission

White (NonHispanic Origin) 16%

Two or more races 6%

AfricanAmerican 17%

Pacific Islander 0% Other 3%

American Indian or Eskimo 0% Asian 10%

Decline to State 5% Filipino 2%

Hispanic 41%

EMPLOYMENT ACTIONS The Personnel Commission is responsible for defining, categorizing and allocating positions to appropriate classes, as well as assigning classifications within occupational hierarchies, preparing written class specifications and recommending salaries. Monthly Employment Limited Term/Provisional Reinstatements Job Abandonment Probation Termination Resignations Retirements Reemployment Recall From Reduction In Time Working Out-Of-Class Examination Appeals Disciplinary Hearings

2014-2015 126 647 0 3 18 37 30 0 0 27 9 0

2015-2016 154 260 2 3 9 74 12 3 55 46 10 0

RECRUITMENTS Accounts Payable Specialist

Computer Repair Technician

Accounts Payable Technician

Construction Specialist

Adult Education Transition Technician

Construction Worker Credential Services Specialist

Adult English Learner Bilingual Technician

Data Control Clerk

Application Support Assistant

Data Control Technician

ASB Bookkeeper

Database Analyst

Behavior Interventionist-Applied Behavior Analysis

Database Specialist Delivery Truck Driver I

Head Custodian I

Payroll Technician

Head Custodian III

Office Manager Bilingual Mandarin

Health Clerk Human Resources Analyst

Personnel Operations Supervisor

Human Resources Position Control Technician

Personnel Supervisor-Classified

Instructional Aide

Program Assistant

Instructional Aide – Special Program


Instructional Aide-Bilingual Interim Director, Budget Junior Accountant

Behavior Specialist

Director, Business Services

Lead Carpenter

Behavioral Health Administrative Services Coordinator

Early Intervention Specialist

Lead Computer/Telecommunication Repair

Bilingual Technician

GovernmentJobs 43%


Budget Analyst

Eligibility Technician Executive Secretary


Field Operations Supervisor

Children’s Services Assistant II

Fiscal Services Technician

Classified Personnel Technician

Food Service Assistant


Food Service Manager I

Clerk Typist (Bilingual)

GED Testing Coordinator

Clinical Social Worker

Grounds Maintenance Specialist

Community Advocate

Registrar Research Technician School Community Assistant School Community Assistant Bilingual Spanish Secretary II

Lead ITS Help Desk Technician

Senior Accountant

Learns Program Specialist

Senior Administrative Assistant

Library Coordinator Limited Term-Substitute Clerical Worker

Senior Coordinator, Accounting, Payroll & Benefits Supervisor

Maintenance & Grounds Coordinator

Senior Human Resources Assistant

Network Engineer

Senior Research Analyst

Occupational Therapist – Special Education Office Manager

Personnel Commission Office 351 South Hudson Avenue, Room 120 Pasadena, CA 91109 (626) 396-3600 Ext. 88400

Server Administration Therapeutic Behavioral Services Coordinator