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(Matahari). ▫ Pelarian Lyran ini kemudian membangun koloni di bumi, dikenal dengan nama Lemuria. ▫ Sirius dan Pleiadian datang kemudian membangun.
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Konstelasi Bintang Lyra Vega Sirius Andromeda Pleiades


Draconis Reticuli Orion Arcturus Solar (Sun)

Lyran  Penampilan fisik humanoid  Pernah terjadi perselisihan dengan Vegan  Diserbu oleh Orion-Draconian  Melarikan diri ke Pleiades, Arcturus, dan Sol System

(Matahari).  Pelarian Lyran ini kemudian membangun koloni di bumi, dikenal dengan nama Lemuria.  Sirius dan Pleiadian datang kemudian membangun Atlantis  Channeler: Lyssa Royal, Source: Germane.

Lyran Types (contactee Lyssa Royal Holt)  Lyran Caucasians    

 

The original Lyran: light skin, light hair, light eyes; 5 to 6 feet; mesomorphic body. Lyran dark-skinned group Same as Caucasians, but with skin that is light brown, and hair is dark brown. Lyran Giants light skin, light hair, light eyes; 6 to 9 feet; mesomorphic body. Lyran Group Lyran Redheads light skin, red hair, ectomorphic (thin) to mesomorphic body, - either giant: 6 to 9, - or average. Lyran Bird-people Lyran Cat-people

Vega  Vega was one of the first Lyran civilizations to

develop a unique and cohesive identity which assisted in seeding and colonizing many systems, including Altair, Centauri, Sirius and Orion." (Lyssa Royal & Keith Priest, The Prism of Lyra)  Physical Characteristics of the Vegans: 

a) the standard Vegan six to seven feet tall, darker skin (sometimes coppertoned), non-Caucasian, black hair, very large eyes with dark pupil and iris and one lid. Blood is green.

b) the "non-human"-type Vegans is still humanoid or mammal, yet their appearance is more insectlike or reptilian. Their skin is dark, sometimes even with a green or brownish tinge.

Bintang Vega muncul dalam cerita film “Contact” yang dibuat berdasarkan novel karangan Carl Sagan

KoloniVegan:Sirius & Orion  Vegan digunakan untuk kolonisasi. Mereka

mengkolonisasi Orion, Sirius. Sirian bergabung dengan lokal dan “lupa” dengan asal usul mereka (vegan).  Banyak non human humanoids yang aktif di Orion, misalnya di Bellatrix. Kebanyakan adalah anggota dari Orion Empire, sementara Orions asal usulnya juga dari Vegan.

Dari Lyran/Vegan menyebar  The most important humanoid civilisations can be

found in the Star Systems of Lyra, Vega, Sirius, Orion, the Pleiades, and Andromeda. Lyra is the place where the cradle of the humanoid races once stood, millions of year ago.  Most races are descendants from the Lyran / Vegan group. They usually are crossbreeds between local stock and Lyran / Vegan DNA. (You can find a description of what they physically look like, on the respective pages of each race. There you will also find information on their lineage and descent.)

Sol System  Mars, Maldek, Bumi, Venus  Pleiadian bersama Sirian membangun Atlantis  Orion Group datang  Ada Pleiadian-Sirian renegade yang bergabung ke    

Orion Group Perang Orion, Atlantis hancur Maldek hancur, Mars tidak bisa dihuni. Pleiadian melarikan diri Orion + Pleiadian-Sirian renegade (Aryan Draconian) mengontrol planet bumi.

Orion & Draconian  Orion Empire: satu pemimpin  Draconian: Federasi  Greys hybrid menjadi budak mereka  Subterran aliens  Saat ini menurut Andromedan sudah diusir

dari bumi namun diperkirakan akan melakukan serangan balik.  Terlibat dengan pemerintah AS sejak tahun 1954, untuk memanfaatkan greys (asli).

Orion Empire  The Orion Empire is one of two famous (or infmaous)

empires in our part of the Galaxy, the Draconian Empire being the other. The Orion Empire is more recent than the Draconian Empire.  It was established soon after the Vegans engaged in space exploration, and encountered reptilian civilisations with whom they shared a common agenda of colonisation, imperialism, and service to self.  It consists of a mixture of reptilian and humanoid civilisations. The Greys form the majority of these reptilian civilisations, whereas most of the humanoid civilisations are of Vegan descent. Approximately one in every six worlds in the Orion constellation has a reptilian population.

ELs atau Elohim dari Orion  there are the real founders / the original

Elohim or ELs,  then there is the Orion Mass consciousness (which originated from the founders),  there are the hybrid ELs (which also originated from the founders)...  Then there are their allies that were given the same name.  And last but not least, there are the Frauds: the self declared founders, of reptilian origin.

Draconian Empire  The Draconian Empire originated on Thuban (Alpha

Draconis), and consists mainly of various groups of reptilian and dinosaur-like species, but humanoid worlds have joined, too, some forcefully, some willingly.  Its most important members are based in Alpha Draconis, Epsilon Bootes, Zeta II Reticuli, Polaris, Rigel (Orion), Bellatrix (Orion), Capella (Alpha Aurigae), Ursa Maior. It works closely together with the Orion Empire, with whom it shares a common agenda.

Gizeh Intelligence  Pleiadean fasis (renegade)  Gizeh atau Kamagol-II Ashtar-collective Intelligence  Asthar Command: Lord Orion and The Councils of

Orion  Kerja sama dengan NAZI, Haunebu, Vrill Society, Thule Society.  Di AS kerja sama dalam Philadelphia Experiment, Montauk Project, Stargate ke Altair System.  Kerja sama lebih dalam pada tahun 1954.

Lima, Peru, 1973

George Adamski (kiri)

Piring terbang yang dipotret oleh George Adamski, tahun 1952.

Pleiadeans  Bagian dari Andromedan Council  Ada dua kelompok, yang positif dan ada yang

renegade (bergabung dengan Orion Group)  Banyak channeling dari Pleiadians  Contactee Billy Meier  Ikut terlibat dalam membangun peradaban Lemuria yang dibentuk oleh pelarian Lyran yang pertama tiba di bumi.  Termasuk dalam kelompok yang membangun Atlantis bersama Sirian.

Sirian  Bersama Pleiadian membangun koloni di bumi,

Atlantis.  Ketika Orion Group datang, bergabung ke Atlantis, sebagian besar Sirian dan Pleiadean membuat kerja sama, namun akibatnya buruk.  Mitos Anunnaki, Enki dan Enlil  Bersama Pleiadean, Sirian merupakan pembawa pencerahan spiritual, namun setelah bumi dikontrol oleh Orion Group, maka terjadi perubahan dalam kontrol atas manusia.

Karateristik Sirian  Physical Characteristics of the humanoid Sirians: The

Sirian race stems from Vega. They are dark skinned, have dark pronounced eyes.  The Sirians that stayed on Earth however, 1) had a lot of contact with the Lyrans and 2) adapted to the climatological conditions on Earth, so that their skin became lighter, and lighter. (Note that the description given of the physical characteristics only applies to the physical, humanoid Sirians. Not to any other races).

Sirian dan Pleiadian

Greys  Greys ada 2:  Greys yang asli  Greys hasil kloning (Orion Group)  Datang ke bumi 1931, kontak dengan pemerintah AS    

tahun 1934. Berakhir diperkirakan tahun 1972. Greys sebenarnya sama seperti manusia namun secara genetik mengalami kerusakan. Menculik manusia untuk penelitian genetika. Greys asli diusir dari bumi. Greys kloning/hybrid melakukan peculikan dan tindakan yang agresif/buruk, diduga sejak 1972.

Dow (source contactee Alex Collier)  The Dow are specific group within the Orion Greys.

They are related to the Zetas, in that they share a common ancestry. They left their planet to look for a new home, but were submitted and altered by Reptilian races in the Orion constellation. The Dow would be very active on Earth, and to a large extent responsible for many of the abductions.  The Dow are a small group of Greys that are responsible for many abduction/detentions. They have very little emotional development, but do possess very strong telepathic powers. These powers are often used to deceive and conceal their true motives and objectives.

UFO milik Greys


(Andromeda Constellation)

 Andromeda bukan hanya nama galaksi tapi juga

    

sebuah konstelasi bintang. Berlokasi di antara Aries dan Pisces. Bintangnya yang paling terang bernama Alpheratz. Ultimatum dari Andromedan agar ET yang negatif (buruk) meninggalkan bumi, dengan batas waktu 12 Agustus 2003. Yang tersisa di bumi adalah pengikut (manusia) dari Orion Group. Contactee: Alex Collier Mereka mempunyai kulit biru terang, namun ketika makin tua, kilitnya menjadi makin putih. Sangat dekat dengan Pleiadian

Starseeds  Souls from other planets, star systems or

universes, who answered a call for assistance and agreed to come to Earth to help with the healing and transformation of this planet.  They come from the constellations of Lyra and the Pleiades, or from Sirius, Orion, Andromeda, or Arcturus.










Pleiadian Renegade/hybrid Solar