REPutrf. Pertandingan Bola Voli HUT RI ke-64 - New York. Tanggal/Date: Sabtu,
1 Agustus 2009. Waktu/Time: 8.00 AM. Tempat/Location: Alley Pond Park, ...
Pertandingan Bola Voli HUT RI ke-64 Tanggal/Date: Sabtu,
- New York
Agustus 2009
Waktu/Time: 8.00 AM Tempat/Location: Alley Pond Park, Queens New York 11364 Directions: From South and West - Take Queens Midtown Tunnel to LIE East (I - 495 East) until exit 29 Springfield Blvd. Go straight until Springfield Blvd. (1" traffic light), and make a right and go down Springfield Blvd. until 76'n Avenue. Make a left at76^ Avenue and make first left into the parking lot. From North - Take I-95 South tol-295 South. Take I-295 South until exit 4E-W and merge onto I-495 East. Take LIE East (I-495 East) until exit29 Springfield Blvd. Go straight until Springfield Blvd. (1" traffic light), and make a right and go down Springfield Blvd. until 76tn Avenue. Make a left at76'n Avenue and make first left into the parking lot. Contact: Toar Mewengkang - (917) 597-2487 Aria Yudhistira - (347) 804-8920 Eddy Hemowo Hanny Wangko - (732) 688- I 1 13 Oscar Manusama - (212\ 879-0600 ext. 3408