South Africa in 1998 after obtaining the. Burwin Institute of Medical Ultrasound.
Certificate from the USA. After moving to Australia in 2009 Jann completed the.
DATE Saturday 22 February 2014
Perth MSK Workshop Mark Bryant BSc (Rad), DMU
Mark Bryant holds a Diploma in Diagnostic Medical Radiography and a Diploma in Medical Ultrasonography. He is a past recipient of the Chris Kohlenberg ASUM Teaching Fellowship Award (WA and NT) 2000 and was a member of the ASUM Board of Examiners (DMU). Mark has 17 years of clinical ultrasound experience including 12 years as a tutor sonographer at North Coast Radiology and has been a facilitator of numerous Multidisciplinary Ultrasound Workshops in Australia. Presents: Overview of MSK Ultrasound Shoulder – basic to advanced techniques in scanning Ultrasound of the groin, including
Half-year membership is now open – valid to 30/6/2014 Join now as a member and enjoy 5 months of ASUM membership benefits for effectively $118* * Based on savings of $100 on registration as a sonographer member.
Jannette Axelsen BSc (Rad), DMU
Jann Axelsen started in ultrasound in South Africa in 1998 after obtaining the Burwin Institute of Medical Ultrasound Certificate from the USA. After moving to Australia in 2009 Jann completed the DMU a year later and qualified for ASAR accreditation. She is currently studying for her Master’s Degree, doing research on hernias and has a keen interest in MSK and Vascular work. Presents: Elbow Ultrasound – Where do I start?
Jan Mulholland BSc (Rad), DMU
Jan Mulholland is the senior MSK sonographer for Perth Radiological Clinics and is involved in MSK training for both radiologists and sonographers. She has been a clinical examiner for the University of Sydney and a DMU practical examiner. Jan is an experienced presenter, having given several MSK presentations at both state and national level and was awarded ASA’s WA Sonographer of the Year in 2012. Presents: Ultrasound of Lumps and Bumps
TIME Start: 8.15am for 8.45am Finish: 3.30pm VENUE Bruce Hunt Lecture Theatre Royal Perth Hospital Level 2, Wellington Street entrance, A block (street and Wilsons parking available) COST DMU Students: Free Members: $50 Non-members: $150 REGISTRATION F: 02 9438 3686 E:
[email protected] Registration closes: Friday 14 February 2014 CPD POINTS 5.5 MOSIPP/ASAR points ENQUIRIES Sue Loucks Membership and CPD Officer: +612 9438 2078 Ph: (02) 9438 2078
Platinum Sponsor 2013-2014
Platinum Sponsor 2013-2014
Perth MSK Workshop Registration Form
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If you would like to join ASUM please complete and submit the membership form found along with this registration form.
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TIME Start: 8.15am for 8.45am Finish: 3.30pm VENUE Bruce Hunt Lecture Theatre Royal Perth Hospital Level 2, Wellington Street entrance, A block (street and Wilsons parking available) COST DMU Students: Free Members: $50 Non-members: $150
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REGISTRATION F: 02 9438 3686 E:
[email protected] Registration closes: Friday 14 February 2014
Mobile: (
DATE Saturday 22 February 2014
Post code: CPD POINTS 5.5 MOSIPP/ASAR points
) )
ENQUIRIES Sue Loucks Membership and CPD Officer: +612 9438 2078
Email: Special dietary requirements: Payment: MasterCard
Australian Money Order
Bank Draft in Australian currency Cheque in AU$, drawn on an Australian Bank
Credit Card no.:
$___________ Ph: (02) 9438 2078
Cardholder’s Name: Cardholder’s Signature: Date: Cancellations and Refunds: ASUM reserves the right to re-schedule this course if insufficient registrations are received. A cancellation request must be received in writing to ASUM Head Office at least 7 days prior to this event. No refund will apply after this date. Return this form by fax to +61 2 9438 3686, via email to
[email protected] or to the address below. If you do not receive a confirmation of receipt within 48 hours of submitting your application (allowing for delivery time with postal applications), please contact the ASUM office.
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