Jun 26, 2013 ... 1. क) उ पादन एवंसामा य इंजीिनयर वभागीय प रषद. Production & General
... /आईएसओ/ ISO 80000-7:2008. मा ा एवं इकाइयाँ – भाग ...
यापक प रचालन म मसौदा DRAFT IN WIDE CIRCULATION लेख ेषण सं ापन/DOCUMENT DESPATCH ADVICE संदभ /Ref. पीजीड /PGD 01(1275,
दनांक/Date 26.06.2013
1276, 1277 एवं 1278) तकनीक सिमित/TECHNICAL COMMITTEE: आधारभूत मानक वषय सिमित, पीजीड 01 BASIC STANDARDS SECTIONAL COMMITTEE, PGD 01 सभी सद य को /To all members of: 1.
क) उ पादन एवं सामा य इं जीिनयर वभागीय प रषद Production & General Engineering Division Council ख) आधारभूत मानक वषय सिमित, पीजीड 01 Basic Standards Sectional Committee, PGD 01 िच रखने वाले अ य सद य/Other Interested Members
Dear Sir(s),
कृ पया आधारभूत मानक
वषय सिमित, पीजीड
ारा तैयार
कया गया
िन निल खत संल न लेख ा कर/Please find enclosed the following document prepared by the Basic Standards Sectional Committee, PGD 01: लेख सं या/DOC NO. पीजीड /PGD 01( 1275)
/आईएसओ/ ISO 80000-7:2008
मा ा एवं इकाइयाँ – भाग 7 लाईट/Quantities and units – Part 7 Light
पीजीड /PGD 01(1276)
मा ा एवं इकाइयाँ – भाग 9 भौितक
/आईएसओ/ ISO 80000-9:2009 पीजीड /PGD 01(1277) /आईएसओ/ ISO 80000-10:2009
रसायन एवं अणु
भौतक /Quantities and units – Part 9 Physical chemistry and molecular physics मा ा एवं इकाइयाँ – भाग 10 परमाणु एवं नािभक य भौितक /Quantities and units – Part 10 Atomic and nuclear physics
पीजीड /PGD 01(1278) /आईएसओ/ ISO 80000-12:2009
मा ा एवं इकाइयाँ – भाग 12 ठोस अव था भौितक /Quantities and units – Part 12 Solid state physics
कृ पया इन लेख का अवलोकन कर और अपनी स मितयॉं यह बताते हए ु भेज क अंतत: य द ये मानक
के प म कािशत हो जाएं तो इन पर अमल करने म आपके यवसाय अथवा कारोबार म या क ठनाईयॉं आ
सकती ह/Kindly examine the drafts and forward your views stating any difficulties which you are likely to experience in your business or profession, if these are finally adopted as National Standards. स मितयॉं भेजने क अंितम ितिथ/Last date for comments: य द आपक कोई स मित हो तो कृ पया दये गये
ा प म अ ोह ता र को उपरो
पते पर
भेज/Comments, if any, may please be made in the format as given in overleaf and mailed to the undersigned at the above address. य द आपक कोई स मितयॉं तो हम उपरो
नह ं होती ह या केवल स पादक य स मितयॉं
ताव को भारतीय मानक के अंतिमत
होती ह
प से अिध हण करने क आपक सहमित
मान लेने क अनुमित द। परं तु य द हम तकनीक स मितयॉं सिमित के अ य
से परामश प ात भारतीय मानक के अंतिमत
होती ह तब या तो ये वषय प म पा रत कर अिध
हत कए
जाएंगे अथवा उनक इ छानुसार आव यक कायवाह हेतु वशय सिमित के वचाराथ भेजे जाएंगे/In case, no comments are received or comments received are of editorial nature, you will kindly permit us to presume your approval for the above documents as finalised for adoption as Indian Standards. However, in case of comments of technical in nature are received then they may be finalized either in consultation with the Chairman, Sectional Committee or referred to the Sectional Committee. ध यवाद/Thanking you, भवद य/Yours faithfully, . (के.सुधाकर राव) /K. Sudhakar Rao)
मुख/ Head (पीजीड /PGD) Email:
[email protected]/
[email protected] Telefax: 011-23234819 संल न/Encls.: उपरो /As above
FORMAT FOR SENDING COMMENTS ON BIS DOCUMENTS (Please use A4 size sheet of paper only and type within fields indicated. Comments on each clauses/subclauses/table/fig. etc be started on a fresh box. Information in Column 4 should include reasons for the comments and suggestions for modified wording of the clauses when the existing text is found not acceptable. Adherence to this format facilitates Secretariat’s work) Doc. No Doc. No.: PGD 01(1275)C / ISO 80000-7:2008 TITLE: QUANTITIES AND UNITS PART 7 LIGHT LAST DATE OF COMMENTS: 26-09-2013
NAME OF THE COMMENTATOR/ORGANIZATION: _________________________ Sl. No.
Clause/Subclause/ para/table/fig. No. commented
For Bureau’s Use Only
Commentator/ Organization/ Abbreviation
Type of Comments (General/Editorial/ Technical)
Proposed change
FORMAT FOR SENDING COMMENTS ON BIS DOCUMENTS (Please use A4 size sheet of paper only and type within fields indicated. Comments on each clauses/subclauses/table/fig. etc be started on a fresh box. Information in Column 4 should include reasons for the comments and suggestions for modified wording of the clauses when the existing text is found not acceptable. Adherence to this format facilitates Secretariat’s work) Doc. No Doc. No.: PGD 01(1276)C / ISO 80000-9:2009 TITLE: QUANTITIES AND UNITS PART 9
LAST DATE OF COMMENTS: 26-09-2013 NAME OF THE COMMENTATOR/ORGANIZATION: _________________________ Sl. No.
Clause/Subclause/ para/table/fig. No. commented
For Bureau’s Use Only
Commentator/ Organization/ Abbreviation
Type of Comments (General/Editorial/ Technical)
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FORMAT FOR SENDING COMMENTS ON BIS DOCUMENTS (Please use A4 size sheet of paper only and type within fields indicated. Comments on each clauses/subclauses/table/fig. etc be started on a fresh box. Information in Column 4 should include reasons for the comments and suggestions for modified wording of the clauses when the existing text is found not acceptable. Adherence to this format facilitates Secretariat’s work) Doc. No Doc. No.: PGD 01(1277)C ISO 80000-10:2009 TITLE: QUANTITIES AND UNITS PART 10 ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS
LAST DATE OF COMMENTS: 26-09-2013 NAME OF THE COMMENTATOR/ORGANIZATION: _________________________ Sl. No.
Clause/Subclause/ para/table/fig. No. commented
For Bureau’s Use Only
Commentator/ Organization/ Abbreviation
Type of Comments (General/Editorial/ Technical)
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FORMAT FOR SENDING COMMENTS ON BIS DOCUMENTS (Please use A4 size sheet of paper only and type within fields indicated. Comments on each clauses/subclauses/table/fig. etc be started on a fresh box. Information in Column 4 should include reasons for the comments and suggestions for modified wording of the clauses when the existing text is found not acceptable. Adherence to this format facilitates Secretariat’s work) Doc. No Doc. No.: PGD 01(1278)C ISO 80000-12:2009 TITLE: QUANTITIES AND UNITS –PART 12 SOLID STATE PHYSICS LAST DATE OF COMMENTS: 26-09-2013 NAME OF THE COMMENTATOR/ORGANIZATION: _________________________ Sl. No.
Clause/Subclause/ para/table/fig. No. commented
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Type of Comments (General/Editorial/ Technical)
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FORMAT FOR SENDING COMMENTS ON BIS DOCUMENTS (Please use A4 size sheet of paper only and type within fields indicated. Comments on each clauses/sub-clauses/table/fig. etc be started on a fresh box. Information in Column 4 should include reasons for the comments and suggestions for modified wording of the clauses when the existing text is found not acceptable. Adherence to this format facilitates Secretariat’s work) Doc. No Doc. No.: PGD 01(1277)C ISO 80000-10:2009
Clause/Subclause/ para/table/fig. No. commented
For Bureau’s Use Only
Commentator/ Organization/ Abbreviation
Type of Comments (General/Editorial/ Technical)
Proposed change
Draft For Comments Only Doc. No.: PGD 01(1277)C ISO 80000-10:2009 June 2013 Draft Indian Standard QUANTITIES AND UNITS PART 10 ATOMIC AND NUCLEAR PHYSICS ICS 01.060 Not to be reproduced without permission of BIS or used as Standard
Last date for receipt of comment is 26 -09-2013
NATIONAL FOREWORD This Indian Standard which is identical with ISO 80000-10:2009 ‘Quantities and units – Part 10 : Atomic and nuclar physics ’ issued by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) will be considered for adoption by the Bureau of Indian Standards on the recommendation of the Basic Standards Sectional Committee and approval of the Production and General Engineering Division Council. The text of ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an Indian Standard without deviations. Certain terminology and conventions are, however, not identical to those used in Indian Standards; attention is particularly drawn to the following: a) Wherever the words ‘International Standard’ appear, referring to this standard, they should be read as ‘Indian Standard’. b) Comma (,) has been used as a decimal marker while in Indian Standards the current practice is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker. The concerned technical committee has reviewed the provisions of following International Standard referred in this adopted standard and has decided that they are acceptable for use in conjunction with this standard: International Standard
ISO/ IEC Guide 99: International vocabulary of metrology – Basic and general concepts 2007 and associated terms (VIM) ISO 80000-1: 2009 Quantities and units – Part 1: General ISO 80000-2: 2009
Quantities and units – Part 2: Mathematical signs and symbols to be used in the natural sciences and technology
ISO 80000-4: 2009
Quantities and units – Part 4: Mechanics
ISO 80000-5: 2007
Quantities and units – Part 5: Thermodynamics
IEC 80000-6: 2008
Quantities and units – Part 6: Electromagnetism
ISO 80000-7: 2008
Quantities and units – Part 7: Light
ISO 80000-8: 2007
Quantities and units – Part 8: Acoustics
ISO 80000-9: Amd 1: 2011
2009/ Quantities and units – Part 9: Physical chemistry and molecular physics
ISO 80000-11: 2008
Quantities and units –Part 11: Characteristic numbers
ISO 80000-12: 2009
Quantities and units – Part 12: Solid state physics
IEC 80000-13: 2008
Quantities and units – Part 13: Information science and technology
IEC 80000-14: 2008
Quantities and units – Part 14: Telebiometrics related to human physiology
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
Note: The technical content of the documents is not available on website. For details, please refer the corresponding ISO 80000-10:2009 or kindly contact: Scientist 'F' & Head Production and General Engineering Department Bureau of Indian Standards 9, B. S. Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002 Email:
[email protected] Telephone/ fax: 011-23234819