PGDSCM & CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS Semester-end Examinations

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Semester-end Examinations – June 2012. Examination Notification. March 31, 2012. CII Institute of Logistics announces the conduct of semester-end ...
CII Institute of Logistics

PGDSCM & CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS Semester-end Examinations – June 2012 Examination Notification March 31, 2012 CII Institute of Logistics announces the conduct of semester-end examinations for the students enrolled in various programs. Students should necessarily register for all the subjects of their current semester, for the first time, even though they may not attend all or some of those subjects.

Examination Centers CII Institute of Logistics (CII-IL) intends conducting examinations at selective centers opted by the students, and therefore, advises the applicants to indicate in the registration form ANY ONE preferred location from the list provided.

Ahmedabad Cochin Gurgaon Jodhpur Madurai Noida Vadodara

Examination Centers Bangalore Bhubaneshwar Coimbatore Chandigarh Goa Hyderabad Jaipur Kolkata Mumbai New Delhi Pune Visakhapatnam

Chennai Dehradun Indore Lucknow Nagpur Tanjavur

For Overseas / International Students - ONLINE Examination Fee

(Not applicable for the first appearance in respective current semester on the subjects for the students admitted in batches of January 2011 onwards) Description

Fee Payable by regular (national) students

Fee Payable by overseas (international) students

Written exam fees (per subject)

Rs. 600 (for regular exams)

Rs. 1,500/(for online exams)

Project Evaluation fees (to be remitted only once, while registering for the first time in final Semester of PGDSCM)

Rs. 2,000

Rs. 3000

At the time of first appearance for that semester, it is compulsory to register for all the subjects prescribed. Examination fee includes issue & dispatch of mark sheets & certificates through domestic / international courier, as applicable Fee concessions not applicable for examination fees Mode Of Payment Examination fees are to be paid by Demand Draft drawn in favor of “Confederation of Indian Industry” payable at Chennai. DD can be purchased from any private or nationalized bank anywhere in India.

CII Institute of Logistics Pattern of Examination(Revised) Each paper would be of three hours duration, covering the course curriculum provided and the topics covered by the reading material provided. Each paper would be for 100 marks, sectioned as follows: Part A: 10 questions with one mark each (10 x 1 = 10 marks) Part B: 4 questions with 15 marks each (4 x 15 = 60 marks) and Part C: One or Two Case studies (with a maximum length of 600 words) with a maximum of three questions. In some subjects in lieu of case studies, a maximum of three problem questions may be given (3 x 10 = 30 marks) Eligibility to Apply for Examinations Only those students who have no fee due alone are eligible to apply, even in the case of arrear papers. Students who have not paid their second or third year fees will not be eligible for registering for arrear papers pertaining to previous years. Application form The Registration form and the Hall Ticket form are annexed to this document. They should be printed, filled-in & signed and sent to CII-IL along with the Demand Draft. Hall Ticket without CII-IL authorization or not accompanied by original ID card is invalid. Those who do not possess an ID card or who require a new one are requested to send an additional passport size photograph with a specific request for issue of duplicate ID card. Important Dates th

Last date to submit the hard copy of the application form with DD for examination fees: 16 April 2012. st Penalty for submission of examination application, after the due date but before 21 April 2012: Rs. 300 Per Paper Exam applications will not be accepted beyond the above mentioned date, in any case, even with penalty. Issue of Hall Tickets Hall Ticket paper print copies will not be sent to any student. Only scanned soft copy of the duly authorized Hall Ticket will be sent by email after receiving the registration form and the DD. We suggest all students to open a Gmail account, if not already having, and communicate and use it for our exams purpose since it will enable transfer of huge size attachment. All students need to print the Hall Ticket and bring it to the exam hall together with their original ID Card. Without Hall ticket students will not be allowed to enter examination Hall. Caution Copying from any material in any form or seeking advice/ assistance during the examination hours are strictly prohibited. All unfair & unethical practices will be deal with very seriously and CII-IL reserves the right to take any action as deemed appropriate. Mobile phones must be switched off & set aside during exam hours. Similarly, all study materials also should be kept out of reach of the students. For further information and enquiries contact: Mrs. M Kamakshi email [email protected] cell +91 98409 08953

Passport size photograph self-attested by the candidate

CII Institute of Logistics

PGDSCM /DSCM / ADSCM & CERTIFICATE COURSE Semester-end Examination (June 2012) Registration Form Cum Hall Ticket

(For CIL office use only) Name of the Student: ________________________ Registration Number: ______________________

Examination Center Allotted:

Address for Correspondence: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail ID: ________________________________ Telephone /Mobile No. : _____________________ Student Category: Regular / Overseas (tick as applicable) Current Semester _________________ .Examination Center Opted1:______________________Option2:______________________________

Authorized Signatory Date of


(please refer to the exam schedule and ensure the subjects registered herein do not clash)

Name of the Subject

Automotive Logistics Customer Relationship Management Finance and Accounts for Logisticians

Tick ()

Tick ()

Name of the Subject

Name of the Subject

Business Communication Demand Planning & Forecasting

Business Laws & Taxes Economic & Social Environment Analysis

Fundamentals of Logistics

Green Logistics

International Logistics & Global SCM / International Logistics Management

International Transport System

Logistics Technology & e Business / e SCM

Management Principles for Logisticians

Managerial Economics

Maritime Logistics

Marketing Management

Operations Management / Operations Management I

Operations Management II

Project and Materials Management

Quantitative Techniques

Research Methodology

Retail Logistics

Reverse Logistics

Supply Chain Management Transportation & Distribution Management

Supply Chain Metrics Warehousing and Inventory Management

Exam Fees Payable Written Exam for Number of Subjects = Project Evaluation for final semester of PGDSCM Late fee (if applicable)

Tick ()

Strategic Issues in SCM / Supply Chain & Logistics Strategy Total Quality Management



Rs. 600 per subject

Rs.1500 Per subject



Rs.300 Per Paper

Rs.500 Per Paper

Fee Paid Now

DD Particulars DD No. Date :

Grand Total 8. Signature of the student: ……………………………………

Bank Branch

Date …….……………………………….

Note: All the above details should be compulsorily furnished. Incomplete applications will be summarily rejected. DD to be drawn in favour of CONFEDERATION OF INDIAN INDUSTRY payable at CHENNAI. Enclose the DD with this application form. Please write your Name on the backside of the DD.This form along with DD should be sent by courier to CII Institute of Logistics, New No.33, Velacherry Main Road, Velacherry, Chennai- 600 042.(Phone No.9790961291).