elliptical in outline. The stomata are ... cylindrical in outline and shows the presence of both glandular and .... Janusar-Bawar hills UttarPradesh, India. J.
Current Agriculture Research Journal
Vol. 1(1), 51-57 (2013)
Pharmacognostic Characterization and Phytochemical Screening of Achyranthes Aspera Linn D.A. DHALE* and SONAL BHOI Department of Botany, SSVPS’s, L.K.Dr.P.R.Ghogrey Science College, Dhule - 424 005, India. (Received: June 11, 2013; Accepted: July 27, 2013) ABSTRACT Achyranthes aspera Linn. is a well-known plant drug in Ayurvedic, Unani-Tibbi, Siddha, Allopathic, Homeopathic, Naturopathic & Home Remedies. The present communication deals with the pharmacognostic evaluation on the different parts of Achyranthes aspera Linn. (Amaranthaceae). Macroscopic and microscopic examinations of the different organ, observations and differential microchemical test has been carried out for the authentication of the samples. Physiochemical values such as the moisture contents, percentage of total ash, acid insoluble ash, acid soluble ash, extractive values like petroleum ether-soluble extractives, ethanol-soluble extractives, methanol-soluble extractives and water-soluble extractives were calculated as well as colour reactions of powder and extract with different chemicals were performed. The extracts were subjected to qualitative screening test for various constituents. This revealed the presence protein, glycosides, alkaloids, tannins and phenolic compound, steroid reducing sugars and saponin glycosides. These observations will help in the Pharmacognostical identification and standardization of the drug in the crude form and also to distinguish the drug from its adulteration.
Key words: Achyranthes aspera, Acanthaceae, pharmacognosy, Ayurveda, Unani-Tibbi, Homeopathy, Naturopathy.
INTRODUCTION Botanical Name Family Sunskrit Name
Marathi Name Hindi Name English Name
: Achyranthes aspera Linn. Var. aspera : Amaranthaceae : Apamargah, Mayoorah, Markatapippalee, Durgrahah. : Aaghada. : Chirchira, Latjira, Onga : Prickly chaff flower.
Botanical Description Plants are small, much branched, monoecious perennial subshrub up to 0.8–1×0.8 m. Rootstock stout, woody. Stems somewhat succulent at first, ribbed, becoming basally woody with age, denselycovered in velutinous, appressed hairs. Leaves opposite, densely clustered toward branch tips 40–50×25–30 mm, spreading to
decurved, mostly broadlyovate, ovate-orbicular or elliptic; apex blunt to abruptly sub acute, sometimes very shortly apiculate; base attenuate; lamina somewhat fleshy, purple-grey, veins often purple, abaxial and adaxial surfaces silkycanescent, margins crenulate to crenate. Petioles 5–10mm long, pink, fleshy, velutinous, basal abscission zone present. Inflorescence a terminal erectspike, 150– 200mm long; peduncle 15mm long, fleshy, whitevillous; spike rachis fleshy, white-villous to purplevillous; flowers bisexual, retrorse, sessile, 180–200 per spike, these spaced initially at 10-mm intervals along rachis, diminishing rapidly to