Abstract. Semiconductor diode lasers can be combined into monolithic phase-locked arrays that operate to continuous-wave (cw) powers in excess oflW and.
Phase-Locked Arrays of Semiconductor Diode Lasers Dan Botez and Donald E. Ackley Abstract Semiconductor diode lasers can be combined into monolithic phase-locked arrays that operate to continuous-wave (cw) powers in excess oflW and exhibit well-defined output beams to hundreds of mW. Applications of arrays include high-speed optical recording, high-speed printing, free-space communications, and efficient pumping of solid-state lasers. We review the current state of phase-locked array design with emphasis on the means for achieving fundamental mode operation. Models for understanding and predicting the behavior of phase-locked arrays are discussed, and the poten tial of various array structures to operate in a single, diffraction-limited output beam is evaluated.
Introduction In the quest for higher and higher powers from diode lasers, one major approach has been the use of one-dimensional arrays of mutually coupled diode la sers, which are generally referred to as phase-locked arrays. Such arrays can operate as a single coherent source of one to two orders of magnitude wider than the standard single-element devices. Since in semi conductor lasers, failure rate is directly related to the optical flux density, an array provides significantly greater reliability at a given output power than a single-element device. However, making the array operate in phase so as to produce a single, narrow beam is no trivial task. In this paper, we present a review of phase-locked-array work to date, as well as discuss prospects for the future. There is substantial interest in phase-locked arrays for applications that require high optical power from a semiconductor laser source. While single-element (fundamental-mode) diode lasers are limited in power to outputs of the order of 30 mW, arrays of diode lasers can operate with outputs of hundreds of milli watts. These high output powers will be useful for optical recording at high data rates, and high-speed laser printers. Arrays have also been proposed for use in free-space communications links, both in terrestrial and outer space applications. For all these applica tions, it is necessary that the operating modes of the array be controlled so that the optical output is a single-lobed, nearly diffraction-limited beam. Arrays will also be useful to replace flashlamps for pumping solid-state lasers (such as Nd:YAG) in industrial, mili tary, and medical applications because of their high efficiency and improved reliability. In pumping solidstate lasers, the beam quality of the arrays will not be important, but the narrow spectral width and high radiance of the arrays should lead to extremely effi cient pumping. One other potential use of phaselocked arrays is in short-haul local area networks (LANs) where a large amount of power coupled into 8
the fiber is an important consideration. In general, because of the need for high-power, compact and effi cient, fundamental-mode diode laser sources, the de velopment effort on phase-locked arrays will continue to expand over the next few vears. Coupling of a pair of lasers was studied experi mentally [1] as early as 1970 and theoretically [2] as early as 1972. The first operation of a phase-locked array of diode lasers (five elements) was reported in 1978 by D. Scifres et al. [3] of Xerox Palo Alto Re search Center. The early work involved so-called gain-guided lasers, that is, devices for which lateral optical-mode confinement is solely provided by the injected-carrier profile [4]. As a consequence, the optical-mode confinement is very weak and thus vulnerable to changes in drive current and/or changes in drive conditions [5] (i.e., low-duty-cycle, pulsed operation versus cw operation). By contrast, devices with "built-in" dielectric waveguides, so-called indexguided lasers [4], can have stable operation under all drive conditions. In fact, index-guided laser struc tures are solely responsible for the realization of single-mode lasers, that is, diodes operating in a sta ble, fundamental spatial mode over wide ranges of output power. However, gain-guided devices are relatively easier to make than index-guided devices. Thus, not until 1981 were there reports [6], [7] of phase-locked arrays of index-guided lasers, and then only in low-dutycycle, pulsed, room-temperature operation [6] or in cw operation at 77 Κ [7]. Meanwhile, advances in m e t a l - o r g a n i c v a p o r - p h a s e epitaxial ( M O V P E ) growth had allowed the fabrication of good-quality quantum-well heterostructures, which by virtue of their inherently low threshold-current densities, per mitted the research team at Xerox Laboratories to achieve hundreds of milliwatts of cw power from gain-guided arrays [8]. Yet, being gain-guided, these powerful arrays had poor beam quality, and, thus, it was quite difficult to make correlations with theory [9]. The realization in late 1982 of the first roomtemperature cw-operating array of index-guided la sers [10] marked two important milestones: (1) the identification of the out-of-phase mode of operation [4] as the favored one for conventional phase-locked arrays, and (2) the first report of single-longitudinalmode operation from phase-locked arrays. Ever since, most efforts for obtaining arrays operating in a stable, narrow beam have been concentrated on indexguided array structures [10]-[21]. Below, we describe the major types of arrays, the coupled-mode fora.00 © 1 9 8 6 I E E E
malism applied to arrays, and the best results to date in achieving stable operation in a single narrow beam, the so-called fundamental array-mode operation.
Major Array Types In Fig. 1, we schematically show various array types. The structures can be made either by using the AlGaAs/GaAs material system (emitting wavelength, λ = 0.73 - 0.88 μτη) or the InGaAsP/InP material system (λ = 1.20 - 1.60 μτη). For simplicity, we in dicate only the layers' conductivity type and their respective function. First displayed is the simplest device, that is, the gain-guided array (Fig. l a ) , for which the current is confined to a group of parallel contact stripes, and for which the optical modes are controlled laterally by the injected carrier profile. In most gain-guided arrays, the current is confined via high-resistivity proton-implanted regions [8], [22] or Schottky-barrier defined stripes [5]. Coupling be
Fig. 1
Schematic representation of phase-locked arrays composed of gain-guided lasers (a), and index-guided lasers [(b)-(f)] fabricated by: (a) preferential proton implantation; (b) chemical etching of ridgetype waveguides; (c) preferential p-type-dopant diffusion; (d) metal-organic vapor-phase epitaxial (MOVPE) growth over channeled substrates; (e) liquid-phase epitaxial (LPE) growth over channeled substrates; and (f) quantum-well-structure disorder diffusion. With the ing induced by preferential n-type-dopant exception of the last one, which has been demonstrated only for AlGaAs/GaAs devices, the structure can be either of the AlGaAs I GaAs type (i.e., GaAs active layer and AlGaAs cladding type (i.e., InGaAsP active layer layers) or of the InGaAsP/InP and InP cladding layers).
tween lasers occurs when the evanescent fields of adjacent devices substantially overlap (see Fig. 2). The rest of the arrays are of the index-guided type, that is, structures with built-in dielectric waveguides for lateral optical confinement. Chronologically, the first array structure of evanescently coupled indexguided lasers is of the ridge-guide type (Fig. l b ) , a configuration that is generally obtained by chemical etching into planar DH material, and provides mode confinement mainly due to the variations in claddinglayer thickness [7], [15], [16], [18]-[20]. Next was the Zn-diffused device [10], obtained by Zn diffusion into the channeled top of a planar DH structure. The dop ant reaching the active layer locally lowers the index of refraction such that each nondiffused area repre sents the high-index region of a lateral dielectric waveguide. Two other index-guided array types de pend on the crystal growth properties of MOVPE and liquid-phase epitaxy (LPE) over channeled substrates (Figs. Id and l e , respectively). When using MOVPE, the substrate channels are identically replicated and a constant-thickness active layer with periodic bends is obtained [23]. The bends in the active layer create lateral mode control [24]. When using LPE, channels readily fill up such that a nonuniform-thickness cladding layer is achieved [4]. Waveguides are created in the vicinity of the channel by the proximity of the substrate on both sides of the channel [11], [13], [17], [20], [21]. A very recent approach to making index-guided arrays exploits the property of diffusion of dopants such as Si to induce lattice disordering in laser struc tures containing alternate thin layers ( other coupling configurations may exist, but the two basic ones are 0°-phase-shift and 180°-phase-shift. Typically, arrays have 8 to 10 e l e m e n t s . Tenelement gain-guided arrays have demonstrated cw powers as high as 850 mW [22]. Notable exceptions are 40-unit arrays of gain-guided devices, which have achieved record-high cw powers: 1.6 W for con ventional half-wave coated devices [22] and 2.6 W for devices with optimized facet coatings [27], although with poor beam quality. Index-guided arrays have been the only devices providing well-defined and drive-condition independent beams; with the best results to date being single, forward-looking beams of 200 mW peak-pulsed power [11], and 100 mW cw power [20].
Coupled-Mode Formalism: The "Array Modes" The first analysis of phase-locked arrays was pub lished by Scifres et al. [9]. They interpreted their ex perimental data by considering the diffraction pattern from a uniformly illuminated grating with equally spaced slits corresponding to individual laser-array elements. This is the so-called simple diffraction the ory. While simple diffraction theory has proved use ful in interpreting some experimental results [5], [6], 10
[9], it provides no method for describing the allowed oscillating modes of an array of coupled emitters. The first application of the coupled-mode theory to phase-locked arrays was done by Otsuka [28]. How ever, Otsuka analyzed an array with an infinite num ber of emitters and of infinite aperture and found only two modes of operation: 0°-phase-shift and 180°-phase-shift, which is no different from what had been claimed by proponents of the simple-diffraction theory. Butler et al. have reported [29] and published [30] the first coupled-mode analysis for an array of Ν coupled, identical elements. They found that an array of Ν emitters has Ν normal modes or eigenmodes, which they chose to call array modes. Each array mode has a field-amplitude configuration that is non uniform across the array. All previous work had as sumed that the element amplitudes are uniform across the array, a case that was shown recently [31] to be correct only for arrays of two elements or an infinite number of elements. By using the coupledmode formalism, Butler et al. were able to interpret many published experimental results. Shortly after, other research groups published independent work [32], [33] on coupled-mode formalisms applied to arrays. Recent detailed experiments by Paoli et al. [34], Epler et al. [35], and Temkin et al. [19] have confirmed that coupled-mode analysis best describes phase-locked-array behavior. The main findings of the coupled-mode analysis are schematically depicted in Fig. 3 for an array of nine elements. By solving an eigenvalue equation, it is found that for an array of Ν emitters, there are Ν allowed modes, the so-called array modes. For each array mode, the near-field element amplitudes vary across the array. There is a succession from the funda mental array mode, L = 1, the 0°-phase-shift mode defined in Fig. 2, to the last high-order array mode, L = N, the 180°-phase-shift mode defined in Fig. 2. Shown with a dashed line are the envelope functions of the array-mode near-field amplitude profiles, which correspond to the modes of an infinite poten tial well of width (N + 1)S. These box modes are sym metric or antisymmetric with the mth (high-order) mode having m - 1 field nulls. Since the individual array elements support only fundamental modes, the maximum possible number of field nulls occurs when all adjacent elements are out of phase; that is, Ν - 1 nulls for a N-element array. This sets an upper limit of Ν for the number of box modes of the (N + 1)S wide (array) aperture, and explains why Ν is the maximum number of allowed array modes. The far-field beam patterns corresponding to each array mode are shown in Fig. 3b. For an array of Ν coupled, identical elements, the far-field intensity dis tribution is given by [9], [30] F(0) = |E(0)| i(0) 2
where θ is the angle with respect to the normal to the IEEE CIRCUITS A N D DEVICES M A G A Z I N E
Fig. 3
Near-field amplitude profiles (a) and far-field patterns (b) for three of the nine operational modes, so-called array modes, of a nineelement array. L is the array-mode number and λ is the free-space wavelength. The dashed curves in (a) are the envelope functions of the near-field amplitude profiles; and the dashed curves in (b) correspond to the individual-element far-field pattern.
facet, E(0) is the far-field amplitude distribution for one of the laser-array elements, and Ι(θ) is a function characterizing the array and representing the inter ference effect of the coupled emitters in the array, the so-called grating function. For the coupled-mode the ory, the array-grating function originally published by Butler et al. [30] has been recently reduced to a signifi cantly simpler expression [31]: . J ( N + l)u 7(0) = I (u)
s i n
[ — 1 —
_sin*(|) -
= E e x p ( - 2 x /wl) 20
where w is the Gaussian waist. (The functional re lationship between w and the dielectric guide width and index step can be found in Ref. [36].) Then, the condition that the nearest off-normal lobes of the L = 1 far-field pattern peak below the 1/e point in intensity of the main lobe is 0
with u = k S sin 0, where k is the free-space wavenumber (k = 2π/λ), and S is the spacing between two array elements. 7(0) is shown in Fig. 3b with a solid curve and represents the array pattern for the case when the array elements are point sources. In reality, the array elements have a finite size that pro vides an individual far-field intensity distribution |E(0)| , and thus the array pattern is a product of |E(0)| and 7(0). From a practical point of view, the desired beam pattern is that for which the energy is
sin (^^)J 0
L = 1,2 0
primarily contained within a single, forward-looking beam, that is, the L = 1 pattern with most of the light concentrated in the central lobe. That imposes re strictions on the individual-element spot size. The restrictions can be easily found by considering that the individual-element near-field intensity profile \E(x)\ is Gaussian, a very good assumption for most waveguides of practical interest [36].
iv ^ —
that is, the element near-field full width, 2w , has to be equal to or more than 64 percent of the interelement spacing S. Technologically, this is a nontrivial condition to fulfill, which explains why only a few arrays to date have been operated in a single, forwardlooking beam [11], [13], [16]-[18], [20], [21]. 0
Even the few arrays that have operated in a single beam generally have beamwidths wider than the diffraction-limited beamwidth. That is because arrays can operate simultaneously in several array modes (e.g., L = 1 plus L = 2) and thus provide beams two to three times wider than the "diffraction limit." The diffraction-limited beamwidth (full width at half power) is loosely defined to be the ratio of the wave length over the emitting aperture, i.e., λ / N S . A close look shows that the diffraction-limited beamwidth is a function of the element number, Ν [31]. For arrays of few elements (2-4), the lobe beamwidth is virtually the same as λ / N S . Arrays of 10 to 40 diodes have beamwidth values in the 1.09-1.16 λ / N S range. In the limit Ν —» °°, for a finite aperture, the beamwidth tends to 1.19 λ / N S , as expected for a source with a raised-cosine amplitude profile.
Gain-Loss Considerations in Uniform Arrays The coupled-mode analysis presented above con siders only arrays of coupled dielectric waveguides. Thus, there is no concern for optical gain or losses in the structure. For lasers, however, one has to take into account gain-loss spatial distributions, and how they affect which array mode reaches first lasing threshold. Two typical cases are shown in Fig. 4. The most common case is that for which there is loss be tween adjacent elements (Fig. 4a). The loss may be due to absorption in unpumped regions (gain-guided arrays) [3], [5], [22]; absorption to the substrate (arrays grown by LPE over channeled substrates) [11], [13], [17], [21]; or absorption in heavily doped interelement regions (the Zn-diffused [10] and impurity-disordered [26] arrays). Then, the 180°-phase-shift mode, by vir tue of less field overlap with the lossy interelement regions (see Fig. 2) should have lower lasing thresh old than the 0°-phase-shift mode [10]. Theoretical cal culations for index-guided arrays [33], [37], [38] have indeed shown that in structures with net loss between elements, the 180°-phase-shift mode has a higher net single-pass gain than the 0°-phase-shift mode. These analyses explain why most arrays tend to operate in the 180°-phase-shift mode. However, if the field over lap between adjacent devices is poor, the discrimi nation between the in-phase and out-of-phase modes is weak [33], and then single-beam operation is some times obtained [11], [13]. Very recently, G. P. Agrawal has published [55] a self-consistent analysis for both gain- and index-guided arrays; an analysis that incor porates the effect of the injected carriers on array be havior. Agrawal's analysis shows that even when the gain is uniform across the array, index-guided devices can lase in the 0°-phase-shift mode and, thus, may well explain reported single-beam operations from certain types of uniformly pumped index-guided arrays [11], [13], [20]. The other case considered is when there is more gain between elements than in the elements (Fig. 4b). 12
Now the 0°-phase-shift mode will be favored to lase since it has more field in the interelement regions (see Fig. 2) than the 180°-phase-shift mode. Katz has dem onstrated that effect experimentally in gain-guided arrays with separate stripe contacts [39]; Twu et al. [15] and Morrison et al. [17] have shown that 0°phase-shift operation is obtained by preferentially pumping the interelement regions of index-guided arrays. Mukai et al. [16] and Kapon et al. [18] were able to achieve 0°-phase-shift operation from lossless, uniformly pumped ridge-guidetype array structures (Fig. l b ) , which, according to a recent analysis by Streifer et al. [40] on arrays made of large-opticalcavity (LOC) -type devices [4], should have larger gains in between elements than in the elements. An interesting case occurs when the individual ele ments are wide enough to support first-order spatial modes (e.g., the impurity-disordered array [26]). When elements operate in first-order modes and with no phase shift between adjacent devices, the field goes through nulls in the interelement regions. Thus, in first-order-mode structures with loss between elements, the 0°-phase-shift array mode is the one favored to lase. The corresponding beam pattern is still two-lobed [26] since the individual-element beam pattern is two-lobed. The field distribution can be thought of as the 180°-phase-shift-mode pattern of an array with twice as many elements.
Means of Achieving Fundamental Array-Mode Operation Several approaches have been demonstrated for achieving fundamental array-mode operation: net gain in between the elements [15]—[18] (Fig. 5a);
Fig. 4
Schematic representation of gain-loss profiles in index-guided arrays. For a given configuration, the array mode that "sees" most gain lases first. IEEE CIRCUITS A N D DEVICES M A G A Z I N E
Fig. 5
The various schemes employed, to date, for achieving fundamental array-mode operation: (a) larger gain between elements than in the elements [15]-[18]; (b) "chirped" arrays [41]; (c) diffractioncoupled arrays [42], [43]; (d) offset-stripe arrays [44]; and (e) Ύ-junction arrays [21].
"chirped" arrays [41] (Fig. 5b); diffraction-coupled arrays [42], [43] (Fig. 5c); offset-stripe arrays [44] (Fig. 5d); and Y-junction arrays [21] (Fig. 5e). The Table s u m m a r i z e s the best-published results to date for methods used to obtain 0°-phase-shift-mode operation. The net-gain-between-elements approach is shown schematically in Fig. 5a. By providing enhanced gain in the regions between the lasing elements, the ap proach appears rather inefficient. With the exception of the two-element device [17], all other such arrays have high thresholds and low-differential quantum efficiencies. The best result to date is a 1.8°-wide beam (only 1.2 times the diffraction limit) up to 70 mW peak-pulsed power [16]. "Chirped" arrays contain elements that vary in size across the array. In a sym metrically chirped array (Fig. 5b), the 0°-phase-shiftmode energy is concentrated in the central elements [41], while the 180°-phase-shift energy is concentrated in the outer elements. By providing an injected carrier profile (i.e., gain) peaked in the center of the struc
ture, the 0°-phase-shift mode is favored to lase. The best result to date is a 3°-wide beam (—twice the dif fraction limit) to a peak-pulsed power of 40 mW, in a gain-guided array. The main drawback of this ap proach is that the emitting area is relatively small compared to the array [41], thus defeating the main purpose for making arrays: the achievement of a large emitting area. Recent theoretical work [45] con firms that w h e n array elements are of different sizes, the optical field will be localized to only one or a few elements. When the array elements are interrupted longi tudinally, mode-mixing regions are created, which al low for strong coupling, so-called diffraction coupling [42] (Fig. 5c). It is also a means of providing regions of high gain, which will generally favor 0°-phase-shift operations. Such devices have been made with both gain-guided [42] as well as index-guided [43] lasers. The best result to date is operation in a 1.2°-wide diffraction-limited b e a m to 40 m W peak-pulsed power [43] (at — 5° off the normal to the facet) from an array of index-guided devices. The most impressive result reported to date, al though still in low-duty cycle, pulsed operation, is one using offset gain-guided stripes [44], as shown in Fig. 5e. The authors achieved 575 mW peak-pulsed power in a 1.9°-wide beam (—3 times the diffraction limit) at —5° off the normal to the facet. The beam being off-normal is explained as a result of a mild array-element chirping across the array [46]. The pref erence for 0°-phase-shift operation is, most probably, a combination of destructive interference and sub sequent loss for the 180°-phase-shift mode [47] and the provision of excess gain in the offset-stripe (central) region. Finally, the Y-junction structure [21] (Fig. 5f) relies on the fact that the 0°-phase-shift mode of the twostripe section is efficiently coupled into the one-stripe section, while the 180°-phase-shift mode will not couple but will be lost as a radiation mode (i.e., de structive interference). CW operation in a diffractionlimited, forward-looking b e a m was achieved to 65 mW output power. The operating principle is basi cally the same as the one originally put forth by Chen and Wang [47] for an N-unit array. With the success of the offset-stripe [44] and. the Y-junction [21] schemes this "interferometric" approach to discriminating
Table Method
Best Results to Date*
Beamwidth/Diffraction Limit
Net gain between elements
1.8° to 70 mW, pulsed [16]
"Chirped" structure
3.5° to 40 mW, pulsed [41]
Interferometric & chirped structure
1.9° to 575 mW, pulsed [44]
Interferometric (Y-junction) structure
4.4° to 65 mW, cw [21]
*Single-beam JANUARY 1986
5° off-normal 13
against a 180°-phase-shift-mode operation appears most promising. Other approaches to obtain 0°-phase-shift oper ation have been proposed: variable-spacing arrays [13], and placing π phase-shifters on alternate array elements [18]. Variable-spacing arrays have demon strated some capability for single-beam operation in both AlGaAs/GaAs [13] as well as InGaAsP/InP [20] devices, π phase-shifters on alternate elements could be realized by integrated phase-shifters [48] or prefer ential facet coatings [48]. This would force an array that internally operates out of phase to emit in an in-phase beam pattern. The π-phase-shifter method would also be a very efficient one, since, unlike the net-gain-between-elements approach (Fig. 5a), gain can be provided preferentially where it is needed most: the lasing regions. It is interesting to note that cw operation in a single, narrow beam has been obtained only from two-unit arrays [17], [21], which, on the one hand, have rela tively low threshold currents, and, on the other hand, allow easy discrimination against the 180°-phase-shift mode. It should also be pointed out that index-guided arrays, when phase-locked, generally operate in a sin gle longitudinal mode cw. Single-mode cw powers as high as 80 mW have been reported [11], [19]. How ever, at the present time, the single-mode operation of these arrays is not very well understood.
Dynamics of Phase-Locked Operation There is only a limited amount of data available on the behavior of phase-locked arrays under high-speed modulation. Early work by the group at Xerox indi cated that it was possible to modulate arrays at rates in excess of 1.8 GHz at a 40-mW output for applica tions in local area networks [49]. Rise times as short as 220 ps were reported. However, only recently have there been studies of the dynamics of the phase lock ing between stripes under fast-pulse excitation. An important question is how quickly the individual ele ments of an array can lock together in transient oper ation. Work by Van der Ziel and Temkin on the active mode locking of arrays showed that it is possible to produce s h o r t p u l s e s ( ~ 6 0 p s ) from arrays of Schottky-barrier emitters [50]. Based on their data, they estimated that the time required for phase lock ing was less than 20 ps. More recent work has utilized a streak camera to look at the evolution of the nearand far-field distributions of a gain-guided array with picosecond resolution [51]. The data indicated that the arrays would make transitions between various array modes during the rise of the drive current pulse on a nanosecond time scale. Although the experi ments were done with gain-guided arrays that may be somewhat less stable than arrays with built-in index guides, the results suggest that the stability of array operation under transient conditions needs further investigation. 14
Reliability of Phase-Locked Arrays There have been relatively few published results on the reliability of phase-locked arrays. Life tests of quantum-well arrays (not phase-locked in a given mode) fabricated at Xerox has resulted in the predic tion of median lives, at 30°C ambient temperature, greater than 2 2 , 0 0 0 h o u r s at output p o w e r s of 100 mW [52] and 4900 hours at 200 mW [53]. Since the output of a phase-locked array is distributed over a number of emitters (usually ten), it is possible to have a relatively large integrated output power from the array while still maintaining a low power density for the individual emitters. In the Xerox life tests, for example, the individual emitters were operating at a linear power density of only —1.6 mW//xm, which can be compared to a reliable power density of 7-10 m W / μ π ι for single-element devices. T h e s e power densities should be sufficiently low to lead to a reliable operation over long times. However, many technical issues concerning the reliability of arrays remain. In particular, there is the issue of whether the array mode is stable in time. For example, the ques tion of what happens to the operating modes of the array should one of the individual elements degrade is a critical one. It is likely that a significant change in the gain profile would occur if an element failed and that this failure would change the operating mode of the array. Another significant question is the effect of bonding and thermal considerations on the array as it ages. Recent theoretical work has shown that for ar rays with large numbers of elements, it is necessary to have a highly uniform junction temperature profile [54] to ensure phase locking. Deterioration in the bonding, during long-term operation, can therefore not only affect the overall thermal resistance and power output of the device, but nonuniformities in bonding can severely affect the phase locking. These issues will require additional investigation in order to ensure the reliable operation of phase-locked arrays. In any event, array reliability appears a much more complex issue than that of reliability of individualelement devices.
Conclusions In the last year, several methods for obtaining single-beam operation from phase-locked arrays have been demonstrated. However, published results of cw operation in a single beam are only for two-unit arrays, thus pointing to the need for lowering the threshold currents of many-element devices. Now that array operation in a single beam appears to be a problem on the way to being solved, the next chal lenge is to controllably obtain operation in a diffrac tion-limited beam. It is apparent that the beam patterns of indexguided devices are significantly more stable and well defined than the b e a m patterns of gain-guided devices. In addition, index-guided arrays generally IEEE CIRCUITS A N D DEVICES M A G A Z I N E
operate in a single longitudinal mode under cw drive conditions, a property desired in many applications. However, gain-guided devices have demonstrated much higher overall cw powers (1.5-2.5 W) and re liable operation at outputs in the 100-200 mW range, although with poor beam quality. The combination of the recently demonstrated methods for single-beam operation, index-guided devices, quantum-well structures for minimal power dissipation, and im proved die bonding and heat-sinking techniques has the potential to allow for reliable array operation in a stable, single beam to powers as high as 0.5 W.
Acknowledgment The authors gratefully acknowledge valuable tech nical discussions with Eugene I. Gordon and Ronald J. Nelson of Lytel Incorporated.
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Dan Botez
Dan Botez was born in Bucharest, Romania, on May 22, 1948. He received the B.S. degree with "highest honors," the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1971, 1972, and 1976, respectively. As part of his graduate work, he designed and built the liquidphase epitaxy system used in Berkeley for the growth of AlGaAs lasers, and studied the characteristics of layers grown over chan neled substrates, as well as the novel optical devices made possible by this method (e.g., waveguide lasers, ring lasers, etc.). For one year following graduation, he continued his research in the semi conductor laser field as Postdoctoral Fellow at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, New York. In 1977, he joined the technical staff at RCA Laboratories, Princeton, New Jersey, where he initially worked on high-radiance surface-emitting LEDs; he then developed two novel types of single-mode cw diode lasers: the constricted double-heterostructure (CDH) laser, which has demonstrated cw and pulsed operation to the highest ambient temperatures ever reported; and the constricted double-heterojunction large-optical-cavity (CDH-LOC) laser, a high-power de vice that has achieved the highest cw power conversion efficiency for AlGaAs diode lasers. Recent work has resulted in a novel type of phase-locked array, that has demonstrated the highest singlelongitudinal-mode power of any type of semiconductor laser. From 1982 to 1984, he worked as Research Leader in the Optoelectronic Devices and Systems Research Group at RCA. In 1984, Dr. Botez joined Lytel Incorporated, as Director of Device Development. He is the author or coauthor of over 65 scientific papers, has coauthored a book, and holds 14 patents. Dr. Botez is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, the Optical Society of America, a Fellow of the IEEE, and a member in the IEEE Tech nical Committee on Semiconductor Lasers. In 1979, he received an RCA Outstanding Achievement Award for contributions to the development of a high-density optical recording system employing an injection laser. As part of the events associated with the IEEE Centennial Year (1984), he was chosen the Outstanding Young Engineer of the Quantum Electronics and Applications Society and was awarded an IEEE Centennial Key to the Future. IEEE CIRCUITS A N D DEVICES M A G A Z I N E
Donald Ε. Ackley received Sc.Β., Μ.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical sciences in 1975,1976, and 1979, respectively, from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island. His doctoral work was concerned with the study of picosecond relaxation processes in amorphous semiconductors.
Donald E. Ackley
Upon receiving his doctoral degree in 1979, Dr. Ackley joined Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in Palo Alto, California. At HewlettPackard, he was responsible for the development of new highpower AlGaAs injection lasers, which included phase-locked arrays and index-guided MOCVD lasers. In 1983, he joined RCA Laboratories in Princeton, New Jersey, where he continued to pur sue his interests in high-power AlGaAs lasers and MOCVD. When Lytel Incorporated was formed in 1984, Dr. Ackley joined the new organization with responsibilities that included the design and characterization of optoelectronic devices. Currently, Dr. Ackley is the Director of Device Engineering at Lytel. Dr. Ackley has published more than 20 scientific papers and holds two patents. He is a member of the American Physical Society.