As you know your Ph.D. education program foresee a basic course on plasma ...
This course aims at reinforcing the basic competences in fusion physics and ...
Dear Ph.D. students: As you know your Ph.D. education program foresee a basic course on plasma physics and engineering. This course aims at reinforcing the basic competences in fusion physics and engineering, and to prepare you to follow with success the advanced courses. This year for the physics part we propose you an approach, which is different from previous years and represents a sort of test experience. In particular, the idea is a self-‐training based on the selected bibliography described in the following list. You are requested to study the papers and the book chapters in the list (and of course in addition other sources on the same subjects, if you wish), and to give in September an exam organized in two part as follows: -‐ a written test, based on approximately 10-‐15 question with multiple choice answers, on the subjects covered by the documents you have studied; -‐ a short talk on a general and very basic subject – again taken from the papers you have read -‐. The talk will be approximately 20-‐30’ long, and its subject will be communicated to you 2 days before the date of the talk itself. Please note that the purpose of this exercise is not that of giving you a full coverage of plasma physics, but instead of giving you an opportunity to go through an experience of book and paper reading on selected topics, which you will find explained with more detail in the following advanced courses. Given the dates of the IPP summer university and of the advanced course in Garching, I propose to hold the written test at RFX on September 12th at 9:30 am and the talks on September 13th and September 14th in the morning. Please make sure to note this days in your agenda. For the engineering part, we will organize a series of traditional lectures around October. Please do not hesitate to contact me if further information are needed. Best Piero
LIST OF RELEVANT BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR SELF-‐TRAINING BASIC COURSE INTRODUCTION J. Wesson, “Tokamaks”, Clarendon Press Oxford 2004. Chapter 1: Fusion MHD BASICS R J Goldston and P H Rutherford, “Introduction to Plasma Physics”, IOP 1997 Chapters: 1 (introduction to plasmas), 2 (particle drifts in uniform fields), 3 (particle drifts in non-‐ uniform magnetic fields), 6 (fluid equations for a plasma), 8 (single fluid MHD), 9 (MHD equilibrium) (A copy of this book is available in Fiorella’s office) J. Wesson, “Tokamaks”, Clarendon Press Oxford 2004. Chapter 3: Equilibrium ITER Physics Basis, Nuclear Fusion 39 (1999) Chapter 3: “MHD stability, operational limits and disruptions”‐5515/39/12 H. Zohm et al., “MHD limits to tokamak operation and their control”, PPCF 45 A163 (2003) COLLISION and TRANSPORT BASICS R J Goldston and P H Rutherford, “Introduction to Plasma Physics”, IOP 1997 Chapters: 10 (fully and partially ionized plasmas), 11 (Collisions in fully ionized plasmas), 12 (Diffusion in plasmas) ITER Physics Basis, Nuclear Fusion 39 (1999) Chapter 2: “Plasma confinement and transport”‐5515/39/12 HEATING J. Wesson, “Tokamaks”, Clarendon Press Oxford 2004. Chapter 5: Heating, sections 5.1-‐5.5 DIAGNOSTICS J. Wesson, “Tokamaks”, Clarendon Press Oxford 2004. Chapter 10: Diagnostics DIVERTOR PHYSICS P. Stangeby, A tutorial on some basic aspects of divertor physics, Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 42, B271 (2000).