KD. Gaur, Criminal Law: Cases and Materials (1999), Butterworths, India.
Ratanlal ... K.D. Gaur, A Text Book on the Indian Penel Code (1998), Universal
M.Sc. Botany 2013 - 2015. BOT 101: BACTERIOLOGY, VIROLOGY & GENERAL
MICROBIOLOGY. UNIT 1: Bacterial taxonomy;. Identification of bacteria.
the prescribed syllabus for Ph.D. Entrance Test (Management). ... Both papers I &
II will be set out of the syllabus of the following compulsory papers of.
requirement for M.Ed course is a pass with a minimum aggregate of 60% marks (
55% for SC ... allowed to take the entrance test and subsequently getting seats by
..... A candidate shall be regarded as a local candidate in relation to a local area (
10 Jun 2013 ... June 19-21. 2013 at 6.00 A.M. 6. Group Discussion and Interview for. Physical ....
His Excellency the Governor of Madhya Pradesh and Chancellor of Jiwaji
University, Gwalior ...... Level: B.P.Ed.- General Knowledge in Sports,.
M.Ed. ENTRANCE TEST A JULY,2012 ... provided on the Question Paper
Booklet (ii) making entries of HT. ... Education system of M.K. Gandhi is known as.
Page 1 of 2. Page I of2. Maximum Marks: 75 Duration: 2 hours. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: A) Please read the instructions for
(vi) MCA (3 Years) after 10+2 years H.Sc. + 3 Years bachelor's degree. ... course
except AMIE during April / May 2013 may also apply for TANCET 2013.
WOMENS' STUDIES. Roll No. Name. Remarks. WS 02 Ms. Manjulata Behera.
Ph.D. Entrance Test - July, 2013 - Jiwaji University, Gwalior
Ph.D. Entrance Test as per New Ordinance 11 is likely to be conducted in July
2013. As per the ordinance the total number of seats in every subject is to beĀ ...
30.4. 2013 NOTICE
Ph.D. Entrance Test as per New Ordinance 11 is likely to be conducted in July 2013. As per the ordinance the total number of seats in every subject is to be advertized. I request you to kindly provide me information in the attached Table, about total number of seats vacant/likely to be vacant within three months in different subjects. This information may be collected from supervisors in different subjects. Each approved supervisor should complete the attached proforma. Maximum number of research scholars, a supervisor can have at a given point of time is eight. I solicit your cooperation in conducting the Ph.D. entrance Test 2013 and request you to please provide the above information in the attached proforma latest by May15, 2013.
With regards, Yours sincerely,
Rajeev Jain Professor of Chemistry Convener Ph.D. Entrance Test-2013 Jiwaji University, Gwalior
Copy: Principal, All Govt. Colleges, Jiwaji University, Gwalior.
Information About Research candidates (To be filled in by the approved research guide)
1. Name
2. Present Designation
3. Institution where working
4. Phone / Mobile Number
5. Date of first appointment as regular faculty:
Following _________ (nos) students are already working under me : Sr. No. 1
Name of the Student
Title of the thesis
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
I wish to supervise __________________ (no. of candidates in words) more candidates for Ph.D. under my guidance.