Feb 15, 2016 - Concurrent evolution of erosion rates, weathering and profile development of high ... co-evolution of soi
The Department of Geography, University of Zurich (Switzerland) and the Institute of Soil Landscape Research, Leibniz-Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg (Germany) are offering a position as
PhD student in soil science/geomorphology The PhD project is embedded in an international project with the title: Concurrent evolution of erosion rates, weathering and profile development of high alpine and agricultural soils: a 4-D approach (CORRELATE) Description of the PhD thesis: Changing drivers over time, such as climate and land use, lead to complex soil development in time and space. Periods with dominantly progressive processes (soil deepening) alternate with periods with dominantly regressive processes (erosion) due to fast and substantial changes in drivers. As a result, short-term soil redistribution (years to decades) may differ substantially from long-term soil redistribution (centuries to millennia). The effect of these changes on soil evolution on a landscape level in time and space needs to be investigated in more detail. Short- and long-term surface mass redistribution rates will therefore be studied. Two formerly glaciated case study sites are selected: an Alpine area close to the permafrost border (Upper Engadine, Switzerland) and a hummocky ground moraine region that is intensively used for agriculture (Uckermark, Germany). Long-term erosion rates will be quantified using cosmogenic 10Be and short-term erosion rates using 240Pu/239Pu isotope ratios. Additionally δ13C will be applied as a qualitative soil erosion indicator. Together with an actually running PhD thesis at Wageningen UR (NL), the co-evolution of soils in the two selected regions shall be reconstructed and a basis evaluated for future scenarios. A close collaboration with the Soil Geography and Landscape Group (UR, Wageningen; Prof. A. Temme), the Metropolitan State University of Denver, USA (Prof. M. Ketterer) and the ETH Zurich is planned. Candidates for this position are expected to hold an MSc degree in geography, soil science, geology, environmental sciences, geo-ecology or similar. You should have a sound knowledge in soil science (soil chemistry) and geomorphology. Knowledge in GIS (ArcGIS) would be an asset. Start: 1st April (or by agreement) Duration of appointment: The position is available for a period of 3 years. Employment is at ZALF. A major part of the thesis will be done in Zurich (Prof. M. Egli) and a minor part in Müncheberg (Prof. M. Sommer). For further information please contact: Prof. Markus Egli (phone: +41 44 635 51 14;
[email protected] ) or Prof. Michael Sommer (phone: +49 33432 82282;
[email protected]) Application deadline: latest by 15th of February 2016 We are looking forward to receiving your application. Please submit your application as a pdf-file (including CV, motivation letter, copies of academic qualifications and the contact information of two references) to the following address:
[email protected]