Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

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Jul 28, 2007 - By way of introduction, Phi Iota Alpha fraternity established in 1931 is the Oldest. Existing Latino ...
The Union Foundation Presents:

Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc. 75th Anniversary Banquet 1


Welcome To The 75th Anniversary Banquet of Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Presented by The Union Foundation Inc. July 28th 2007 Terrace on the Park Queens, New York


Table of Contents Banquet Agenda....................5 Introduction...........................6 Leadership..............................7 Banquet Menu.......................8 Fraternal Hymn.....................9 Keynote Speakers..............10 Entertainment.....................11 Award Nominees...............12 Chapters..............................13 Proclamations.....................14 Fraternal History................16 Ideology................................18 Programs & Affiliations.....19 Union Foundation..............20 Advertisements..................22 Special Thanks.....................28 2008 Convention...............30


Banquet Agenda 6:30! 7:00" 8:00! 8:30! 9:15! 9:45! 10:00! 11:45!

Arrival Hors d’oeuvres Welcoming Remarks Keynote Speakers Dinner and Awards Proclamations Entertainment Closing Remarks


Introduction Esteemed Guest: Welcome to Phi Iota Alpha's 75th Anniversary Banquet in conjunction with our philanthropic arm the Union Foundation. By way of introduction, Phi Iota Alpha fraternity established in 1931 is the Oldest Existing Latino fraternity in the United States. Its members has grown to include a plethora of prominent and accomplished educators, politicians, businessmen, and four former presidents of Latin American Countries. We have committed ourselves toward the empowerment of the Latino community by providing intensive social and cultural programs and activities geared toward the appreciation, promotion and preservation of Latin American culture. In recent years we felt the need to create a new group to live the mission that the fraternity espoused and to benefit a much larger scope of the Latino population. Therefore we created The Union Foundation. The foundation is an initiative designed to impact the lives of Latino communities in the areas of education, economic development, and social progress. The Union Foundation is a private, charitable non-profit organization. The Foundation was created in order to: • Provide scholarships and grants to Latino youths to enhance their educational and career opportunities. • Support community programs and other 501(c)(3) tax exempt organizations that support civic empowerment and educational improvement within the Latino community. • To increase awareness of Latino issues to the greater philanthropic community covering issues such as,,but not limited to educational achievement, civil rights, state of the workforce, and overall community health. • To engage in other activities related to supporting and educating the public concerning Latino issues. The fraternity has graciously allowed the entire banquet to be used as the launch event for annual appeal of the Union Foundation. The funds raised by this event will support all of the Union Foundations initiatives during its first year of operation. Much planning has occurred to make this a memorable banquet for the supporters of Phi Iota Alpha and the Union Foundation. This banquet is our heart felt appreciation for your support for Phi Iota Alpha to maintain its position as the primer Latino brotherhood in the nation and for the Union Foundation's efforts to become a primer charitable organization in supporting our communities. In utmost appreciation,

Jason A. Nicolau Executive Director


Leadership Board of Trustees Jose Briones Ed Sazo James Iñiguez, Esq. Ramón Peguero, Esq. Daniel Villagomez Carlos Famadas D r. M a n u e l G a e t a n Ing. Jose Sánchez

National Management Team Jason Nicolau Executive Director

A l e x Ye p e s Director of Operations Miguel Granda Director of External Relations Omar Lopez Director of Marketing Jose Pizarroso Director of Human Resources Luis Rodriguez Northeast Province Governor Giovanni Abril Southeast Province Governor Francisco Lugo Midwestern Province Governor Gregorio Rojas We s t e r n P r o v i n c e G o v e r n o r Ariel Villarreal Southern Province Governor 7

Banquet Menu Open bar all night Champagne Toast Hors d'oeuvres Smoked Salmon Tartine Bruschetta Baked clams Oreganata Franks en croute Sesame Chicken Mini Quiche Seafood Tartlets Salmon Mousse on Endive Assorted Quesadillas with salsa Dim Sum, Hoisin Sauce Assorted Vegetable Tempura Petite Reuben Beef & Chicken Shish Kabob Fried fantail Shrimp Mini Egg rolls Stuffed Mushroom Caps Potato Pancake with Apple Sauce Scallops wrapped in Bacon Grilled Sonoma Vegetables in Phylo wrap Beef Tenderloin on croustade Cherry tomato filled with seafood pate Fried Ravioli

Salad Salad Exotica Entree Mixed Grill Duet Filet Mignon with a bordalaise sauce & Chicken Verde with Asparagus Entrees are accompanied by a bouquetierre of fresh vegetables, potato, and freshly baked dinner rolls

Dessert International Pastries & Chocolate Dipped Fruits


Phi Iota Alpha’s Fraternal Hymn Written by: Ernesto Huete Music by: Carlos Lazarus

Por la Patria juntemos nuestros brazos En un signo de amor fraternal y la gloria y honor sean los lazos que nos junten en un solo ideal Fi Iota Alfa sea bandera de la Patria Latino Americana raza joven, noble y guerrera que nos llena de orgullo ancestral.


Keynote Speakers Bro. Jorge A. Goldstein Ph.D. '68 Director - Sterne Kessler Goldstein Fox Brother Jorge A. Goldstein is an attorney specializing in intellectual property law. He is a partner at Sterne Kessler Goldstein Fox based in Washington D.C. Dr. Goldstein's scientific expertise has been principally in areas such as genomics, molecular and cell biology, recombinant DNA technology, immunology, transgenics, therapeutic methods, as well as organic synthesis, pharmaceuticals, and polymers. He has prepared and prosecuted patent applications before the U.S. and foreign patent offices in all the above areas. He heads Sterne Kessler's interference practice and has handled multiple and varied interferences over many years, including successful appeals to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. He heads the firm's Inventorship Dispute Resolution Service A native of Argentina, Dr. Goldstein became a brother of Phi Iota Alpha in 1968 while attending Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Dr. Golstein graduated from RPI in 1971. Education Bachelor of Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Doctor of Philosophy, Chemistry, Harvard University Juris Doctor, The George Washington University, with high honors

Hiram Monserrate New York City Councilman Hiram Monserrate made history in 2001 when he became the first Latino elected to public office in Queens, winning a seat representing the 21st Council District of Corona, East Elmhurst, Elmhurst and Jackson Heights. Since then, he has brought his unique experience as a Marine, NYPD police officer, and civil rights advocate to the City Council, working to empower and protect all New Yorkers.


Entertainment La Excelencia Salsa con Conciencia The band that brought salsa back to its roots; La Excelencia has just released their CD titled: "Salsa con Conciencia". The response to "La Excelencia's" salsa has created a sort of movement. Fans include young salseros who tend to dress with a more urban flavor and the "old-school” salsa aficionados. "Salsa con Conciencia" (salsa with a conscience) is not only a danceable salsa CD, but as the title suggest the songs have been created with a conscience. The lyrics have meaning, and enlighten the community of every day situations found in our own lives or in the lives of others we may know.

José Vázquez-Cofresi & Julián Silva formed "La Excelencia, a young orchestra with the Salsa Dura (Hardcore Salsa) sound. In 2006 "La Excelencia" began to record their 10 track original CD showcasing vast styles of Salsa Dura and Guaguanco. The two-featured vocalist on the CD, Edwin Perez and Rene Leslie bring each track to life by adding their vocal talents and flavor. Perez sings the single "La Lucha", a song about every day struggles in life, which also features "Shanny". Julian Silva’s arrangements give each track an urban, aggressive feel, yet not losing the true roots of salsa. Songwriters for the project include Jose Vazquez-Cofresi, Rene Leslie, and Julian Silva.


Award Nominees Chapter/Colony of the Year This award is given to the chapter that has gone above and beyond the expectations of a being a successful Phi Iota Alpha chapter. Chapters must apply in order to be considered. Award Criteria • Chapter/Colony listing of events • Chapter/Colony finances • Chapter/Colony Academics - Individual & Chapter GPAs • Chapter/Colony statement of consideration • Letter of support from Regional Director and/or Province Governor Undergraduate Brother of the Year This award is given to an undergraduate Brother that has excelled in academics, community service, university involvement, and demonstrated the ideals of the fraternity. This brother should embody what it means to be a Brother of Phi Iota Alpha in all areas of his life. This award is by nomination only. Award Criteria The nominating Brother should submit a formal letter of nomination with this form to the Executive Director. The letter should describe the Brother's reason for their nomination. The nominating Brother should highlight successes during the 2006-2007 year and point to achievements within the fraternity but also on campus and in their community. Specific examples of excellence in academics, community service, and expression of the fraternity's ideals should be included. Alumni Brother of the Year This award is given to an alumni Brother that has excelled in their professional career, their community, fraternal involvement and have demonstrated the ideals of the fraternity. This brother should embody what it means to be a Brother of Phi Iota Alpha in all areas of his life. This award is by nomination only. Award Criteria The nominating Brother should submit a formal letter of nomination with this form to the Executive Director. The letter should describe the Brother's reason for their nomination. The nominating Brother should highlight successes during the 2006-2007 year and point to achievements within their professional career, their community and the fraternity. Specific examples of excellence in their professional career, community service, and expression of the fraternity's ideals should be included.


Chapters & Colonies National Directory Alpha Chapter Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Alpha Epsilon Chapter CSU Dominguez Hills

Beta Chapter S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook

Alpha Zeta Colony St. Thomas Aquinas College

Gamma Chapter S.U.N.Y. at New Paltz

Alpha Eta Colony Univ. of Texas, San Antonio

Delta Chapter S.U.N.Y. at Albany

Alpha Theta Colony UC Santa Cruz

Epsilon Chapter S.U.N.Y. at Binghamton Zeta Chapter Hofstra University Eta Chapter Union College Theta Chapter S.U.N.Y. at Old Westbury Iota Chapter S.U.N.Y. at Oswego Kappa Chapter Syracuse University Lambda Chapter S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo Mu Chapter Columbia University Nu Chapter Boston University Xi Chapter Harvard University Omicron Chapter New York University Pi Chapter Rochester Institute of Technology Rho Chapter Marist College Sigma Chapter City University of New York Tau Chapter Baylor University Upsilon Chapter University of Miami Phi Chapter Michigan State University Chi Chapter University of Dayton/UIC Psi Chapter Long Island University at C. W. Post Omega Chapter Reserved for Deceased Brothers Alpha Alpha Colony Reserved Alpha Beta Colony University of Maryland

Colony Directory Cal State, Fullerton Cal State, Long Beach Cal State, Monterey Bay Northeastern University Pace University Rutgers University Siena College Texas Woman's University Texas State University University of Alabama UCLA University of Houston UMASS, Amherst University of Michigan University of North Texas University of Rochester University of Texas, Austin Utica College Villanova University

Alpha Gamma Chapter St. John's University Alpha Delta Colony S.U.N.Y. at Plattsburgh




Fraternal History The roots of Phi Iota Alpha began at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, New York in 1898. A group of Latin American students organized the Union Hispano Americana as a cultural and intellectual secret society based on the ideology of Pan-Americanism. The immediate goals of the UHA was to provide a cultural environment for students of Latin America and Spain. The UHA was the first association of Latin American students ever founded in the United States. The UHA expanded to several colleges and universities in the United States. However, due to the secrecy imposed upon its members, not many records were kept. In the northeastern part of the United States, a group of Latin American students decided to organize a cultural and intellectual fraternity, as a result Pi Delta Phi fraternity was founded at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1916. Shortly after its foundation, Pi Delta Phi initiated a search to expand to other colleges and universities where they became aware of the existence of other similar organizations. Pi Delta Phi established communications with Phi Lambda Alpha fraternity, which had been recently founded in 1919 at the University of California, Berkeley. After some communication, these two organizations realized the existence of a non-Greek letter secret society, the Union Hispano Americana. As a result of intensive correspondence and various interviews, the three organizations merged. In their merger agreement, the three organizations adopted the name of Phi Lambda Alpha Fraternity, with the distinctive emblem & constitution of Pi Delta Phi, and the goals & motto of the UHA. This new union was formalized in June 1921, in the City of New York. Meanwhile, in the Southern United States, another similar organization was under development. In 1904, an organization with similar goals as Phi Lambda Alpha was founded under the name Sociedad HispanoAmericana at Louisiana State University. In 1912, this organization changed its name to Sigma Iota and became the first Latin American based fraternity in the United States. Between 1912 and 1925, Sigma Iota expanded very rapidly in the United States, South America, and Europe. As a result of this, Sigma Iota became the first international Latin American based fraternity. Phi Lambda Alpha was seeking to expand throughout the United States and to promote the ideology of Pan-Americanism. Sigma Iota Fraternity was in search of revitalizing some of its defunct chapters. Thus both organizations complemented each other and began to work towards the creation of the fraternity now know as Phi Iota Alpha. In December of 1931 at Troy, New York, delegates from Phi Lambda Alpha Fraternity and Sigma Iota Fraternity assembled with the objective of forming unified fraternity to address the needs of Latin American Students in universities in the U.S.


Fraternal History On December 26, 1931, the first day of a three-day convention, Phi Iota Alpha was born as both groups agreed to the merger. They resolved to unify under one name, one banner, one organization and one ideal. The next day of business was dedicated to preparing the details of revising the constitution, working on the creation of a shield to represent the newly formed national Latino brotherhood. On December 28th, by the end of the three-day convention, the majority of the merger was completed. Now the last step in the merger was the ratification of some of the chapters of Sigma Iota that were not represented at the convention. After unification, Phi Iota Alpha expanded nationally as well as internationally. At the international level, the Fraternity sponsored the 1932 convention in New York City with the purpose of forming the Union Latino Americana. The ULA was a Pan American governing body of Hispanic fraternities that organized Latin America into 22 zones. Each of the 21 Latin American countries constituted a zone. Phi Iota Alpha represented the 22nd zone in the United States. The outbreak of World War II, greatly hindered the growth Phi Iota Alpha in the United States. After the war the Fraternity drafted and implemented a new expansion strategy. As a result, the post war period saw positive internal growth for the Fraternity. In the early 1950's, Phi Iota Alpha eradicated any remnant of its political agenda. With only a few chapters, the Fraternity continued to pursue it's mission. The 1960s proved to be very challenging years for Phi Iota Alpha. The effects of the Vietnam War and the 60s counter-culture created an anti-institutional atmosphere amongst many college students. In addition, this drastically reduced the enrollment of Latin American students to American universities. This in turn hindered potential membership to the organization. As a result, by 1968, after many years of struggle, the only active undergraduate chapters were at LSU and at RPI. The chapter at RPI closed its doors in 1973 with the graduation of its Secretary General. The Secretary General took with him the chapter's official fraternity documents. From 1977 to 1983, the Fraternity witnessed a period of inactivity at the undergraduate level. Some efforts were made to re-establish Phi Iota Alpha at the undergraduate level, but these efforts were not successful. Throughout this period, brothers continued to maintain communication, and continued to accomplish the mission of the organization. The history, ideals and goals of the Fraternity never diminished; they simply did not have active undergraduate members to cultivate them. Phi Iota Alpha continued to exist with the many Alumni members, and chapters as they continued to develop their professional lives mostly in Latin American countries and in the United States. In 1984, a group of young men at RPI, upon learning about the Latino based fraternity that once existed on their campus, re-established Phi Iota Alpha. After the re-emergence of the Fraternity, the last Secretary General instituted the members of the RPI chapter as the Alpha Chapter of Phi Iota Alpha. In the 1980's the Fraternity dedicated its efforts to rebuilding the organizational infrastructure and to expand to several universities in New York State. By 2000, Phi Iota Alpha had chartered chapters across the United States. 17

Ideology Our Beliefs Membership in Phi Iota Alpha Latino Fraternity is a life-long commitment to the Latin American culture. It involves intellectual development, cultural consciousness, personal growth, personal achievement and social awareness. Phi Iota Alpha Latino Fraternity believes that the Latin American community here in the United States and in the Latin American countries are in need of new sources of intellectual capital to identify, address and solve the difficult challenges they face. Therefore, it is dedicated to developing in its members an awareness of the common values and traditions of the nations of Latin America and to preparing them to become active participants in the process of advancing the social and economic conditions of all Latin Americans. Phi Iota Alpha Latino Fraternity strongly encourages scholarship through the pursuit of undergraduate degrees, advanced degrees, and the attainment of professional credentials that strengthen its individual members. However, it also guides them to craft a new vision that moves beyond the attainment of personal and professional goals, so that they may contribute to the larger good of the community through individual acts and deeds. The most distinguishing feature of Phi Iota Alpha Latino Fraternity is that it instills in its members a Global Latino perspective. This is an orientation that transcends the existing national boundaries that have separated Latin America. It builds on the spirit and traditions of Pan-Americanism, and supports and promotes actions leading to an eventual unification of all the countries of Latin America. Our Mission Promotion of personal, community, and Pan-American development through the ideals of Bolivar and Marti as well as other Pan-American intellectuals and their philosophies; • Creation of a Latin American consciousness; • Intensification of education with a Latin American character; • Economic and social mobilization of Latin American communities globally; • Intensification of contact between Pan-American Countries with the intention of forming a unified network of professional and economic contacts in order to ultimately achieve the unification of Latin America; • Conservation of the integrity of the Latin American character. • Rejection of war and violence as a means to achieving “La Unión De La Patria Latino Americana.” Our Vision La Unión De La Patria Latino Americana


Programs & Affiliations Phi Iota Alpha asserts that through its community outreach initiatives, the fraternity supplies voice and vision to the struggle of Latino/Hispanic Americans in the United State and Latin America. The fraternity provides for charitable endeavors through its Foundations, providing academic scholarships and support for community development projects. Union Foundation Established in 2004, the Union Foundation is the Fraternity's philanthropic arm. The foundation is an initiative designed to impact the lives of Latino communities in the areas of education, economic development, and social progress. The Union Foundation is a private, charitable non-profit organization. The Foundation was created in order to: • Provide scholarships and grants to Latino youths to enhance their educational and career opportunities. • Support community programs and other 501(c)(3) tax exempt organizations that support civic empowerment and educational improvement within the Latino community. • To increase awareness of Latino issues to the greater philanthropic community covering issues such as, but not limited to, educational achievement, civil rights, state of the workforce, and overall community health. • To engage in other activities related to supporting and educating the public concerning Latino issues. Affiliations The fraternity maintains dual membership in the National Association of Latino Fraternal Organizations (NALFO) and the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC). NALFO is composed of 23 Latino Greek-letter sororities and fraternities, of which Phi Iota Alpha is the oldest member. The association promotes and fosters positive interfraternal relations, communication, and development of all Latino fraternal organizations through mutual respect, leadership, honesty, professionalism and education. The NIC serves to advocate the needs of its member fraternities through enrichment of the fraternity experience; advancement and growth of the fraternity community; and enhancement of the educational mission of the host institutions.


Union Foundation About us More than 75 years ago a remarkable group of university men who shared the ideals of enlightenment and Latino brotherhood established a national organization called Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity. At that time, the fraternity worked to educate and advance their fellow Latinos and countrymen across the country. In recent years the organization felt the need to create a new organization to live the mission that the fraternity espoused and to benefit a much larger scope of the Latino population; Therefore the creation of The Union Foundation. The foundation is an initiative designed to impact the lives of Latino communities in the areas of education, economic development, and social progress. The Union Foundation is a private, charitable non-profit organization. The Foundation was created in order to: • Provide scholarships and grants to Latino youths to enhance their educational and career opportunities. • Support community programs and other 501(c)(3) tax exempt organizations that support civic empowerment and educational improvement within the Latino community. • To increase awareness of Latino issues to the greater philanthropic community covering issues such as, but not limited to, educational achievement, civil rights, state of the workforce, and overall community health. • To engage in other activities related to supporting and educating the public concerning Latino issues.


Union Foundation Initiatives Although the Phi Iota Alpha's 75th Anniversary banquet is the initial appeal for support of the Union Foundation’s initiatives; the foundation has already begun to support local initiatives in New York City. These initiatives include: • Sponsorship of Roberto Clemente State Park's 10th Annual Summer Concert Series, "Rockin' on the Harlem River," taking place in the Bronx, NY. The concert series promotes different styles of music and artist every week. Concerts are held from July 4th and every Saturday until Labor Day. • Sponsorship of the Washington Heights Street Festival between St. Nicholas Avenue from 181st to 191st Street in Manhattan. The festival is a celebration of community fun with fames, rides, and more! As the foundation continues to work on the procurement of funds and specialized resources we can expect an increase in national initiatives as the foundation works to become on of the primer charitable organizations benefiting our communities,, because In Union our Community has a Future. If you would like to learn more about upcoming initiatives or to learn how you can assist the Union Foundation please visit our website at or email us at [email protected]





Phi Iota Alpha Latino Fraternity on their


th anniversary.


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