Fetal/neonatal iron deficiency anemia (IDA) induces long-last- ing impairments in cognitive development, including learning and memory (9). Together, these ...
nature publishing group
Translational Investigation
Phlebotomy-induced anemia alters hippocampal neurochemistry in neonatal mice Diana J. Wallin1,3, Ivan Tkac2, Sara Stucker3, Kathleen M. Ennis3, Martha Sola-Visner4, Raghavendra Rao1,3 and Michael K. Georgieff1,3 Background: Phlebotomy-induced anemia (PIA) is common in preterm infants. The hippocampus undergoes rapid differentiation during late fetal/early neonatal life and relies on adequate oxygen and iron to support oxidative metabolism necessary for development. Anemia shortchanges these two critical substrates, potentially altering hippocampal development and function. Methods: PIA (hematocrit