M%v*nd Mrs. ;^enry| flc^ntyre N4*usj«*er Allice Marie aceempan-y> ied them for
a visit. City. *. »" .... prova Ford Tregfc* last laaaar! little to run. truck for every job ...
Jl, *-.»
# l * r IBght
Around Four Towns Valois, Hector. Caywood, nore Du Bwis, Corr. Gleisner and his son les traveled to Baltimore rey | o r a visit with relatives to bring: Mrs. Gleisner and ter Joyce back with them. Gleisner a n d Joyce h a d been in Baltimore for the p a s t Robert Ferguson of Johnson City spent a recent weekend a t his home in Caywood. •
Sgt. James Ferguson, who is stationed a t Wichita Falls, Texas, recently arrived home for a visit. Bet t h e climate felt good to Him. Wichita Falls is Just plain hot in summer. v
' • • •
ner on Saturday in observance of their daughter Carol's birthday.
Phone Lodi 13G Chaplain (Lt.) Armin A. Geisler of Sampson Air Base filled Mr. I Dunlap's pulpit on Sunday the I fifth. I was sorry to have missed his sermon but from all reports I t was wonderful. J$ext Sunday, August 19, Chaplain (Major) Arnold E. Heimsoth will preach. I understand t h a t t h e Major has recently become a Hector neighbor, He also delivered t h e sermon last Sunday. . The last Sunday in the m o n t h t h e pulpit will be fill by C h a p lain Albert A. Behnke (Lieut. Col.) T h e public is invited. I t m i g h t be of interest to some of you t h a t the Chaplains Corp is celebrating its l?6th anniversary this year. There is no need to go into detail as to the wonderful part t h a t these fine men play in the lives of our servicemen. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap attended services a t Sampson Sunday morning, August 5, and told of waiting after the service to see the revolving altar changed for services of a different faith. The Air force and other branches qf service certainly set a n example for all men of faith to follow.
E. Bishop, Ceil*. Happiness grows a t our own firesides and is not to be picked in stranger's gardens. Mrs. Wilbur Decker entertained tweny little guests a t a birthday party for her granddaughter, Carol Erie, Who celebrated her fourth birthday on Saturday. Mrs. Elisabeth Pendorf, Mr. and Mrs. Royce Smith a n d Mrs. Olin Do an were supper guests Thurso day evening of Mr. a n d Mrs. Harry Lattin a t their cottage on Kayu t a h Lake. . •
: • • #
Mr. a n d Intra. E. Fay Lewis, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Bleiler and sons attended the American Legion Convention last week in New York City. *
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Borzelle and family have returned home from a trip through the Catskills, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts and New York City.
T h e George Green's wept to edar Run, Fa., recently to see trs. Green's brother Whd~ h a s been seriously ill for some time. Sgt. Royce Green had arl opportunity to see relatives on the trip. Harry Ray was pleasantly surWe * e r e glad to hear t h a t Royce prised with a family gathering on his 77th birthday on August 9 at was able to secure an extension of the home of his brother Fred Ray his- leave since its been quite a while since he h a s been able to and Mrs. Ray. * * * be with his parents. He h a s been stationed with t h e Air Force in Mrs. Ernest Kloppel of Watkins Alaska and will report to his new Glen recently called on her a u n t * * * base fn TJtah sometime t h e latter Oops, almost forgot to mention Mrs. William Smith. * * * p a r t of this m o n t h . the church, t h a t ' s the Valois * * * Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Richards Community Church, Valois. Mr. o Murphy J r . was home over Dunlap will be back in t h e same and daughter were guests Sunday weekend. August 4-5. After church after his vacation. One of •of her parents Mr. and Mrs. was released from St. Al- the reasons for his not leaving be- Ralph West of Lockwood. * * * Naval Hospital he was a s - fore this was arranging for the Mrs. Royce Smith, Mrs. Elizsigned to the Marine Corp Sup- Chaplains. About the fifteenth of abeth Pendorf and Mrs. Olin September there will be another ply Depot a t Philadelphia. Young Doan spent Tuesday afternoon Eeo* a n d our boy met for the first group invited down for services with Mrs. Russel Crainey of Caytime Sunday and it tickled us for and dinner so hows about planuta. thrf' boys who h a d never met ning t h a t time now. * » * seemed to be tied u p somehow. Miss Linda Masin h a s returned Gonna close to Bye now . . . When the Murphy's were so home from a week's vacation with worried a t not hearing from Leo her sister Mrs. Roger Blanchard we were going through the same of Cortland. thing with our boy. The pattern * * * Miss Eva Kimble, Corr. started to change though when Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Borzelle Andrew Koval called a t Charles eafch t i m e one of us would hear and family were in Wilkes-Barre, from a son, t h e o t h e r ' couple Kimbles Tuesday evening. Pa., to a t t e n d the 39th wedding * * » would. It got to be quite a game waiting to see when t h e pattern Mrs. Charles Kimble called anniversary of Mrs. Borzelle's Would break. Tuesday on Mrs. Cora Thompson. parents. * * * j I t broke though when young Mr. and Mrs. Keith Burke and J o h n and Mary Kay Scanlic of Leo came home on his leave and two children from Corning, Mrs. Sayre, Pa., and Tommyanne Ernest was still away. Leo went Cora Thompson, and Mrs. Orin back the morning of the first, Backer spent Saturday afternoon j Green of Trumansburg have been guests of their grandparents Mr. Ernest came home t h a t evening. at the Charles Kimble home. and Mrs. Fred Ray. * * * Leave i t to the boys to straight* * # e n it out though. Leo came home Mrs. Iva Porter and son Leland Mrs. Elva Terry and children on leave Saturday a n d Sun J ay of Elmira Heights called Saturday were Sunday guests of her parafternoon afternoon found the afternoon a t the Backer home. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dean. * * * two boys heading for Watkins to see * movie a n d Leo's sister Kay. Rev. Victor Shepardson of ReyMr. and Mrs. E. Fay Lewis Sr., noldsville and family and a young Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Bleiler and and Mrs. Thomas Cashady couple who are to take the place and son Lynn accompanied Mr. of Rev. Shepardson here, were in sons, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gara n d Mrs. Gorman Priest of Halsey attendance a t church here Sun- diner and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. E. Fay Lewis Jr., and sons a t Valley to dinner a t the home of day. * * * tended the Lewis family reunion Ward Cashady's recently. Elisha Marsh is delivering mail a t Grove Park in Elmira on SunMrs. Rowene Huff accompanied while Mott Westlake is on a va- day. Glenn Huff and daughters on a I cation. Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Richards weeks trip to Baltimore and t h e New England States. Mrs. Fred Mishaud is entertain- attended the Green Acres Field ; * *" * ing her sister and family from Day on Friday. * * * Mr. a n d Mrs. Theodore Turk of New York City. Mrs. Anthony Karpovich Sr. of * * * Vernon Center spent a recent Wilkes-Barre, Pa., has been a week visiting at the home of the Mrs. Mildred Scriven of Elmira guest of her daughter Mrs. William Turk's. Heights, Mrs. Crystle Bump of • -• •' Horseheads, Mr. and Mrs. George Charles DePasquale. * * * Recent callers a t t h e Coleman Bump of Big Plats, and Eva KimMr. and Mrs. Elwood Hall were home were Russell Van Ess of I ble called a t W. Bumps Wednesguests of their daughter, Mrs. EdTrumansburg, Miss Millie La | day evening. ward Decker, on Sunday afterMoreaux of Watkins Glen, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hathaway of . T h e outpue of U. S. bituminous noon. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Erie enterCornwall on the Hudson. coal mines is currently at the rate tained 16 guests a t a family dinof 10 million tons a week. Miss La Moreaux of Watkins had supper a t t h e home of the J o h n Bunyan wrote "Pilgrim's Francis Marsh recently. Progress" while he was in prison.
Petroleum a n d natural gas p r o vided 54 per cent of the nation's Mrs, O, M. Hatfield, Cwr. energy supply to 1850, reaching y Mr. and Mrs. E. Pay Lewis Sr. l i r e ; Margaret Smith has been the staggering total of 19 quadriland grandson Buddy Lewis have Mrs. Harold D e c M r ^ a i i d son visiting a t the home of Mr. and lion B. t u . ' s . been spending a few days a t their Reger, Mrs. ijsrbfe * *Wver and Mrs, Bert Hatfield. * * * cottage on Seneca. Lake. . four of the OBver cmldren of Dundoe spent, a day recently a t . Mrs. Dwyer of Long Island City i > ' Mr. and. Mrs. Royce Smith vis- Eiu-.dge Park, Elm^a. i s a t the home of Mr, a n d Mrs. ited t h e latter's father, A. V. Maurice Costa. * . • Smith, at Valois on Saturday eveAt Beaver Dams Friday night, ning. August 3, Beaver D a m s vs. MonMrs. Emmet si McConnell a n d tour Falls Small Fry, t h e game daughter Anne Marie who h a v e Richard J. Drum, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Drum of Alpine, was called off f because of rain. been guests a t Homestead Farms the pest six weeks returned to arrived a t Fort Dix, N. J „ recent-* Score was 3 to 2, Beaver favor. . -'• their home in Detroit Monday: ly to begin his basic training with U n Wallace J . Wasson and Company G of the 47th Infantry v M% *nd Mrs. ; ^ e n r y | flc^ntyre N4*usj«*er Allice Marie aceempan-y> Regiment.;, •' ' --S 1 ied them for a visit attended the ascent Grimes re>mri\r City. union &t A « [ . Callers t h a t evening were Mr. and Mrs. La Mr. and Mrs. Harry McConne • JIHfcr a n d Mrs; Cora Wheat of Mrs. F r a n k OMs^ Got There will be a euchre ^party § t s i ^ e y ' ^ , - ~ £ « * . ' . . *• -.;'.• - > $ £ * ' • ; of St. Petersburg, Florida, and Elmira were guests of Mr. and Saturday night, August 18, f t t h e n t Mrs. Bert Hatfield last Tuesday. Linda and Lermie Knapp school house for the'-£ie^lip»v o j I: t h e church. Ladies piea>e &&&* a day' ree^a^'with-tr 1 Gail Andrew Wasson spent sandwiches, cookies,'...' 0.W^^fl^^^fl^T Sunday with his grandparents. erybody invited. 'J Any of youid^be Home''Bureau - T h e Cbsemtinbs of Corning wefie ladies like to make those lovely o n the hiU Sunday. Miss Dorothy Oliver and friend plastic pocketbooks? T h a t is the of Johnson City visited h e r p a r first project to be t s ^ a n u p i n ents Mr. and Mrs. Herbert O u t e r September. Wrry 14011$ you ^ r o p and attended church here Sunday in at Edna Tinker's soon arid Mrs. George Baker, C«*r. evening. look over the ,\ different plastic The Six Nations school reunion * ** * samples which-she'"win be glad was well attended Saturday a n d Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Schoffner to; show your > a delicious dinner was served, LeV arid son Francis and "Mrs. Susie Roy Shannon was elected PresiCady attended a Stanley party at "Eddie Bill" shapes' sixth b i r t h - dent for the next year and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lakomy's in day was Sunday, August 5, "so Hlen Huey secretary. *,", ^ v Corning Wednesday. the whole family spent t h e day * • - *? a t his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Freida Johnson and George J. Fleming returned Leon Mapes to help him celedaughter Patty of Baltimore, Md., home Tuesday afternoon after a brate. are visiting her parents, Mr. and ten day vacation in the Veteran's The Bill Schqltiseks were guests Mrs. Hershal Calton. Hospital at Bath. of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Deck-
but without a, scratch. icuy.
Chart Your Course—Here!
Wednesday, August 15, 1951 •»••—
RD LEADS the League
I 2 Oz. tan 45fi RftWCornBeef Swift's Prem 12 oi-ca'' 49c v
WeBseere, Pa. Phone 8022