Phosphorus and nitrogen budgets of the Al

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Jan 6, 2013 - University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada. 123. Hydrobiologia .... outlets of the Al-Hawizeh marshland and its major sub-marshes. Hydrobiologia ..... Scott, D. A., 1995. A Directory of Wetlands in the Middle East.
Phosphorus and nitrogen budgets of the AlHawizeh marshland after re-flooding

Sama S. AlMaarofi, Ali A. Z. Douabul, Barry G. Warner & William D. Taylor

Hydrobiologia The International Journal of Aquatic Sciences ISSN 0018-8158 Hydrobiologia DOI 10.1007/s10750-013-1657-8

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Author's personal copy Hydrobiologia DOI 10.1007/s10750-013-1657-8


Phosphorus and nitrogen budgets of the Al-Hawizeh marshland after re-flooding Sama S. AlMaarofi • Ali A. Z. Douabul Barry G. Warner • William D. Taylor

Received: 12 June 2013 / Revised: 31 July 2013 / Accepted: 3 August 2013 Ó Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract The ecological function of the Mesopotamian marshlands was severely damaged during their desiccation from 1993 to 2003 and, as a result, the marshes became a main target for restoration after their re-flooding in April 2003. In this study, the phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) budgets for a portion of the Mesopotamian marshlands at Al-Hawizeh (Iraq) are reported. Al-Hawizeh appears to play a strong role in regulating P and N. Total P input and output were both dominated by dissolved organic P, while total N input and output were dominated by particulate organic N, suggesting that N is in greater demand than P. Al-Hawizeh acts as source for N and sink for P; this has an important function in altering their export downstream (Shatt Al-Arab River) and subsequently into the Arabian Gulf. However, investigating P and N fractions helped in understanding the role of Al-

Handling editor: P. No˜ges S. S. AlMaarofi (&)  W. D. Taylor Department of Biology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada e-mail: [email protected] A. A. Z. Douabul Department of Marine Environmental Chemistry, Marine Science Centre, University of Basra, Basra, Iraq B. G. Warner Department of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada

Hawizeh in transforming, storage and release of P and N fractions. Keywords Mesopotamian marshland  Reflooding  Phosphorus budget  Nitrogen budget  Dynamic nutrients

Introduction Phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) are two of the most important nutrients for plant growth. Their availability often controls primary productivity and limits the biomass of aquatic organisms (Elser et al., 2007). In excess, they can negatively affect wetland biodiversity (Batzer & Sharitz, 2006) and water quality (Annadotter et al., 1999). Nutrient concentrations and dynamics are considered important factors in the assessment of the biological and biogeochemical state of wetlands, including the status of new or damaged wetlands (Hambright et al., 1998; Zohary et al., 1998; Fustec et al., 1999; Gophen, 2000; Comin et al., 2001; RuizJaen & Aide, 2005). Freshwater wetlands are usually P-limited (Vitousek & Howarth, 1991; Krah et al., 2006), while N is the primary limiting nutrient in many coastal zones wetlands (Wetzel & Likens, 1991). Although most of the Mesopotamian marshlands are freshwater, they appear to be N-limited (Hussain, 1994). The estimation of the P and N budgets of wetlands helps to put loading into context (Krah et al.,


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2006). Several methods have been used to estimate nutrient loads (e.g., Dolan et al., 1981; Mukhopadhyay & Smith, 2000); however, a simple mass balance model is widely used and has been developed for many different aquatic ecosystems to estimate production and respiration (Yanagi, 1999), evaluate the efficiency of nutrient recycling (Birch & Spyridakis, 1981) and monitor the restoration process (Jensen et al., 2006). The input, consumption, and transformation of P and N species in wetlands control the concentration of these nutrients in the water column and their export. Wetlands are often described as ‘‘the kidney of the landscape’’ due to their ability to filter and trap nutrient-rich river load, waste, and pollutants (Mitsch & Gosselink, 2000). The seasonal pattern of dissolved P and N in most subolar and tropical wetlands is generally uni-modal (Birch & Spyridakis, 1981; Hambright et al., 1998; Benson-Evans et al., 1999; Gophen, 2000), while in most temperate and subtropical wetlands (including the Mesopotamia) the pattern is bi-modal (Hussain, 1994). Seston, periphyton, and macrophytes are responsible for uptake of dissolved inorganic P (DIP) and dissolved inorganic N (DIN), especially during the growing season (Okbah, 2005). In the Mesopotamian marshlands, the growing season is also bi-modal, with the first growing season starting in spring and ending in early summer, while the second growing season starts in early autumn and ends in winter (Hussain, 1994). Retention of sediment and de-nitrification allow the possibility for wetlands to act as nutrient sinks, while nitrogen fixation and resuspension or mineralization of sediments allow the possibility for wetlands to act as sources of nutrients. The Mesopotamian marshes were well studied before the 1990s, when they were dried and destroyed by several anthropogenic activities. Studies from this time are reviewed by Hussain (1994). Studies after April 2003, when the marshes were re-flooded, focus on assessing the restoration process from hydrological, biological, and biogeochemical points of view (Richardson et al., 2005; Richardson & Hussain, 2006; Tahir et al., 2008). The Mesopotamian marshlands are located in the lower basins of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Iraq (Fig. 1). This unique ecosystem was the largest wetland system in the Middle East (Scott, 1995). The Mesopotamian marshlands used to occupy an area variously reported as between 10,000 and 20,000 km2 (Willi, 1994), extending among three major marshlands


(Central, Al-Hawizeh, and Al-Hammar) from 29°550 0000 and 32°450 0000 North to 45°250 0000 and 48°300 0000 East. The Mesopotamian marshlands are complex and diverse aquatic systems, consisting mostly of extensive areas of emergent macrophytes and shallowopen waters. They are a major destination or stopover for migratory birds, and maintain significant populations of wildlife including endemic and endangered species (Scott, 1995). The main water sources of the marshlands are the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers that arise in the Turkish High Plateau near Erzerum (Rzo´ska et al., 1980). Karkha River, in Iran, precipitation, and groundwater are relatively minor sources of water to the marshes. The Al-Hawizeh marshland is located between 31°000 0000 to 31°450 0000 North and 47°250 0000 to 47°500 0000 East (Fig. 1), and used to occupy an area between 2,500 and 3,500 km2 during the flood season (Scott, 1995; Partow, 2001). During the twentieth century, the Al-Hawizeh marshland suffered from several anthropogenic disturbances, including drainage via a system of dams and irrigation channels. Water shortage and drainage resulted in an almost 90% loss of the Al-Hawizeh marshland by 2000 (Partow, 2001), severely affecting both biodiversity and human social systems. Fortunately, the northern part of Al-Hawizeh was less affected than the southern part because of water supply from Iran (Partow, 2001). The loss of water changed the region and divided it into three distinct areas. The northeast section of AlHawizeh remained wet, and therefore provides a reference against which to compare other sections. The central part also retained water, but was drastically reduced in depth and extent. The southern part dried completely and succumbed to desertification. The objective of this paper is to report on N and P concentrations in the re-flooded Al-Hawizeh marshland and its influents and effluents. A preliminary nutrient budget has been generated to infer net transformations in the forms of these elements, and to assess whether the different recent histories of various parts of the marshland have affected nutrient cycling.

Materials and methods Field work Water flow into Al-Hawizeh marshland via AlMshereh, Al-Zubair, Um Al-Toos, and Al-Husachi

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Fig. 1 Satellite image shows the origin of the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers in Turkey and their closest inputs into the marshlands; indicate the Al-Hawizeh marshland and the

downstream ecosystem (Shatt Al-Arab and the Arabian Gulf). The diagram on the right shows the main water inputs and outlets of the Al-Hawizeh marshland and its major sub-marshes

tributaries (Fig. 1) was monitored on a monthly basis from May 2006 to April 2007; water flow out of AlHawizeh via Al-Kassara and Al-Sweeb rivers was monitored on a monthly basis from May 2006 to March 2007. Triplicate water samples (*500 ml) for measurement of P and N species were collected at four water inputs, two water outlets, and eight sub-marsh stations (Al-Udhaim, Um Al-Niaaj, Al-Souda north, Um AlWarid, Al-Souda south, Al-Baydha, Lissan Ijerda, and Majnoon) from approximately 50 cm below the water surface with a Van Dorn water sampler on a monthly basis from May 2006 to April 2007. Water samples were immediately filtered through pre-washed and pre-weighed glass microfiber grade F filters (0.7 lm, 47 mm). The filtrates were transferred into translucent polyethylene screw-cap bottles. Filters with particulate matter were transferred immediately to plastic petri-dishes and stored at 4°C (method by Stainton et al., 1977; Wetzel & Likens, 1991) for laboratory determination of particulate P (PP) and particulate organic N (PON).

Laboratory analysis The ascorbic acid method, as described by Stainton et al. (1977), was used to determine inorganic dissolved P (IDP; PO4–P), in the filtered samples generated as described above, using a 1-cm quartz cell in a Shimadzu spectrophotometer at 885 nm. 50 ml of sample for determination of dissolved organic P (DOP) and 50 ml of distilled water plus a filter for determination of PP were oxidized to orthophosphate with 1.5 ml of 3% potassium persulfate (K2S2O8) in a boiling water bath for 1 h (method by Menzel & Corwin, 1965). The digested samples were then analyzed as for PO4-–P, except that PP samples were measured using a 5-cm cell in an Ultrospec 3100 pro spectrophotometer at 885 nm. The pink azo dye method, as described by Stainton et al. (1977), was used to determine nitrite nitrogen (NO2–N) concentrations. Samples used to determine nitrate nitrogen (NO3–N) concentration were reduced to NO2-–N by being passed through a cadmium–copper column. The total dissolved N (TDN) concentrations in the water


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were measured by the method described by Valderrama (1981); the samples were digested first to convert the different N forms into NO3-–N in the presence of the oxidation reagent in a hot water bath for 1 h. Then NO3-–N was reduced to NO2-–N and measured as above. PON samples were packed into 7 9 5 mm nickel capsules and analyzed using a carbon nitrogen analyzer (Zimmermann et al., 1997). The concentration of dissolved organic N (DON) was calculated by subtracting NO2-–N and NO3-–N from TDN, as previous studies found very low concentrations of ammonium nitrogen (NH4?–N) in the Iraqi marshes. The total N (TN) concentrations were calculated by summing TDN and PON. Total P (TP) concentrations were calculated by summing IDP ? DOP ? PP.

evaporation and evapotranspiration rates from May 2005 to April 2006 were used as approximate rates for our study period. The monthly Iranian water discharges via Al-Karkha River from January 1998 to January 2000 were obtained from Azadegan (2004); the average monthly water discharges from May 2008 to April 1999 were used to calculate our WB. The monthly WB was calculated as: WB ¼ I þ R  D  E  Evp  A  Err; where I is the water discharge of the inputs; R is the water discharge of rainfall; D is the water discharge of the outlets; E is water loss by evaporation; Evp is water loss by evapotranspiration; A is water accumulation due to sediment infiltration, changes in water table, ground water discharge; Err is the estimation error.

Water discharge calculation River discharge was computed by multiplying the area of water in the channel cross-section by the average velocity of the water in that cross-section. A current meter was used to measure velocity. Where water column depth exceeded 1 m, the mean water velocity was measured at 20, 60, and 80% of the total depth. If the water column depth was less than 1 m, then the mean water velocity only was measured at 60% of the total depth. Water budget calculation The calculated water discharges of the monitored water inputs and outlets were used to calculate the water budget (WB) in this study. Obtaining sufficient accurate data was a challenge in this study due to unavailability of records. For many years, relevant ministries in Iraq faced challenges in collecting monitoring data as a result of on-going military conflict within Iraq, and incessant desiccation of the marsh areas. The historic data obtained for this study, albeit old, is complete and useful for current research. The precipitation data from January 1987 to December 2005 were used to calculate the monthly averages; however, only monthly averages from April to December were used as an approximate precipitation rate for the study period. The monthly evaporation rate, monthly evapotranspiration rate, and monthly water discharge from the Al-Sannaf marsh from January 2005 to June 2006 were obtained from the Iraqi Ministry of Water Resources-Centre for the Restoration of Marshes (IMWR-CRIM, 2006). The IMWR-CRIM monthly


TP and TN load and yield calculations The TP and TN monthly loads (L, metric tons) into the Al-Hawizeh via the Tigris River tributaries are calculated as: L ¼ ðC=109 Þ  WD, where C is the mean monthly nutrient concentration (lg/l) of the input river; WD is the mean monthly water discharge (m3) of the input river. The monthly mean concentrations of TP and TN of the Al-Msharah River were used to estimate the TP and TN loads by the Al-Sannaf inlet in the WB equation because they tend to have a similar nutrient quality (IMWR-CRIM, 2006). TP and TN loading from Iran by the Al-Karkheh tributaries were obtained from Azadegan (2004). The contributions of TP and TN from direct precipitation were taken from IMWRCRIM (2006). The TP and TN yield (Y, ton) from the outlets (AlSweeb and Al-Kassara) are calculated as: Y ¼ ðC=109 Þ  WD; where C is the mean monthly nutrient concentration (lg l-1) of the outlet river; WD is the mean monthly water discharge (m3) of the outlet river. Nutrient budget calculation A simple mass balance model (Yanagi, 1999) was used in order to estimate the TP and TN budget. The

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monthly TP and TN loads and exports were used to calculate the monthly TP and TN budgets (B, metric tons) as calculated as: B¼LY The same calculations were applied to estimate the loading, loss, and budget of P and N fractions.

Results Water budget

Phosphorus and nitrogen budgets The estimated annual TP and TN loads by the Tigris tributaries were 223 and 705 tons, respectively. In addition, the Al-Sannaf marsh, Al-Karkheh River, and 100

Water dischrge by Hour 7 3 Al-Hawizeh (1x10 m )


7 3 Al-Hawizeh (1x10 m )

Water Discharge into Hour

The water input into Al-Hawizeh marshland from May 2006 to March 2007 was estimated to be 4.46 9 109 m3. The input from Iraq was 3.25 9 109 m3, while the water input from Iran and from precipitation was approximately 1.22 9 109 and 0.03 9 107 m3, respectively. The water discharge out of Al-Hawizeh was estimated to be 3.1 9 109 m3, while the water loss by evaporation and evapotranspiration was approximately 42.2 9 107 and 0.31 9 107 m3, respectively. However, the calculated WB has a dis-balance of 20.9% (0.94 9 109 m3) of the total inflow. Such difference was expected and it is usually normal, especially when calculating WBs of large natural aquatic systems such as Al-Hawizeh marshland (1,700 km2). In our case, the difference comes from the uncertainty of sediment infiltration or ground water exchange. The different seasonal dynamics of water inputs compared to the outflow

refers to changes in the volume of the hydrological system of the Al-Hawizeh suggesting that Al-Hawizeh is acting like a capacitor in electrical circuits being charged during some period and discharged during another. In addition, missing components such as the ground water discharge/recharge or sediment infiltration can cause dis-balance in the WB. Generally, water input was high from January to March 2007, and inputs exceeded losses from January to May (Fig. 2). There was a net loss of water from the marshes during most other months, but there was a positive water balance over the year. The largest water input was from the Al-Sannaf marsh, being 30% of the total. This input started quite abruptly in January and declined to zero between August 2006 and December 2006. The total annual water discharge from Al-Hawizeh marshland by the Al-Kassara and Al-Sweeb Rivers was estimated at *3.1 9 109 m3. The seasonal pattern of discharge reflected the highly variable input from the Al-Sannaf marsh. The Al-Sweeb River carried most (86%) of the output. The annual water loss by evaporation was 42.2 9 107 m3 (Fig. 2), *12% of the total annual water export from the AlHawizeh marshland.

80 60 40 20

80 60 40 20 0

0 M ay Jun Jul A ug Sep O ct N ov D ec Jan Feb M ar A pr

Mshereh Zubair Um Al-Toos Husachi Sannaf inlet Priciptation Karkheh

M a y Ju n Ju l A u g S e p O ct N o v D ec Jan F eb M a r A p r Kassara Suwayb Evaporation

Fig. 2 Monthly water inputs (rivers and precipitation) and water outputs (rivers and evaporation) for Al-Hawizeh marshland from May 2006 to April 2007 (Suwayb = Al-Sweeb)


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160 140

TN load (tons)

112 111 110 60 40

120 100 80 60 40




Ju n


ay 0 Ju 6 n 06 Ju l0 A 6 ug 0 Se 6 p 06 O ct 0 N 6 ov 0 D 6 ec 0 Ja 6 n 0 Fe 7 b 0 M 7 ar 07



06 Ju l0 6 A ug 06 Se p 06 O ct 06 N ov 06 D ec 06 Ja n 07 Fe b 07 M ar 07



TP load (tons)


Iraqi rivers Al-Sannaf marsh Al-Karkheh River precipitation

Fig. 3 P and N loads (tons) into Al-Hawizeh marshland

rainfall contributed 110.4, 8.0, and 0.1 tons of TP and 182, 27, and 0.3 tons of TN. Most (98% of the TP and 97% of the TN) of the nutrient load was from Iraq (Fig. 3). The seasonal load of TP and TN from the AlSannaf marsh was nearly 32 and 21% of the annual load, respectively, despite its highly seasonal flow. The Al-Karkheh River contributed approximately 3 and 2% of the annual TP and TN load. Despite the high concentrations of TP in the incoming waters (Table 1), the marshes and outlets had moderate concentrations, indicating a tendency of the marshes to retain P (Figs. 4, 5). On a monthly basis, the maximum net retention of TP was 103 tons in January 2007, while the maximum net release of TP was 109 tons in June 2006. The estimated annual net retention of TP was 128 tons. Most (58%) of the annual TP loading by the four Iraqi rivers was as DOP, while PO4-–P and PP comprised of 28 and 14% of the total. The export of P was even more dominated by DOP, with PP and PO4-–P together only comprising just over 10%. Within Al-Hawizeh marshland, average TP concentrations were relatively uniform (Figs. 4, 5) with Um Al-Warid being the only subsection that showed a markedly higher average TP. Similar to the averages for several other sub-marshes, this mean was highly influenced by high TP in January. Al-Udhaim, the submarsh that had not been dried, had the lowest average TP (Figs. 4, 5). Its TP maximum, 57.5 lg P l-1, occurred in July 2006. Despite its low TP values, PP was never a large fraction of TP (Figs. 4, 5).


Nonetheless, PO4-–P was undetectable at times in several of the marshes and DOP was as low as B1 lg l-1 in several marshes. In contrast to P, 237 tons more of TN were released from the Al-Hawizeh marshland than came in. On a monthly basis, the highest net export was in February 2007 (107 tons), while the highest net retention was in September 2006 and January 2007 (being 23 and 34 tons, respectively). Looking within Al-Hawizeh, high TN concentrations were found in the Majnoon marsh, adjacent to the outlet (Table 2; Fig. 5). Otherwise, TN concentrations in Al-Hawizeh are modest and comparable to the inflows. In contrast to TP, 63% of the TN load by the Iraqi rivers was particulate and only 13% was NO3–N (Table 2). Within the marsh, this trend continued with PN making up more than half of the TN, and NO3–N being a small fraction; as little as 1% on average in Majnoon marsh.

Discussion The Al-Hawizeh marshland is a pulse-driven ecosystem, receiving most of its water during the winter (Hussain, 1994). The largest pulse comes from the AlSannaf marsh, which is the largest water input even though the channels that deliver water to Al-Hawizeh are dry during the summer and fall (IMWR-CRIM, 2006). This causes some uncertainty in this budget, as the nutrient content of the water from the Al-Sannaf

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1.2–44.6 11.9 4.0–228.5 88.5 8.0–44.6 23.6 4.6–45.2 22.6 Number of samples per location (n) = 36

2.8–15.9 0.9–22.1 6.2 TN



0.3–117.8 16.9

6.6 3.9–95.8

0.1–5.6 1

55 6.4–32.9

2.0–8.3 4.1

15.9 2.5–29.5

2.7–25.6 8.1

15.9 1.4–6.8

0.5–13.4 3.4 3 TP


2 PN


0.2 \0.1–0.2 0.1



0.1–3.3 0.9 \0.1–0.2 0.2 0.3–3.9 1.2 0.3–1.9 1.1





14.9 0.1–5.4

\0.1–185.0 33.5

0.8 0.2–6.3

\0.1–20.6 4.5

1.5 0.1–22.1

\0.1–20.0 4.1


2.1 \0.1–20.5 3.7 DON


2.5 \0.1–18.3 2.8 DOP



\0.1–1.1 0.7

0 \0.1–3.3

0.1–11.6 2.5

0.6 0.1–1.3

0.2–6.2 2.6

0.6 0.1–2.1




\0.1–2.4 1 0.1–1.5 0.4


0.1 \0.1–0.3 0.1


0.1–2.0 1 \0.1–1.1 0.2 0.3–2.9 1.4 1.3–5.2 3 0.1–1.5

NO2-–N NO3-–N

0.7 0.1 PO4-–P

Range Average Average Range Average








Al-Sweeb Al-Kassara Al-Husachi Um Al-Toos Al-Zubair Al-Mshereh

Table 1 Average and range of P and N fractions (lg l-1) in the direct water input into Al-Hawizeh marshland from the Tigris River and the marshland outlets from May 2006 to April 2007


marsh was assumed to be the same as the Al-Mshereh River. Al-Hawizeh marshland appears to have stored P during the year of this study, while it exported N. Storage of P is expected in a riverine marsh where sediments can collect (Yanagi, 1999), especially given that this marsh is probably in a stage of biomass accrual following its desiccation (Richardson & Hussain, 2006). However, PP was a small fraction of both the load and the water column TP in the marshes, so perhaps the loss of P was due to biomass accrual rather than sedimentation of riverine suspended matter (Mitsch & Gosselink, 2000). Total N was low in the incoming rivers and in the marshes, only 2.6 times TP by weight or six times TP by moles. Therefore, it is not surprising that TN increased in the marshes so that export exceeded import. However, only Majnoon marsh, and to a lesser extent Lissan Ijerda marsh, showed elevated TN. This suggests that these marshes are sites of N-fixation, as has been observed in other marshes (Yan et al., 1999; Okbah, 2005). Only PON was elevated among the N fractions in Majnoon marsh, which is consistent with fixation (Elser et al., 2007). This marsh is very shallow and water movement can re-suspend the top sediment layer, so the fixation by benthic algae can contribute to pelagic PON (Mitsch & Gosselink, 2000) commonly attributed to phytoplankton. The relatively undisturbed Al Udhaim had low concentrations of both TN and TP, perhaps indicating that this is the normal state of the marshes and that restoration of the marshes over time will establish this condition throughout. This would lead to diminished nutrient export (Al-Yamani et al., 2007), especially N export, from the marsh relative to what was observed in 2006 and 2007. Given that the P and N budgets are directly based on the WB, seasonal retention, and release of these elements are highly dependent on the hydrological phase in this pulse-driven ecosystem. On the other hand, the seasonal variation of P and N fractions in the sub-marshes can be to a certain degree associated to the north to south gradient in chemical and biological processes occurring in the Al-Hawizeh. Annual budgets show more the enduring effect of the marshland to bind nutrients even despite the possible year-to-year changes and the 21% of disbalance in the WB. The high retention of DIP and DIN show the importance of the ecological functioning of the intact march system in protecting the downstream areas from excess nutrient loads.


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Fig. 4 Phosphorus and Nitrogen transport net (tons) from Al-Hawizeh marshland by components

Fig. 5 The flow-weighted concentrations (lg l-1) of TP, NO3–N and TN rivers flowing into and out of Al-Hawizeh marshland, and average annual concentrations in the selected marshes

Conclusions Estimating P and N budgets helped to describe the ecological function and determined the importance of Al-Hawizeh marshland as a source for N and sink for


P. Since wetlands can be a source for one fraction of nutrients and sink for other fractions, investigating different fractions of P and N in this study helped to understand the role of the marshland in transformation, storage, and release of P and N fractions. Al-

Author's personal copy Hydrobiologia Table 2 Annual average and range of P and N fractions (lg l-1) in the eight marshes within Al-Hawizeh marshland from May 2006 to April 2007 Al-Udhaim Average


Al-Souda north

Um Al-Niaaj




Um Al-Warid Range






























































8.5 129.5

1.1–16.1 31.0–230.0



















Al-Souda south





Lissan Ijerda Range


Majnoon Range



PO4-–P NO2-–N

4.7 1.6

1.5–10.8 \0.1–7.0

4.6 2.0

2.6–8.0 \0.1–13.8

4.4 1.6

2.2–7.6 0.1–8.9

4.7 2.5

2.1–7.2 \0.1–10.2
































































Number of samples per location (n) = 36

Hawizeh proved to be a sink for DIN and source for DON and PN. In addition, the flow-weighted diagrams of TN and TP concentrations indicated an increase in TP and TN within the sub-marshes in the south of AlHawizeh compared to the sub-marshes in the north; however, the final export loading of TP and TN out of Al-Hawizeh shows that the high TP amount in the southern sub-marshes are consumed within the system in comparison to TN. Drying of the Mesopotamian marshlands eliminates their important ecological function of enhancing the water quality of the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers before their confluence downstream to Shatt Al-Arab River which enters the Arabian Gulf; however, the nutrient-retaining function of the marshlands recovered after re-flooding. Acknowledgments This research was supported by the Canadian International Development Agency. The researchers

wish to acknowledge the Marine Science Center, University of Basra for providing the laboratory facilities.

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